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    • 1、Unit 23 Conflict Section Language Awareness 8,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board.单词拼写(根据汉语提示写出单词)1. The little boy was_(欺负) by the older boys at school.答案:bullied2During the Expo,I saw many people from _ (不同的) cultures.答案:diverse3I found it hard to _(认同) with any of the characters in the film.答案:identify4Their main _ (忧虑) is that they are not receiving enough money.答案:concern.单句语法填空1To travel to the United States,you must first apply_the American Embassy _your visa.答案:to;for2He didnt make_ clear wh

      2、en and where the meeting would be held.答案:it3(上海高考改编)I had great difficulty_(find) the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.答案:finding4She will have to adjust _to the new condition.答案:herself5They are subjects as_(diversity) as pop music and archeology.答案:diverse6(天津高考改编) On her next birthday,Ann_(be) married for twenty years.答案:will have been7(新课标全国卷改编) They_ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.答案:should 8The boss told his secretary_for making private telephone calls

      3、from the office.答案:off.完成句子1我觉得旅行时弄一张地图很有必要。(find宾语宾补)I_get a map when travelling.答案:found it necessary to2我费了好大的劲才找到他的家。(have difficulty (in) doing sth.)I_his home.答案:had much difficulty in finding3到明天这个时候,你将已经到上海了 。(will have done)You_Shanghai by this time tomorrow.答案:will have reached4吉姆又一次上班迟到了,受到了主任的训斥。(tell sb.off)The director_for his being late for work again.答案:told Jim off5对大学生来说,掌握几门外语是很重要的。(be of名词)It_for college students to master seveal foreign languages.答案:is of great importance.完形

      4、填空Two men on a touring holiday were injured by an explosion in their motor van (面包车) yesterday.Shoppers,traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street were_1_by a loud bang,and seconds later the two men jumped over from the van,which had stopped outside Barclays Bank.Several people rushed to give_2_and helped to put out the fire_3_the van.A light American truck changed the_4_to provide living accommodation room (躺的地方),_5_firemen arrived.The men,Mr Cary House,who was driving,and his_6_Mr Charlie Lynn

      5、were taken to hospital with slight_7_.They were allowed to leave after_8_.“I heard this explosion.It was_9_loud.I thought it could have been a(n)_10_.”said Mr Leslie Webster,manager of the market,who was working in his office in Red Lion Street.“I looked out of the window and saw this lad jump from the van and_11_on the ground.Then another lad came out of the van.He seemed to be in a_12_stateparts of his trousers were hanging below his knees.”“I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher (灭火器),b

      6、ut_13_the time I got outside someone from the bank was in the_14_with an extinguisher.”Mr Webster said both men were shocked.One was taken into the markets office to wait for a(n)_15_.“The second man_16_going back into the van to see if everything was_17_,and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was blazing (burning)” he added._18_inside the van was mainly superficial (表面的),_19_a plastic window was blown out.The two men have spent the last six months_20_.At the time of the incident

      7、their wives were shopping in the city.语篇解读文章讲述了两个人在旅行中,车子发生了事故,引起了火灾。具体描述了救人救火的场面。1A.disappointed BexcitedCfrightened Dshocked解析:因为巨大的爆炸声是突如其来的,所以街上的人感到“震惊”。答案:D2A.call BwarningCreport Dassistance解析:give assistance意思是offer help,根据空格后的help不难选定。答案:D3A.inside Boutside CaroundDtowards解析:火应该是车内的爆炸产生的,所以用inside。答案:A4A.plan Bmind Cdirection Dnature解析:上面提到了众人的帮助,所以此刻一辆卡车也改变了“方向”,以便为他们提供一些方便。卡车是无生命的事物,故不能选用另三个选项。答案:C5A.after Bbefore Cwhen Duntil解析:卡车加入救助时,消防队员显然还没有到。答案:B6A.wife Bpassenger Cvisitor Dguest

      8、解析:passenger是“乘客”,而guest是“客人”在车上的人应是乘客。答案:B7A.wounds Bsickness Cburns Dhurts解析:因为火引起的,所以是灼伤“burn”。答案:C8A.operation BtreatmentCrecovery Dexamination解析:因为伤比较轻微,所以经简单“治疗”后可以离开医院。答案:B9A.much Bpretty CusuallyDactually解析:pretty在此处为副词,相当于very。从前面的a loud bang和人们纷纷循声涌向面包车来看,爆炸声“很”大。答案:B10A.bomb Bfire Ctruck Daccident解析:事故是肯定的,不必猜测,根据巨大的响声,猜测发生了爆炸应是合理的。答案:A11A.lie Bdie Croll Dfall解析:在地上“滚”是为了扑灭身上的火。答案:C12A.good Bpoor Ceasier Dworse解析:下面提到裤子烧掉了一截,所以情况好像比前一位更糟糕一些。答案:D13A.at Bfor Cafter Dby解析:by the time意为“到时候为止”。从后面已有人携带灭火器到了车上,可以得出该答案。答案:D14A.van Boffice Cmarket Droom解析:火主要在车内燃烧,故救火人到了“车”内。答案:A15A.rescue BdoctorCfirefighter Dambulance解析:受伤的人等“救护车”救护,合乎常情。答案:D16A.kept on Binsisted onCcared for Dgave up解析:A、D不符合事实,C不合乎词的用法。答案:B17A.in order Bin allCall right Dall over解析:all right相当与OK。进入车内的目的应该是为了看看物品是


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