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安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:默西****守候
  • 文档编号:74947560
  • 上传时间:2019-01-30
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:25.23KB
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    • 1、 Research Proposal TitleExploring Inclusive Strategies for Children with Asperger Syndrome in Mainstream Schools: The Case of China Introduction Asperger Syndrome (AS) is known as one of the most common autism spectrum disorders (ASD) characterised by impairments in socialization, communication and behaviour (Linn and Myles, 2004, pp.3). Studies carried out in Europe indicated that the prevalence of AS ranged as high as 48.4 per 10,000 children (Fombonne and Tidmarsh, 2003, pp.17-18), suggesting

      2、 that schools can encounter children diagnosed with AS (Bauer, 1996). As a matter of fact, students with AS are not uncommon in regular school environments (Goble, 1995; Bauer, 1996), they present a challenge for teachers who wish to develop inclusion strategies for them in mainstream classrooms (Horrocks et al., 2008, pp.102). In China, children with disabilities used to be removed from the regular educational system (Deng et al., 2001). While the practice has started to change after the implem

      3、entation of Suiban Jiudu Policy (i.e. learning in regular classrooms), schools may still reluctant to recruit disabled students including those with AS (Sun et al., 2013, pp.87), because they are lack of confidence in supporting students with physical or mental challenges (Tougher, 2012, pp.17-20), and in addition the policy newly introduced is not mandatory (Huang and Wheeler, 2007). As a consequence, many children with AS in China cannot get into ordinary schools (Sun et al., 2013, pp.89). Thi

      4、s research project will probe into inclusion strategies for teachers in mainstream schools with a hope that it will help children with AS in China. Aim and Objectives To assist Chinese mainstream teachers to develop strategies for the inclusion of students with AS, this study is designed to explore the educational options in relation to including children with AS. In particular, the study has the following objectives: (I) To provide an overview of classroom strategies for including students with

      5、 AS found in literature; (II) To explore Chinese teachers perspectives on inclusive education for students with AS suffered; (III) To determine what strategies teachers use to support children with AS are effective in mainstream classrooms in China. The result of the study could be valuable to Chinese mainstream teachers in developing best practice for inclusive classrooms and benefit children with AS in China.Research Questions Four research questions are created as follows: Question (1): Accor

      6、ding to research result, is the literature-based inclusive pedagogy practical to achieve for students with AS who often require special attention to address behavioural issues? Question (2): With the example of children with AS, how mainstream teachers perceive the implementation of inclusive education policy in China? Question (3) How the needs of children with AS in China are met within regular classroom settings? Question (4): What strategies are identified by Chinese mainstream teachers as s

      7、uccessful in supporting students with AS?Preliminary Literature Review Asperger Syndrome (AS) simply refers to a developmental disability featured by varying degree of impairments in social relationships, communication skills and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour (CDC, 2018). While the cause of AS is not identified, genetic and environmental factors are believed to play roles in the pathogenesis of the disease (Schnur, 2005). In accordance with the inclusive education policy promot

      8、ed by Chinese government, students with AS (and other disabilities) are allowed to enrol in regular classroom settings, which provide them convenience to study within their neighbourhood rather than have to attend special schools (Westwood and Graham, 2003). In fact, studying in mainstream classes provide an opportunity for children with AS to increase and optimize their engagement through socializing with other students (Tougher, 2012, pp.19). Nevertheless, including students with AS in regular

      9、 schools is challenging (Lindsay et al., 2014), given that such a group of students has additional needs in classrooms and requires special accommodation made to classroom routines that can enable them to feel comfortable and safe in mainstream classroom environments (Betts et al., 2007, pp.13). On the other hand, although children with AS often have normal or above average intelligence (Attwood, 2006), they confront many difficulties in classrooms, including an inability to tolerate frustration, difficulty in dealing with routine changes, incapability of making friends, poor concentration and sensory problems (Myles et al., 2005, pp.7). Therefore, it is critical for teachers to well understand the characteristics of students with AS and the needs of this particular group in order to develop effective strategies in pedagogy, behaviour control, buildi


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