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Unit2 Growing pains-Welcome to the unit(译林牛津版高一英语必修一)

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:56900328
  • 上传时间:2018-10-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:6.36MB
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    • 1、Watch an MTV,我想更懂你 play,Gap,Unit2 Growing pains,Look at the family photo and answer:,Main characters in Growing Pains,Who are they?,What do you know about the famous TV show?,Popular during the 1960s & 1970s in America.About family problems.,Mike Seaver,Carol Seaver,Maggie Seaver,Dr. Jason Seaver,Ben Seaver,Discussion:,Think of unpleasant experience with your parents or growing pains in your life.Make a list of things you like (hate) while your parents hate (like).,Pop music,R&B,Street dance,Thi

      2、ngs I like while my parents hate:,Pop stars,Activities my parents like while I hate.,Old songs,Generation gap,Growing pains,Computer games,Go shopping,doing housework,Chat on line,Comic books,Study all the time,Attending classes in holidays,PICTURE 1:,What does the boy do? What is the mother doing? How is she probably feeling? What feelings may the boy have? He turns up his radio too loud. She is shouting at him. Angry. Embarrassed/sorry.,8,Picture 2:,What happens to the girl with a bag? What di

      3、d her parents ask her to do? What feelings may the girl have?,9,Picture 3:,Why are the boys and girls around the pretty lady? What does the girl want to do? Is she allowed to do so? Why or why not? What feelings may the girl have? They are asking her for her signature(签名).,10,Picture 4:,What is the boy doing? Did the boy do well in his exams? How does his mother feel about this score? What feelings may the boy have?,11,Think about the question:,When you have a problem and want to talk to somebod

      4、y, who do you choose to talk to? Friends Parents or family members Teachers Others,12,Why dont you first choose your parents to talk to?,Further discussion:,What do you do when you have family arguments with your parents?,Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If so, what is the best way to solve the problem?,Communication,Do spend some time talking with your parents, and you will find your parents have the same interests as you.,When your parents dont understand yo

      5、u, please try to think from the angles(角度) of your parents.,Because,Your parents truly love you!,You will become parents one day!,Bridge,Grow up without pains but happiness,18,turn up,vt.增强, 把开大一点 Turn the radio up a little.使某人作呕/难受The girls poor life turns me up.vi.到达,出现,露面,发生翻译:他昨天没出现在会场上 .,Language points,He didnt turn up at the meeting last night .turn on开 turn off关 turn down调小/低,拒绝 turn around 转过身 turn in 上交,交回 turn away不理,撵走 turn out 生产,出来,结果 是,Waste 的常见用法,1.Its a waste ofdoing sth.做某事是对的浪费.翻译:再等下去是浪费时间. 2.waste on/over sth. 在某事上浪费翻译:她在那些书上浪费了太多钱.3.waste (in) doing sth. 浪费做某事翻译:她浪费了太多钱买那些书.,再等下去是浪费时间. Its a waste of time waiting any longer.她在那些书上浪费了太多钱.She wasted too much money on those books.,Thank you!,Homework:,Review words and expressions. Preview the Reading part.,Thanks for your co-operation!,HAVE A GOOD TIME,25,Good parents in your eyes should be:,Kind Humorous Loving Strict Open-minded,Fair Patient Learned Helpful Understanding Forgiving,26,

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