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必修3 Unit 3高考一轮复习

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
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  • 上传时间:2018-08-16
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    • 1、Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note第一板块块 重点单词单词1. scene n. (戏剧戏剧 )一场场; 现场现场 ; 场场面; 景色on the scene 在现场现场behind the scenes在幕后appear/come on the scene出场场【即时训练时训练 】完成句子(2016全国卷)Come and see Gee Whizz perform. Hes the funniest stand-up comedian _. 来看Gee Whizz的喜剧剧表演吧。他是喜剧剧舞台上最滑稽的独角滑稽秀演员员。on the comedysceneAt the end of the story, my mind continued _ of reunion, on and on, until my own lost dog and I were, in my mind, running together. 在故事的结结尾, 我的脑脑海中一直不断地呈现团圆现团圆 的最后一幕, 直到我丢丢失的狗和我一起奔跑。the finalsceneOur r

      2、eporter was the first person _. 我们们的记记者是第一个赶到事发现场发现场 的。He was an important man _in the play. 他是这这出戏戏里的一个重要幕后人物。on the scenebehind the scenes2. permit vt. 允许许; 准许许n. 通行证证; 许许可证证; 执执照(1) 允许许某人(做)某事permit doing sth. 允许许做某事permit of容许许(常用于否定句)permit sb.sth.permit sb.to do sth. (2)permissionn. U允许许; 许许可with/without ones permission获获取某人同意/没有获获得某人许许可ask ones permission征得某人许许可【即时训练时训练 】单单句语语法填空Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted _(cook)in the kitchen. There is a wide road

      3、leading through the park, but nobody _(permit)to walk on the road. They entered the area without _(permit). to cookis permittedpermission3. account vi. 说说明; 总计总计 有n. 说说明; 理由; 计计算; 账账目; 报报告an account of sth. 关于的报报告take. . . into account(=take. . . into consideration)把考虑虑在内take account of 考虑虑account for作出解释释/说说明; (数量上)占open a bank account开设银设银 行账户账户on account of由于; 因为为on no account决不(位于句首用倒装)【即时训练时训练 】介词词填空A politician may read an account _ his latest successful public meeting, not for its delayed

      4、 reward. Many world-famous structures such as the Chicago Art Institute and the Statue of Liberty account _it. offorWhen judging his performance, dont take his age _ account. We delayed our departure _ account of the bad weather. We must take account _ the patients age. intoonof4. contrary n. 反面; 对对立面 adj. 相反的; 相违违的on the contrary 正好相反, 与此相反contrary to与相反【即时训练时训练 】完成句子_, those who let teenagers experience the consequences of their actions can do better. 恰好相反, 那些让让孩子感受到自己的行为产为产 生的后果的会做得更好。On the

      5、contrary_his parents advice, he dropped his study and went to sea. 他不顾顾父母的劝劝告, 放弃了学业业, 当水手去了。Contrary to5. seek vt. 探索; 寻寻求seek for 寻寻求; 寻寻找seek after追求seek to do sth. 试图试图 去做某事seek out找出seek ones/a fortune追求财财富; 碰运气【即时训练时训练 】单单句语语法填空(2016四川高考)Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking _your dreams. When we go to change the way we do things, up come the old patterns and pitfalls(陷阱)that stopped us from _(seek)what we wanted in the first place. afterseeking

      6、第二板块块 常考短语语句式1. bring up抚抚养; 培养; 教育; 提出; 呕吐【即时训练时训练 】用合适的介词词或副词词填空The Smiths are praised for the way they bring _ their children. Can you bring _ any proof? That song always brings _ memories of school. upforwardback2. go ahead前进进; (用于祈使句)可以; 往下说说(做); 行, 可以; 去吧go along 继续继续 ; 进进展; 发发展go after追求go by逝去; 遵循go against反抗; 与相背; 违违反go on发发生; 继续继续 下去【即时训练时训练 】写出黑体部分的含义义(2016天津高考)I doubted it, but let him go ahead, for I had nothing to lose. ( )Could I use this dictionary? Just go ahead. Its a spare one

      7、. ( )往下做用吧I probably shouldnt have any more cake. Oh, go ahead. It wont kill you. ( )Though Diana met with the language barrier, she was always going ahead while at college. ( )Dont do anything that should go against his will. ( )吃点吧领领先违违背3. take a chance冒险险; 试图试图 做某事; 碰运气(1)take a chance = take ones chance/take chances碰运气 (2)by chance = by accident偶然; 碰巧(3)(The)chance is/(The)chances are that. . . 有可能There is a chance that . . . 可能(4)have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事【即时训练时训练 】完成句子(2016江苏苏高考)She h

      8、as a mental toughness that did not come about _. 她意志力坚坚定, 这这不是偶然发发生的。After careful thought, he decided to _. 仔细细思考之后, 他决定碰碰运气。by chancetake a chance(2016四川高考)Chinese scientists recently _study a wild female panda with a newborn baby. 中国的科学家们们近来有机会研究一个带带着新生儿的野生母大熊猫。had achance to4. The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. 第二天早上, 我正感到绝绝望的时时候, 一艘船发现发现 了我。(1)had just done . . . when . . . 刚刚做完这时这时 ; when在这这个结结构中为为并列连词连词 , 相当于and then或and just at that time

      9、。(2)其他结结构相同的句型还还有: be doing. . . when. . . 正在做这时这时 /突然be about to do. . . when. . . 正要做这时这时 be on the point of doing. . . when. . . 正要做这时这时【即时训练时训练 】完成句子One day, the cow was eating grass _ heavily. 一天, 牛正在吃草的时时候突然下起了大雨。I _when the telephone rang. 我刚刚上床睡觉觉, 这时电话这时电话 响了。when it began torainhad just gone to bed5. Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried outto sea by a strong wind. 嗯嗯, 傍晚时时分我发现发现 自己被一阵阵大风风刮到海上去了。(1)此句中使用了“find sb. /sth. +过过去分词词”结结构, 表示“发现发现 被”, 过过去分词词在句中作宾语补宾语补 足语语。(2)find后可接动词动词 的现现在分词词作宾语补宾语补 足语语, 表示主动动或正在进进行; 也可接形容词词、名词词、介词词短语语等作宾语补宾语补 足语语, 表示主动动。(3)可用于这这种结结构的动词还动词

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