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    • 1、Book V (第二版)新编大学英语第 5 册测试练习一 Quiz 1(V)1 - 1Key to Quiz 1 (Book V):Part I 1-10 ADCBD ABCAC Part II 11. haunted 12. Presently 13. Cautious 14. hang up 15. appraise 16.glare 17. detected 18.imposing 19. scarely 20. drained Part III 21. appeared to take great pleasure22. It seemed to happen in a flash23. he paid off the loan from bank24.had to resign himself to another half an hour to clean the swimming pool25. pulled on a pair of gloves Part IV 26-35 ACADC BDACB 36-45 CDBCA ACBDB Part V 46.B 47. C

      2、48. D 49A 50. had given him the details 51. she lives alone and she keeps a large sum of money and jewels 52.tracking her arrival and departure times with Al 53. 60 minutes 54. the dead woman opened the door and stepped into the door 55. her twin sisterKey to Quiz 2 (Book V):Part I 1-10 BACBD ACBAB Part II 11. insecurity 12. masculinity 13. dessert 14. on the wane 15. fragile 16. consulted 17. outlive 18.feminist 19. awkward 20.alternate Part III 21. Lets just play it by ear 22. Something urgent

      3、 has come up 23. take the initiative in marking acquaintances 24. out of step with modern life 25. he has the right to sit back Part IV 26. extinctionextinct 27.ruderuder 28. out 后面加 of 29. whichwhere 30. heldhold 31. conductingconducted 32. thatwhat 33.people 后面加 less 34.who 后面加 were 35. employersemployees Part V 36. C 37. D 38. D 39. C 40.B Key to Quiz 3 (Book V):Part I 1-10 BDABC ACDCB Part II 11. chaotic 12. successor 13. recruitment 14. conservative Book V (第二版)新编大学英语第 5 册测试练习一 Quiz 1(V)1 -

      4、 215.unanimous 16.eligible 17.speculate 18. Industrious 19. hospitable 20.negotiate Part III 21. Spell out my reasons for leaving now22. what other suppliers the prospective customers will consider23. Wearing fashionable clothes might give us more confidence24. took into account that Mike had never lied before25. the cost of living to come down Part IV 26. Hard work was to be esteemed27. Gentlemen of leisure28. The Japanese29. the idea of innate ability30. Because we often tell them it isnt Part

      5、 V 31. A 32. C 33.B 34. A 35. their independent career decisions 36. new and old graduates 37. select their own lifestyles 38. funds and equipment 39.500 young workers centers40. a vocation scholarship system Key to Quiz 4 (Book V):Part I 1-10 BDACBCDABA Part II ponent 12.betray 13.adolescence 14.disintegrate 15.forge 16.alleviate 17.deteriorate 18.inherent 19.dormant 20.terminate Part III 21.dont bottle it up22.they find fewer people with whom they confide23.In contrast with your belief that we

      6、ll fail24.This is an irreconcilable conflict25.the meeting is tentatively scheduled to be hold on Tuesday Part IV 26-35 DACDC ABCAD 36-45 DBCDA BADCD Part V 36-40 ABDCDKey to Quiz 5 (Book V):Part I 1-10 BACADCDBBA Part II 11. compromised 12. transcends 13. Stumbling block 14. multiple 15. Inquiry 16. byproduct 17. Aside from 18. mistreatment 19. virtuous 20. In short Part III 21. recovered its moraleBook V (第二版)新编大学英语第 5 册测试练习一 Quiz 1(V)1 - 322. seemed to miss the point of it23. Guilt and fear o

      7、ften afflict24. can you equate his poems with his plays25. get custody of her children Part IV 26. Mastery and Pleasure27. The “doing” side of life, to work and activity. “ 28. The feeling side of life 29. enhance her well-being. 30. mastery Part V 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. Denmark 36. federalism and direct democracy 37. Nineteen Eighty-four 38. give the directions 39. the inhabitants are conditioned to enjoy their existence 40. squalor, suicides and other tragedies Key to Quiz 6 (Book V):Part

      8、 I 1-10 DABCB CADBC Part II 11. alleged 12. embrace 13. momentarily 14. testified 15. compassion 16. dispensable 17. exclusive 18. foresight 19. recycle 20. patriotic Part III 21. they have cut down on expenses 22. He burst into laughter all of a sudden. 23. His laziness will weigh against him 24. Dont take my criticism to heart 25. The figures ran up to $ 50,000 Part IV 26. extremeextremely 27. promotepromoting 28. ahead 后面加 of 29. instead 后面加 of 30. withwithout 31. advanceadvanced 32. fact 后面 is 去掉 33. away 去掉 34. the 后面加 more 35. screenscreening Part V 36. B 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. the happier/ the more successful 41. both his business and marriage 42. respect and results43. Working together we can do it.44. Supportive type 45. Cautious typeKey to Quiz 7 (Book V):Book V (第二版)新编大学英语第 5 册测试练习一 Quiz 1(V)1 - 4Part I 1-10 ADACB CDABD Part II 11. co


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