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    • 1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文SC房地产企业转型时期发展战略研究姓名:杨艳娟申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:孟宪忠20060611SC 房地产企业转型时期发展战略研究 摘 要 借助宏观经济的“加快改革开放建设步伐”的大环境,在本世纪初,中国房地产市场进入了快速扩张期。同时,随着宏观调控政策推进,大型房地产企业、 尤其是中央的品牌影响力将在未来几年将迅速增大。 2004年6月、2005年10月,国家有关部门先后圈定了十三家主营业务为房地产业的中央企业,共有191家达1800亿元房地产公司的资金,将被这13家企业整合;这表明随着市场的推进和企业整合力度的将强,2006年国内开发商的淘汰力度将加大,竞争日益激烈、品牌效应日趋凸现的市场环境对于中小型房地产企业的生存和发展带来了严峻的考验。 在此大环境下,不少中小型企业纷纷进行了战略调整以维持企业的正常运转,其中,成品房业务在我国房地产市场中是一个值得重点关注的转移方向。将成品房(即全装修住宅)出售给消费者,已成为房地产市场的大趋势。住宅装修已成为全面建设小康社会的重要内容,是改善人民居住环境质量的根本途径,是实现住宅产业现代化的重要切入点

      2、。经济比较发达的北京、上海、广东等地的全装修住宅在市场上的份额逐步加大,上海、北京的中高档住宅中全装修住宅估计已接近25%,出现了一批像奥林匹克房地产开发公司、上海仁恒房地产开发公司、上海珠江房地产公司这样专建全装修住宅的开发公司,成为市场竞争中的强者。 本文以上海一家中小型房地产企业作为研究对象,以探讨该企业核心能力为主线,对于企业所面临的市场发展、行业背景、资源现状等按组织内外部和主客观两个层面进行了深入剖析和探讨,提出了该企业在新发展时期的战略定位、发展战略和战略规划实施方案,通过对成品房整合服务等业务展开具体阐述,试图基于当前我国房地产业面临的宏观大势对中小型房地产企业的发展前景和战略规划提出针对性的对策和建议。 本文的主要内容由以下六部分组成:我国房地产业的发展历史、现状及分析;上海区域房地产业的环境剖析与走势预测;竞争环境分析;上海 SC 房地产企业简介及内部环境分析;上海 SC 房地产企业战略目标和战略发展规划;上海 SC 房地产企业战略实施。 关键字:房地产、宏观调控、发展战略、整合服务 THE RESEARCH OF DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES DU

      3、RING PERIOD OF SC REAL ESTATE CORPORATION ABSTRACT Through great environment that “Speeds up the reform and open policy construction step“ of macro-economy, in the beginning of this century, the Chinese real estate market entered into a fast expansion time. At the same time, along -with the policy advancement, the brand influence of large-scale real estate enterprises, especially central government, will increase rapidly in the following several years. In June 2004 and Oct.2005, the national dep

      4、artments concerned had successively selected 13 central enterprises which will specialize in the real estate, the fund of 191 real estate firms, 180 billion Yuan, will be combined by these 13 enterprises; This indicates that with the promotion of the market and the strengthen of enterprises combination, the market environment in 2006, where the elimination of domestic developers is strengthened, competition is much more fierce and the brand effect shows up day by day, will bring the severe tests

      5、 to the medium and small-scale real estate enterprises existence. In such great environment, in order to maintain the normal operation of the enterprise, many medium and small-scale enterprises have carried on strategical readjustment one after another, among them; the business of finished room is one transformation direction in market of Chinese real estate that deserves key concerning. Sells the finished room (i.e. fitted-up house) to the consumer, has become the main trend of the real estate

      6、market already. Fitting up of the house have become an important content in the process of building the well-off society in an all-around way, it is also a basic route to improve the quality of peoples inhabit environmental, and become an important breakthrough point to realize the modernized industry of the house as well. The share of the fitted-up house on the market is expanded progressively in developed economy regions, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong. According to the estimation, th

      7、e proportion of fitted up house in medium and high grade house has already been closed to 25% in Beijing and Shanghai, a lot of developing companies that specialize in fitting up the house has appeared, such as Olympic real estate developing company, Shanghai Renheng real estate developing company, and Pearl River real estate developing company, and they become the powerhouses during the competition. This text takes a medium and small-scale real estate enterprise in Shanghai as the research obje

      8、ct, regards the approaching the core ability of this enterprise as the clue. As to the questions that this enterprise faced to, such as market development, trade background, and the current situation of resources, etc, the author discuss thoroughly in two aspects, one is inside and outside of the organization, the other is subjective and objective aspect, the text also proposed the proper market position, the development strategies and the strategical planning of this enterprise in new developin

      9、g period. Through the concrete interpretation of the businesses such as “finished room“, “develop without land“, the author attempt to propose countermeasures and suggestions of development prospects and strategical planning to the medium and small-scale real estate enterprises in such macroscopical trend that the Chinese real estate faced to at present. The main content herein is made up of six parts: Developing history, current situation and macroscopical environment faced at present of the real estate of our country, The environment analysis of the regional real estate of Shanghai and trend prediction, Environmental analysis of the competition, analysis of inside environment of Shanghai SC real estate enterprises, Enterprises strategic objective and strategic development plan of Shanghai SC real estate enterprises, Enterprises business and concrete measure up of Shanghai SC real estate makes, Strategic countermeasures in the face of the present development trend of real estate


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