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    • 1、沈阳师范大学硕士学位论文论教学规范的习俗化姓名:卢伟申请学位级别:硕士专业:教育经济与管理指导教师:周润智20090430论教学规范的习俗化 I中 文 摘 要 现代学校制度的建立在客观上要求我们必须全面审视、 改革传统的教学规范 及其习俗,建立与之相符的教学规范,并实现其习俗化发展。全面把握学校教 学规范习俗化是变革传统学校制度和建立现代学校制度的重要思想基础。 本文 按照什么是教学规范、为什么是教学规范习俗化、教学规范习俗化的来源、教 学规范习俗化何以形成、教学规范习俗化的最终表征及结论等 6个层面进行逻 辑架构与系统地论述。 鉴于教学规范对于教学活动作用和价值,本文首先对教学规范概念、教学规 范特征的进行了界定,并借鉴文化划分的方法论将教学规范划分为物质、制度、 精神 3个层面,制度、组织、学科、意识、事务和物质 6种具体表现形态,旨 在为教学规范的深入研究提供逻辑铺垫。 教学规范习俗化是指教师、学生以及 学校管理人员在学校制度、纪律、规则和群体环境的影响下,不断实现教学要 求的统合与内化,最终在观念、意识、行为等方面达至高度程式化和惯常化的 变化过程。教学规范作为一定时空条件下规

      2、范教学活动的一种制度存在,因其 自身局限无法充分发挥其应有效能和独立完成教学秩序和现代学校制度建构之 重任,笔者将协调行为和秩序重要介质和维度习俗引入其中,系统论述了 教学规范习俗化对于教学规范效能发挥和教学秩序和现代学校制度建设的必要 性和可行性,全面回答了教学规范习俗化的缘由。国家意志、专业研究、传统 规则和群体、个体意识是教学规范习俗化的主要来源。教化、驯化和习化是教 学规范习俗化的三种重要的形成机制。教化以内化于知 统一价值统一 思维为基本程式,以“人化”与“化人”相统一、对异在物的同化和疏离互成、 精神塑造中的情理互渗为作用机理,在教学规范习俗化中发挥着不可替代的作 用。驯化以中化于志 统一情感 强制心智为基本程式。以外在直接压力 与间接压力为主,以驯化对象的情感体验为补充的多因素共同作用且情理互渗 的方式为作用机理,在教学规范习俗化中发挥着重要作用。习化以外化于行 机械认同改变人的行为机制、培养人的行为习惯和职业素养是习俗化的 基本程式。以强化内化习化为作用机理。全面把握习化不仅有利于我们全 面认识和理解教学规范习俗化的形成机制对于管理目标的顺利实现和管理效能 的提高具有着

      3、重要作用。教学规范习俗化最终主要体现在教师、学生和学校管 理工作者对教学目标、教学内容、教学方法和教学评价认识程式化和行为惯常 化 4个方面。 基于以上综合的分析,文章进行了小结。教学规范的习俗化作为变革传统 学校制度和建立现代学校制度的重要思想基础和现代学校制度建设社会学进 路,必须对其作用全过程给予全面把握,坚持基于习俗和习俗化的统一、主体 世界与活动要素的统一、共性与个性的统一,工具价值与人文价值的统一的总 体原则,以发挥其正向功能,克服其负向功能,从而为变革现代学校制度提供 了一个新的路径和理论参照。 关键词:教学规范, 教学规范习俗化, 来源, 形成机制,表现形式 论教学规范的习俗化 IIAbstract The foundation of modern school system demands that we must comprehensively speculate and transform the traditional teaching rules and its customs, in accordance with which we also should

      4、establish the teaching rules, and realize the development of its customs. Comprehensively grasping the conventionalization of the rules for instruction is the essential ideological foundation for transforming the traditional school system and establishing modern school system. This paper discusses the Logical structure and system based on the six aspects , such as what the teaching rules and the conventionalization of the rules for instruction are, why the rules are conventionalized, where it or

      5、iginate form, how they form, and what the features and conclusions are. Owing to teaching rules function and value on the teaching activities, the author firstly defined the concept of the teaching rules, and its features. Under the teaching methodology of the cultural forms, I divided it into the three levels- material, system, the spirit; six specific patterns- system, organization, subjects, awareness, services and material, which aims at providing logical bedding for the further research of

      6、the teaching rules. Conventionalization of the rules for instruction is a process in which teachers, students and school administrators, under the influence of school regulation, discipline and group environment, sustainable carry out an instruction- demanding integration and internalization, and ultimately achieve a high degree of modality and usualness in concepts, awareness, behavior. Conventionalization of the rules for instruction, as a system existence of regulating the teaching process, i

      7、s unable to function and achieve independently its teaching disciplines and modern school system construction. The author will coordinate the essential medium and width of behaviors and disciplines, that is, bring in the customs, systematically discuss the necessity and feasibility of its function, and respond comprehensively why the teaching rules must be conventionalized. The will of the state, professional research, the traditional rules and group norms of individual consciousness is the teac

      8、hing practices of a major source. Education, acclimation and learning are the formation of customary norms of the teaching of the three important mechanisms. The knowledge of education the unity of value - unity of thinking as the basic 论教学规范的习俗化 IIIprogram, in order to “man“ and “human“ unity of differences in the structures of assimilation and alienation into each other, the spirit of reasonable shape for the role of Infiltration mechanism of normative practices in teaching plays an irreplacea

      9、ble role. Of domestication in the chi - a unified emotional - mental mandatory basic program is domesticated. Of learning outside of the line - mechanical agree - to change the mechanism of human behavior, the behavior of cultured human habits and practices of professionalism is the basic program. To strengthen - internalization - study into the mechanism. A comprehensive grasp of learning is not only conducive to a comprehensive awareness and understanding of our normative practices of teaching mechanism for the formation of the smooth realization of management objectives, but also plays an important role in the management of performance improvement. Customary norms of the teaching performance of the day- to- day mainly reflects four aspects in the form of teachers, students and school management workers on the teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching evaluation and behavior of the usual understanding. Taking into account all


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