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    • 1、 20182018 广东学位英语真题答案解析(完整版)广东学位英语真题答案解析(完整版)PartPart I I DialogueDialogue completioncompletion (15(15 points)points)DirectionsDirections: there are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one that best completes the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSEWR SHEET.1. Debra: Oh! What a beautiful cat! What do you think?Donald: _ Dogs are more loyal than catsA. I think Id rather get a dog.B. Yeah, it is beautiful!C. I have no idea.

      2、D. You have to clean after it.【答案】A【解析】由“狗比猫更忠诚”可知,Donald 认为他宁愿获得一只狗。2. Jane: My watch always gains ten minutes a day.Mary: _ My watch always loses ten minutes a day.Jane: No kidding. It seems that both of us should throw it away and buy a new one.A. Thats ridiculous.B. Thats funnyC. Thats coolD. Thats great【答案】B【解析】简说“我的手表每天快十分钟”。玛丽说:“真有趣,我的手表每天慢十分钟。”3. Jennifer: Its freezing outside! _ I thought this cold front was supposed to pass.Gabricla: Yeah, I thought so too. Thats what I read online thi

      3、s morning.A. I havent read the weather report.B. The weather report was rightC. What happened to the weather report?D. I should have read the weather report.【答案】C【解析】“What happened to the weather report?”意思为“天气预报怎么了?”4. Tony: Welcome back, Monica. How are you?Monica: Im OK. _A. You are welcome!B. Fancy meeting you thereC. Arent you happy?D. Thank you for asking【答案】D【解析】由问句“你好吗?”,可知回答为“我很好,谢谢询问。”5. Ruby: Hello, this is Information. Can I help you?Dora: _A. Im calling to make a complaint.B. Can yo

      4、u tell me your name?C. OK, thank you for your helpD. Thats very kind of you.【答案】A【解析】由“Can I help you?(我能为您效劳吗?)”;“Im calling to make a complaint.(我打电话是 想投诉)”6. Steve: Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite and orange juice.Bob: _A. Im terribly sorry about that.B. How can it be?C. Thats quite alrightD. Sprite would be fine.【答案】D【解析】问句:“你想喝点什么吗?我有雪碧和橘子汁”。回答“橘子汁就好。”7. Jane: Why dont we play tennis this afternoon?Bill: _A. Sounds like an excellent job.B. Thats a brilliant idea.C. Im sure i

      5、t isnt so bad.D. Of course we do【答案】B【解析】问句“今天下午我们为什么不打网球呢?”。回答“那是个好主意。”8. Louis: Can I have some information about the health club?A. Yes, you doB. Go aheadC. Thats a good ideaD. Yes, certainly【答案】D【解析】问句“我能了解一些有关这个健康俱乐部的信息吗?”。回答“是的,当然了。”9. Mori: This looks a great party. Thanks for inviting me.Susan: _A. Never mind.B. Glad you could make itC. Dont bother with that.D. Id better ask you.【答案】B【解析】“这看起来是个很棒的聚会。谢谢你邀请我。”;“很高兴你能来。”10. Julie: Im going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for S

      6、aturdays picnic. Any suggestions?Jack: _A. Im all ears to youB. I wouldnt mind thatC. Id rather notD. Its up to you【答案】D【解析】“有任何建议吗?”对应“由你来决定。”11. Bruce: Ive been going to the gym for half a year now!Alice: _ You look so fit. And no more beer belly!A. I can say so.B. Its that right?C. I can tell.D. Is it possible?【答案】C【解析】“我已经去健身房半年了。”对应“我看得出来。你看上去如此健康。”12. Joan: Why are you so late?Michael: _ I left them in the car.A. I couldnt find my car keysB. You know what happened?C. I didnt catch the busD

      7、. My car was out of order【答案】A【解析】问句“你怎么这么晚?”回答“我找不到我的车钥匙,我把它们落在车里了。”13. Terri: Derrick, dont you think you should take a vacation? Even one or two days would be fine.Derrick: _ Theres too much work.A. No wayB. Thats rightC. It is likelyD. I think so【答案】A【解析】“德里克,你不认为你应该度假吗?即使是一到两天就可以。”;“绝对不可能。有太多工作。”14. Donald: Lets eat out, shall we?Debra: Ive gone through my paycheck for the week alreadyDonald: _ Dont worry about it. Its my treat.A. You said it!B. I couldnt agree moreC. Im brokeD. No problem【

      8、答案】C【解析】“让我们出去吃,好吗?”;“我身无分文”。15. Timothy: Stanley, theres a Mr. Miller on the phone who wants to talk to you.Stanley: _ Can you ask him to hold? Tell him Ill talk with him in a few seconds.A. Who is Mr. Miller?B. Im busy at the momentC. I dont know himD. Whats happened?【答案】B【解析】“斯坦利,有个米勒先生找你接电话。”;“我现在很忙。你能叫他别挂电话吗?”PartPart IIII ReadingReading ComprehensionComprehension (40ponts)(40ponts)Directions: there are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished sta

      9、tements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D, choose the best and mark your answer on the ANSEWR SHEET.PassagePassage OneOneHave you ever heard of a pawpaw(木瓜)? If not, do not feel bad. Many Americans do not know of the fruit, although it is native to the U.S.Once, however, it was one of the most popular fruits in North America. Happily, those who love the pawpaw are trying to return it to its former position in American foods.A pawpaw is a tropical fruit that used to be grown along the East Coast from New York to Florida and all over the eastern U.S.At one time, it could be found as far west as Nebraska.The pawpaw was an important food for Native Americans and even early European settlers. Pawpaws reportedly were a favorite treat of George Washington, the first U.S. president, who especially liked them cold. Thomas Jefferson, the third U.S


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