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九年级 英语试卷

  • 卖家[上传人]:ZJ****3
  • 文档编号:41835575
  • 上传时间:2018-05-31
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:42.50KB
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    • 1、I 单项选择(每题一分)1.She looked _when she saw a car coming to her.A fine B sadly C scared D strange 2.- Can I get you a drink ?-That is very nice of you .Ive already got _.A it B one C that D this 3.Tom is a _boy.He loves cats very much.A 6 years B 6-years-old C 6-year-old D 6 year old 4.If it _tomorrow, we _go to the park.A rains;wont B will rain;wont C rains;dont D will rain;not will5.Really,I prefer _TV at home to _a movie in the cinema.A watching ;see B to watch;see C watching ;seeing D to watch ;

      2、seeing6.You need her help,_?A neednt you B need you C dont you D do you7.In these years , my hometown has changged _.A lot B.lots C. Much D many8.I need some money .Im going to _the newspaper for a holiday job. A look at B look up C look through D look after 9.She made up her mind _smoking .A to stop B stop C stopping D stopped 10.We will have many diffculties in our life ,but if we work hard,we can _them.A .get on B. give up C get over Dforget 11.-Im going to the school party.-_. Let us bring s

      3、ome snacks.A so I am B so do I C so am I D so I do12.My sister uesed to _ late in the morning , but now she is uesed to _earlier than me. A get up ; getting up B get up ; get up C getting up ; getting up D getting up ;get up 13.It is good _your health to do more exercise every day.A to B at C with D for 14.Id like to collect stamps _they are interesting.A because B why C how D so 15. There _a very tall building in our school next year.A.will have B.will be C.is D.has16 .It makes me _my childhood

      4、 .A think about B think of C think over D think 17.-Look ,the man is falling off his bike .-_,he didnt hurt himself.A Luck B Lucky C Unlucky D Luckily 18.How can you _ this word in english?A speak B talk C say D tell 19.-Would you mind my reading english aloud here in your room ?-_?A Yes ,please B No ,go ahead C No,please D Yes , you can 20.He has _ his money . He has no money to build it.A run out B run out of C ran out D ran out of II.完形填空(每题两分)The way that people all_the word watch movies has

      5、 changed these years .People dont just _to the movies any more.They take the movies home.The VCR (录像机)has made this possible ,and it has _peoples lives.VCRs make it _for us to watch movies at home instead of the_.People can just go to a video store near their houses ,rent (租)one or _movies for a day or a weekend ,and _them in their own homes . They cost just a few dollars each day.Many different movies are on videotape ,from exciting movies to interesting plays._a movie at home can be very easy,

      6、and a lot cheaper . VCR owners can make snacks (零食)and sit back and enjoy a movies with family and friends .They can stop the movie to make more snacks ,_the phone ,or _care of the baby.there are no lines to stand in ,no tickets to buy ,and no uncomfortable (不舒服)cinema seats .1.( )A for B over C about D with 2.( )A go B goes C went D gone 3.( )A change B cbanges C changed D changing 4.( )A possible B possibly C impossible D impossibly5.( )A hosipital B post office C bank D cinema6.( )A few B muc

      7、h C little D more 7.( )A read B took C look at D watch8.( )A watching B watch C watched D watches9.( )A dial B answering C answer D dialing10.( )A took B take C taking D takenIII 阅读理解(每题三分)American boys and girls love to watch TV .Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday Many parents let their children watch them only during certain hours.TV show are like books or films . A child can learn bad things from some of them and good things from others . Some shows help children

      8、to understand the news from washington and other time in history .With TV chid does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the sea o see a ship . Boys and girls can see a play ,a concert or a basketball game at home .Some programmes even teach children how to look or how to use tools (工具).( )1.Many parents of the boys and girls _.A let their children learn things from TV instead of going to schools .B choose the time for their children to watch TVC think that TV programmes are better than their text books .D ask their children to watch what they like to .( ) 2.American boys and girls spend _A six hours at school on Saturday B four or six hours on TV show on Saturday C eight hours or more watching TV every day D different hours in front of the TV sets at the weekend .( )3. With TV boys and girls can _.A learn good things and bad things B only learn interesting news and places C learn from each other and play basketball games at home .D read books at home and s

      《九年级 英语试卷》由会员ZJ****3分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级 英语试卷》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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