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(广东版)开心英语五年级下册教案 Unit 6(3)

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    • 1、(广东版)开心英语五年级下册教案(广东版)开心英语五年级下册教案Unit 6 Its a vacation!Objectives and Requirements 目标与要求 一、一、Language 语言语言Target: What are you going to do in the vacation?Im going to surf the net.What are you going to do?Im going to read some books.Sounds and words: /d/ 二、二、Vocabulary 词汇词汇1.Key 重点 : have a picnic, visit relatives, help dad, take some photos, play with friends, make models, surf the net, read some books.2. Sounds and words 语音和单词: diary, dumplings, doll, dictionary, doughnuts, dollar. 三、三、Teaching

      2、 key points 教学重点教学重点本课新单词和新句型的运用。 四、四、Teaching difficult points 教学难点教学难点Sounds: /d/ 五、五、Teaching aids 教具:教具:词卡、图片(实物) 、课件、录音带等。 六、六、Analysis of Student Learning:Students by nature lively, like the visual image of the thinking of the games, contests, drawing particular interest. As the five students just learning sentence patterns, and some students may say good, some not dare to say, status of teachers for students in the classroom as much as possible to encourage the recognition of the main foc

      3、us on cultivating interest in learning English, to create an atmosphere of English to encourage students to speak English, especially for poor students to create opportunities for them to try the joy of success. 七、七、Teaching procedure(分三课时)(分三课时)The First PeriodObjectives and Requirements 目标与要求Vocabulary 词汇Key 重点 : have a picnic, visit relatives, help dad, take some photos, play with friends, make models, surf the net, read some books.三、Teaching key points 教学重点本课新单词四、Teaching difficult points 教学

      4、难点本课新单词五、Teaching aids 教具:词卡、图片(实物) 、课件、录音带等。教学方法:游戏法和图片直观法教学过程:Step 1: RevisionRevise the old words and the sentences.Step 2: Presentation1.Use the pictures and the sentences to teach the new words:Getting ready教师在黑板上写 Were going toT:(举起 have a picnic 的图画卡片,单词一面朝外,贴在黑板上的短语旁边)Have a picnic .Repeat.Ss: Have a picnic.T: (展示卡片图画的一面)Were going to have a picnic.T: Show me “have a picnic”.(用动作示范。 )用同样的方法教授其他短语。Using the bookT: Listen to the tape and repeat .Point to each picture as you say it.让学生听录音、跟

      5、读并指着相应的图画。请不同的学生说单词,其余学生指着相应的图画(或做动作表演) 。2.Play the tape and have Ss repeat the new words.3.Play the word games:请八个学生到前面,给每人一张卡片。教师逐一问学生:What are you going to do in the vacation? 学生根据手上卡片回答,如:Im going to (visit relatives).让其他学生记住每个回答的学生要做的事情。然后把学生分成小队,教师提问:What is (Xiaoling) going to do in the vacation? 学生大声抢答,最先正确回答问题的队得 5 分。4.Target让学生看课本上的图画。T: (指着 Lisa 的联想筐)What is she going to do?Ss :Shes going to surf the net.T: (指着 Gogo 的联想筐)What is he going to do?Ss :Hes going to read some books.让学生跟录音朗读

      6、。齐读后,分组朗读。5.Play the sentences games教师和学生一起设想下一个假期要进行的活动,把这些活动想象成真要发生一样。然后让学生把想象的活动画成一幅图画。学生画完后,教师问 S1:What are you going to do in the vacation ? S1 举起他的图画让其他同学猜是什么活动。然后 S1 告诉同学的正确答案。答对的加 5 分。Step 3: HomeworkCopy the new words and sentences and remember them.Homework: Write the new words.板书设计:Unit 6 Its a vacation!have a picnic, visit relatives, help dad, take some photos, play with friends, make models, surf the net, read some books.教学后记The Second Period教学目标:1.复习第一课时所学的句型及单词。2.组织各种形式的活动进行训练巩固新句

      7、型。3.完成课本 33 页的 Practice 1, 2。4.学唱歌曲。教学重难点:巩固新句型教具:图片、录音带。教学方法:游戏法和图片直观法Step 1: RevisionRevision the new words and sentences.Dictate the new words and sentences.Step 2: Presentation1.Practice 1.Read ,listen and check.让学生大声朗读问题 A-D,并写在黑板上.让学生先看图 A 的图画。教师在黑板上写 Theyre going to -.T:(指着第一幅图画)What are you going to do in the vacation?S1:Im going to have a picnic.按同样方法继续就其余三幅图提问学生。播放题 的录音,然后暂停。用同样的方法完成其余三个问题。2.Practice 2.Ask ,answer and write.让学生看课本上的问句.请 S1 朗读问句,T: 把答句写在黑板上。然后让学生结对活动,教师巡视,需要时给学生提供帮助。3.C

      8、onversation教师带一顶帽子和一部照相机到教室.在黑板上写 Im going to -.T:(戴上帽子举起相机)Look! (summer) vacation is coming . Im going to take some photos. What are you going to do in the vacation?引导学生回答。让学生看自制课件(课本的对话) 。T:(出示第二幅图画)Whats Gogo asking Jenny ?Ss:what are you going to do in the vacation?播放课件,让学生边听录音边看图。然后学生逐句跟读。让学生结对练习表演对话,还请自愿者给全班表演。4.Song activity1)让学生看着歌词旁边的图画。T:(指着图画)What are they going to do?Ss: Theyre going to have a party.请学生朗读歌词,然后播放录音,同时指着录音唱到的单词。再次播放录音,让学生练习一起唱。跟录音分组合唱。2)让学生看着图画。猜猜图片 A, B, C 中孩子们准备做什么。

      9、T: Now lets listen to the tape and find out the answer. 播放录音,让学生找出答案并填写在书上。Step 3: HomeworkRecite the conversation.Teaching writing on the board:Unit 6 Its a vacation!What are you going to do in the vacation?Im going to surf the net.What are you going to do?Im going to read some books.教学后记:The Third Period教学目标:1.齐唱歌曲后评讲课本 34 页 的内容。2.学习的发音规则。3.熟读书本 36 页 2 的内容。教学重点和难点:发音规则教具:图片、录音带。教学方法:游戏法和图片直观法教学过程:Step 1: RevisionAsk some Ss to recite the conversation.1.Sing the song.Step 2: Presentation1.ActivityT: Look at the pictures very carefully.(一分钟后合上书)T: What is Gogo going to do?Ss: He is going to visit his relatives.T: Now open your books. You can look at the pictures now. Answer the questions.给学生一些时间,让他们把答案写在书上。教师巡视,观察学生练习的情况。学生完成后,让他们结对。然后让学生表演一问一答,并用幻灯把答案出示。2.Sounds and words1)Use the pictures to revise the old words and teach the new words.Ask the Ss to sum up the same sound: /d/.让学生看着课本上的图画,边听录音边指着读到的单词。然后让学生跟录音读。经过练习后,教师任意指着图画,让学生说出相

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