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    • 1、第 1 页英国政治制度看法英文篇一:英国、美国、法国政治制度比较(中英文对照版)一、英国政治体制的模式及特点 英国的政治制度是典型的君主立宪制,其主要特点是“议会至上”、以内阁为权力核心、君主虚位、政党组织严密。 首先,英国实行议会民主制,体现“议会至上”的原则。议会至上,即立法权在三权中居于核心地位,行政和司法机关都是立法机关的一个部分,行政权和司法权实际是立法权的派生,三者互有重叠。 其次,实行内阁制,作为“议会至上”原则在行政权与立法权关系上的制度体现。即国家的权力体系以内阁为核心,内阁拥有国家的最高行政权力。 再次,英王更多的是一种荣誉性职位,并无真正的实权。 最后,英国政党的组织体系相对比较严密。 可见,英国政治制度最大的特点是“议会至上”,司法权和立法权都出于立法权,民主政治的实质部分居于虚位君主之下。 这种政治制度的优点是,无论是体制形成还是实际运作都相对民主、公正,更有利于决策的科学和周全。但缺点是,体制或制度容易模式化,导致官僚主义,影响执政效率。 二、美国政治体制的模式及特点 美国的政治体制是一个总统制的国家,在其早期的权力构架中,并没有政党的因素,只是在后来政治角

      2、逐中,政党不断在其中发挥越来越重要的作用。其主要特点是:第 2 页1、总统候选人由政党推荐产生,总统在全国由全体选民直接投票、间接选举产生,当选总统并不一定是得到绝对选票多者,而是为获得选举人票更多者。总统还是行政首脑,直接控制着行政机构,并且还是三军总司令。 2、美国的政党体制相当松散,政党存在的意义更多的是作为各类选举的工具,选举之后,政党作为一种组织体系作用相当微弱,所以它是一种典型的“选举党”。美国是一个典型的两党制国家,但它不同于西欧国家的两党制,它不是以意识形态划分的,而是按照区域和利益集团来划分,两党从本质上讲都是代表不同资产阶级利益的政党。 3、美国的国会即众议院、参议院议员一般由政党推荐参选,由全民投票直接选举产生,拥有立法权。 4、美国的总统尽管名义上是所在党的领袖,但当选后更多的是以“全民总统”的面目出现。 现在的美国奉行的是“否决政治”(vetocracy)。 美国的政治制度在总统和拥有两院的国会之间分割权力,并把权力下放给各州和地方政府;允许法庭以宪法为由推翻法律。除了宪法授予的制衡机制以外,美国国会还给了议员们其它许多机会,让他们可以使用否决权来要挟政府,

      3、这一政治体制模式的优点是:美国总统的权力较大,总统受政党的约束小,独立性较大,有利于较快地作出政治决断,提高执政效能。 其弱点是:第 3 页美国三大权力体系的相互制约与牵制明显,造成一些体制消耗。总统无权解散国会,只可以否决国会通过的法案,同样的,国会可以弹劾总统,使用否决权来否决总统。 三、法国政治体制模式的基本特点 与美国、英国等西方国家不同,法国的政权模式是一种“半总统制”模式,既有总统制的特点,又有议会制的特征,其主要特点为:1、总统候选人由政党或政党联盟推荐,由全民直接选举产生,任期从原来的七年减为五年,同议会、政府任期同步。总统作为国家元首,权力不如美国总统大,但又远远大于内阁制国家的总统或国王。他掌管着国家的外交和国防大权,决定包括经济社会事务在内的各项大政方针,实际上掌握国家最高行政权(但他不是行政首脑,也不具体负责经济社会事务),主持内阁会议,享有对政府官员的任命权,并有权解散议会,宣布提前大选,还可施行宪法第16条规定的非常权力。 2、政府由获得下院即国民议会多数的政党组成,总理也由该党领袖出任,并由总统任命,政府主要职责是管理经济与内政事务,同时对总统和议会负责,

      4、议会可以质询并弹劾政府。 3、法国的总统和议会一般都实行两轮投票制(总统如在第一轮选举中获得超过50的多数,就不必再进行第二次投票),总统、议员都是由在第二轮投票中获得相对多数的候选人出任。如果总统与获得议会多数的党不是同一个党,便会出现“左右共治”的政治现象,但一般都把在政府中当政的党视为执政党。近20年来,法国几次出现了这种“左右共治”的现象。 第 4 页4、这种政治模式的优点是,权力相对分散,不易于导致专制和专权,能够及时的任命优秀人才,总统握有一定的实权,有利于政局的稳定。 其缺点是,行政权力的分散使得政府权威较弱,不利于国家管理,而且“左右共治”现象又导致了政党间的争权夺利,损害了政党的形象,也不利于社会问题的顺利解决。 THE BRITISH POLITICAL The British political system is typical of a constitutional monarchy, its main feature is the parliamentary supremacy , the Cabinet is the core of power, the

      5、monarch empty spaces, well-organized political parties. First, the British parliamentary democracy, embodied the principle of parliamentary supremacy. Parliamentary supremacy, that the legislative power in the core position of the three powers, executive and judicial branches are a part of the legislature, executive and judicial power, the actual legislative power derived three overlap. Second, the implementation of the cabinet system, embodied as a principle of parliamentary supremacy in the sy

      6、stem between the executive and legislative power relations. Powers of the state system to the Cabinet as the core, the Cabinet has the highest executive power in the country. Then the king is more of an honor positions, there is no real real power. Finally, the organizational system of the British political parties are relatively tight. Can be seen, the biggest feature of the 第 5 页British political system of parliamentary supremacy, judicial and legislative powers for a substantial part of the l

      7、egislative and democratic politics under living in the empty spaces monarchs. The advantage of this political system, whether it is the institutional formation of the actual operation are relatively democratic, just, more conducive to scientific decision-making and prehensive. But the disadvantage is that the structure or the system is easy mode, lead to bureaucratic impact of the ruling efficiency. THE AMERICAN POLITICAI The American political system is a presidential system of the country, and

      8、 political factors in the power structure of its early, just in the later political battles, the political parties continue to play an increasingly important role in them. Its main features are: 1、A presidential candidate remended by the political party generated the president by direct vote of the electorate in the country, the indirectly elected president-elect is not necessarily the absolute votes more than those who, but for electoral votes. President or chief executive, the direct control o

      9、f the administrative agency, or the Commander in Chief. 2、the U.S. party system is quite loose, the significance of the existence of political parties more as tools of all kinds of elections, after the elections, political parties, 第 6 页as the role of an organizational system is quite weak, so it is a typical election party . The United States is a typical two-party country, but it is different from the two-party systemof the Western European countries, it is not divided by ideology, but in accordance with regional and interest groups to divide the essence, the two parties represent the political parties of the different interests of the bourgeoisie. 3, the U.S. Congress, namely the House of Representatives, the Senate is generally remended by the political parties in the election, by the direct election of the referendum, has legislative power. 4, the president of the United States the name of whose party s leader is elected president for all people emerged.


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