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    • 1、2021年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(甲卷)(考区:四川、云南、贵州、广西、西藏)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每图所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AA Take a view, the Landscape(风景)Photographer of the Year Award, was the idea of Charlie Waite, one of todays most respected landscape photographers. Each year, the high standard of entries has shown that the Awards are the perfect platform to showcase the very best photography of the British landscape. Take a view is a desirable annual competition for photographers from all cor

      2、ners of the UK and beyond.Mike Shepherd(2011)Skiddaw in WinterCumbria, EnglandIt was an extremely cold winters evening and freezing fog hung in the air. I climbed to the top of a small rise and realised that the mist was little more than a few feet deep, and though it was only a short climb, I found myself completely above it and looking at a wonderfully clear view of Skiddaw with the sum setting in the west. I used classical techniques, translated from my college days spent in the darkroom into

      3、 Photoshop, to achieve the black-and-white image(图像).Timothy Smith(2014)MacclesfieldForest Cheshire, EnglandI was back in my home town of Macclesfield to take some winter images. Walking up a path through the forest towards Shutlingsloe, a local high point, I came across a small clearing and immediately noticed the dead yellow grasses set against the fresh snow. The small pine added to the interest and I placed it centrally to take the view from the foreground right through into the forest.1. Wh

      4、o would most probably enter for Take a view?A. Writers. B. Photographers. C. Painters. D. Tourists.2. What do the works by Shepherd and Smith have in common?A. They are winter images.B. They are in black and white.C. They show mountainous scenes.D. They focus on snow-covered forests.3. Where can the text be found?A. In a history book. B. In a novel. C. In an art magazine. D. In a biography.BPort Lympne Reserve, which runs a breeding(繁育)programme, has welcomed the arrival of a rare black rhino ca

      5、lf(犀牛幼崽).When the tiny creature arrived on January 31, she became the 40th black rhino to be born at the reserve. And officials at Port Lympne were delighted with the new arrival, especially as black rhinos are known for being difficult to breed in captivity(圈养).Paul Beer, head of rhino section at Port Lympne, said: “Obviously were all absolutely delighted to welcome another calf to our black rhino family. Shes healthy, strong and already eager to play and explore. Her mother, Solio, is a first-

      6、time mum and she is doing a fantastic job. Its still a little too cold for them to go out into the open, but as soon as the weather warms up, I have no doubt that the little one will be out and about exploring and playing every day.”The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild. The first rhino to be born at Port Lympne arrived on January 5 to firs

      7、t-time mother Kisima and weighed about 32 kg. His mother, grandmother and great grandmother were all born at the reserve and still live there.According to the World Wildlife Fund, the global black rhino population has dropped as low as 5500, giving the rhinos a “critically endangered” status.4. Which of the following best describes the breeding programme? A. Costly. B. Controversial. C. Ambitious. D. Successful.5. What does Paul Beer say about the new-born rhino? A. She loves staying with her mo

      8、ther. B. She dislikes outdoor activities.C. She is in good condition. D. She is sensitive to heat.6. What similar experience do Solio and Kisima have? A. They had their first born in January. B. They enjoyed exploring new places. C. They lived with their grandmothers. D. They were brought to the reserve young.7. What can be inferred about Porn Lympne Reserve? A. The rhino section will be open to the public. B. It aims to control the number of the animalsC. It will continue to work with the World

      9、 Wildlife Fund.D. Some of its rhinos may be sent to the protected wild areas.CWhen I was 9, we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived at Heathrow, London on a gray January morning. Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place. Until I made a discovery.Southbank, at an eastern bend in the Thames, is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing .I loved it. I soon made friends with the local skaters. We spoke our own language. And my favorite: Safe. Safe meant cool. It meant hello. It meant dont worry about it. Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam(横杆), I fell onto the


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