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【最新】九年级英语上册 Unit1-3 复习课件 牛津版 课件

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    • 1、牛津版 九年级(9A) Unit1-3,9A Units 13 (Revision,9A Unit 1-3 复习主要内容,课文复习,写作部分,重点句型,补充词组,语法回顾,范文展示,词汇识记,表达运用,Unit One Reading I have a friend Simon . He has lots of _(精力) .He is _ (精力充沛) and _(活跃) . He is _(耐心) enough to listen to others . He is a _(谦虚) person and never shows off in front of his classmates.He is _(有礼貌) and _(公平).He is always _(友好) to me . We all like him because he has a good sense of _(幽默) . He is _(充满智慧) and often _(成功,energy,energetic,active,patient,modest,polite,fair,friendly,humour

      2、,wise,successful,Unit Two Reading Colors can _(影响)and change our moods .They make us happy or sad , energetic or _(昏昏欲睡). Blue and white are c colors .Blue makes us feel calm and _(祥和). It creates the feeling of harmony .It can also represent _(悲伤). Someone who is feeling sad may say “ Im feeling b today.,affect,sleepy,alm,peaceful,sadness,lue,Orange and yellow are w_colors . Orange represents _(快乐) and can bring you _(成功) . Yellow is the color of _(智慧) . Green is an e_color .It represents new l

      3、ife and _(生长). It is not only the color of_(自然), but also the color of money and envy . Red is a s_color .It represents _(力量).Wearing red clothes can help when you are having _(困难)making a decision,arm,joy,success,nergetic,growth,nature,trong,power,difficulty,wisdom,Unit 3 Reading Millie has a lot of h_. But she likes p _best . At the m_ , she has a problem . The p_ is that she s_so much time d _her homework that she cannot find any time for her hobbies . Very often ,she just cannot d_ when to d

      4、o her homework and when to spend time on her hobbies . The problem made her very u_ . Can you please teach her how to a_ a balance between the two ,obbies,ainting,oment,roblem,pends,oing,ecide,nhappy,chieve,Simon is c_about playing football . His l_of football has b_a big problem .He likes s_out late to play football . His p_ dont like this and ask him to come home before 6 oclock . He thinks they are so s_and he feels stressed and a_from time to time .He b_ hobbies can help him r_and make their

      5、 lives c_. He wishes he could have his parents s_. Can you o_him some s_ ,razy,ove,ecome,taying,arents,trict,ngry,elieves,elax,olorful,upport,ffer,uggestions,词汇识记,1.energy(形容词) energetic 2.decide (名词) decision 3.patient (反义词) impatient 4.creative(动词) create 5.know (近义词) realize 6.argue(动名词) arguing 7.心灵手巧的 practical 8.细节 detail 9.相似的 similar 10.平衡 balance 11.平静的 calm,12.情绪 mood 13.压力 stress 14. 满意 satisfied 15.谦虚的 modest 16.代表 represent 17.推荐 recommend 18.解释 explain 19.对充满梦想 dream about 20.被分成 b

      6、e divided into 21.炫耀 show off 22.其余的 the rest of,23.情绪(不)好 be in a good / bad mood 24.学生会 Students Union 25.在上演/进行 be on 26.处理、对付 deal with / do with 27.提醒 remind sb of sth 28.在试衣室里 in the fitting room 29.保持-的平衡 keep the balance of- 30.提供建议 offer some suggestions give some advice 31.原谅的错误 forgive sb. for ones mistakes 32.交作业 hand in ones homework 33.对-很有价值 be of great value to 34.正常表现 act normally 35.得满分 get full marks 36.与很相配 match / go well with,补充词组,1.担心没有早饭吃 2.想出新的主意 3.感到有压力 4.使某人想起某事 5.使某人兴

      7、奋起来 6.做某事有困难 7.做出决定 8.营造一个和谐感觉 9.呆在外面很晚 10.得到父母的支持,worry about not having breakfast,come up with / think of new ideas,feel stressed,remind sb of sth,cheer sb up,have difficulty (in) doing sth,make a decision / make decisions,create the feeling of harmony,have / get parents support,stay out late,11.注意,关注 12.不注意,忽视 13.与某人争吵 14.与某人辩论 15.打电话给某人,pay attention to,pay no attention to,quarrel with sb,argue with sb,call sb give sb a call telephone / phone sb make a telephone to sb ring sb. up,词组巩固 填上合适的词

      8、组,1.Sandy is good at painting .But she never _ in front of other people . 2.He _ little attention _computer games on holidays . 3.Anita _her brother now . We dont know why . 4.You should wear white if you _. 5.I will use orange stationery when I am sad . Because orange can _me _,shows off,pays,to,is quarrelling / quarreling with,feel stressed,cheer,up,重点句型,1._(你真是太好了) to bring me the newspaper . 2.It is silly of you_ _(不去原谅别人的错误). 3.You are_ _(你有足够的耐心等而不生气). 4.Do you know _ (有多少颜色) in a rainbow ,Its nice of you,not to forgive others,for their mistakes,patient enough to wait without,getting angry,how many colors there are,5.Some colors _ (使我们感到平静和祥和). 6._ (任何感到疲劳和虚弱的人)should wear colors that make you feel energetic . 7.He _(不介意做额外的工作)for the Students Union . 8. 红色和白色很相配。(两种) _

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