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英语:Unit 3《Online travel》教案(1)(译林牛津八年级下)

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  • 文档编号:171775401
  • 上传时间:2021-03-06
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    • 1、英语:Unit 3Online travel教案(1)(译林牛津八年级下)一.重点单词1.online: online travel/travel online , shop online2. turn on: (turn off,turn up, turn down)3. channel: on Channel 8, the English channel,the Movie channel swim across the Qiongzhou Channel4. program: (programmer) the program for, write computer programs, TV programs5. educational: (education) an educational CDROM, educate sb to be a good student6. designer: (design) be designed by., a fashion designer7. asleep: (c.f.sleep, asleep, sleepy, sleeping) be/

      2、fall asleep go to sleep, a sleepy child, a sleeping beauty8. point: get enough points9. correctly: (correct, incorrectly) answer the questions correctly10. role: play the role of., play the lead role of11.knowledge: knowledge of English/Chinese, test the knowledge of12. reach: (c.f. get to, arrive) The boy isnt tall enough to reach the apple on the table reach the goal, reach the level ofreach out hands, out of ones reach13. screen: seeon the screen14. pass: (passed-passed) (c.f. past) pass sb.

      3、sth=pass sth to sb15.mark: (v.) markin red (n.) get good marks16. mouse: (pl. mice)17. type: (v) type fast (n.) a type of, blood type18. print: (printer)19. widely: (wide) use widely , five metres wide20.connect: connect the keyboard to the computer properly connect sb. with21.total: a total of22. set: (v.) (set-set-set-setting) be set on Mars (n.) a set of., TV set23.daily(day) daily English China Daily day-daily week-weekly month-monthly24. course: take a course in, give a course in,of course2

      4、5.tour: (tourist) go on tours of, a tour to26. radio: (radios) listen to on the radio (tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, mangoes)27. cover: (v.)be covered with, cover many topics, be covered live, cover different sports (n.) The book needs a new cover28. order: (n.) an order, in order to, in order, out of order (v.) =book order sb sth=order sth for sb order a pizza order sb to do sth,29.regards: give my regards to=give sb my regards30. simple: (simply) possible(possibly) terrible(terribly)31. conclusi

      5、on: (conclude) come to/draw/reach a conclusion32.produce: (production,producer)33. save: save money,save a file34: control: remote control, control the machine35. come out, come up with, come from,come over,come along,come e back,come to oneself36.learn about,learn from,learn by oneself,learnby heart37. find/find out二重点词组1.have a writing competition 2. change the channel3. Look, the TV is turned on now 4. Ive no idea5. an educational CD-ROM 6. cover many topics7. the all-time CDROM 8. lie on the

      6、 grass9.search for information on the Internet 10. have a dream11.online travelling/shopping 12. the key to th door/success13. earn many points 14. play the role of the King15. sell out all the rice 16. get enough points17. carry you off to a place 18. write computer programs19. answer a question correctly 20.a flat piece of plastic21.store some information 22.a st of keys23. pass eight levels 24. use the computer to send and receive e-mails25. order a package online 26. a total of ten questions

      7、27. turn on the TV with the remote control=use the remote controlto turn on the TV28.test your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary29. keep your e-dictionary on the hard disk30. connect the keyboard to the computer properly31.whatfor? e out33.the main character 34. a thirteen-year-old boy35. fall asleep 36. be marked in bright purple37. one of the best on the market 38. sell out39. start with 40. cut short41. listen to an interview on the radio 42. learn a lot from43. show me how to start

      8、 this online tour of Australia44. be set in different countries 45. use the knowledge to open the treasure box三重点句型1. How often do you use your computer to search for information?2.A new educational CD-ROM called “Around the World in Eight Hours” has just come out.3. The main character of this wonderful new game is Itchy Feet.4. One day, he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky, when he fell asleep and had a very strange dream.5. When you have enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.6. For example,when you reach London, you will learn about the Museum of London and many other interesting places.7. The questions get more difficult as you go to higher levels.8. Get it now before its sold out.9. With the mouse, you can choose one coin in the menu and click on it for more details.10. Do you mind telling me how to use the function

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