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    • 1、六年级阅读参考以下10篇短文摘自“外研社”阅读参考书目。这些文章里面不仅包括单词、句型的训练,还包含了自然拼读知识元素。能对你的英语学习有所帮助。必要时请背诵这些文章。1、No Milk TodayMr and Mrs Greens cat was hungry.Miaow!“Stop that noise!” said Mr Green.Miaow!“She just wants some milk,” said Mrs Green.But the milk jug was empty.“I will go and milk the cow,” said Mrs Green.But the cow would not give any milk.Moo!“Shes hungry too,” said Mrs Green.Mrs Green went to get some hay for the cow.Moo!But she could not open the shed. She needed a key.“Give me the key to the shed,” said M

      2、rs Green to Mr Green.But Mr Green said,” I cant. I dropped it in the snow.” 2、No Milk TodayThere were too many mice running around. “I will get the cat to chase the mice away,” said Mrs Green.Squeak!So Mrs Green got the cat.The cat chased the mice. The sheep stood still. Squeak!Mrs Green got some wool. She mended Mr Greens socks.Mr Green dug in the snow. He found the key to the shed.Mrs Green got the hay.Moo!Mrs Green fed the cow. The cow gave her some milk.“Now I can feed the cat,” said Mrs Gre

      3、en.But the cat was asleep!3、The Cinderella PlayThe twins were in a play.It was a play of Cinderella.Mum and Dad came to see it. Gran came too.Fred was the prince. He had to sing a song.Flick was a goose. She had to hiss at the ugly sisters.The ugly sisters were bossy.They made Cinderella do the dusting.Cinderella had an old dress and a duster.But then she got a nice new dress.She got some silver slippers too.4、 The Cinderella PlayShe dropped a silver slipper.The prince picked it up.Cinderella ra

      4、n home. Her ugly sisters went home too.Cinderella had her old dress on.The prince had to knock on the door. He had to try the slipper on Cinderella and her sisters.But Fred had lost the slipper! “Have my boot!” said Miss Hill.The ugly sisters tried on the boot. It was too loose. But they said, “Its too tight!”Cinderella tried on the boot. It was too loose. But she said, “It fits!”Mum and Dad liked the play. 5、 The singing pictureJames Brown worked in a museum. One day, he went into a little shop

      5、 in London. The shop sold paintings and old books. In the shop there was a basket of pictures. James found an old silk painting in the basket.“How much is this?” he asked the old woman who worked in the shop.“That?” said the woman.”Im going to throw it away. Its old and dirty. You can have it for nothing.”“Thank you very much,” James said, and went home.6、A visit to a Dong villageLast week I had a great time. I went to eastern Guizhou with the Wang family to a Dong village. It was really interes

      6、ting.When we walked through the village, we saw a woman sitting in the yard of her wooden house. She was wearing a pleated skirt, tight blue trousers, and a jacket. She wore lots of silver neck rings, big earrings, and a blue and black headscarf.7、 The SailorPauls brother Derek is a sailor.Derek sails around the world, and when he comes home, he brings lots of presents for the family.One day Derek came home with a big box.“Whats in it?” shouted Paul and Clare.Derek opened the box and took out a

      7、long piece of blue cloth with gold and silver flowers.“Where do you think this comes from?” Derek asked.“India?” said Paul.Derek nodded.“Our ship went to India three weeks ago and I bought a sari for Mum.”“Thanks, Derek,” said Mum.” Its lovely.” She put on the sari and smiled.8、 Email from LondonWe had a good time on December 25th. It was Christmas Day and we invited Grandma and some friends to dinner. I put a green and red tablecloth on the table and lit candles. We had melon, chicken, roast po

      8、tatoes, peas and beans.The Christmas pudding I made tasted very good. Grandma found the coin in her bit of pudding. She was very pleased.9、How tea was discoveredThousands of years ago, an emperor was riding through China. With him rode his servants and cooks.Every night the travellers stopped at a river to rest their horses and to eat.The servants put up the emperors silk tent, and carpets were laid on the ground.They gathered wood and made fires. The cooks prepared delicious food from the rice

      9、and dried vegetables they carried with them.10、How tea was discoveredThe emperor was thirsty. A servant brought him fresh water from the river. He drank a little water. “I dont like it!” he said.” It tastes of” He stopped. He couldnt think of anything. He drank a bit more. “This water tastes of” He couldnt think of anything. He finished his cup of water. ”This water tastes of nothing,” he said at lastHe called all the men who were travelling with him and said, ”Make this water taste nice, or I will put you in prison.”


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