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外研版八年级下册英语Module5 Unit2课文翻译_外研版八年级下册课文翻译 编订

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    • 1、不问收获问耕耘外研版八年级下册英语Module5 Unit2课文翻译_外研版八年级下册课文翻译汇报人:xxx.外研版八年级下册英语Module5 Unit2课文翻译_外研版八年级下册课文翻译 2019-08-04 09:36:40 Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the.部分翻译Nemo 尼莫Shrek 史瑞克the Monkey King 美猴王Tintin 丁丁Snoopy 史努比1 Which of them do you know?你知道他们中的哪一个?2 Which of them do you like? Why?你喜欢他们中的哪一个?为什么?Read the passage and choose a sentence that.部分翻译Cartoon heroes卡通故事里的主人公Ixlemo is a cute orange-and-white fish and Shrek is an ugly green man. They look very ditferent,but both of them have won

      2、the hearts of young people all over the world.The pictures of these popular cartoon heroes are everywhere,on office desks,schoolbags and computer screens.尼莫是一条可爱的橙白相间的鱼;史瑞克是一个丑陋的绿色的人。他们看起来差别很大,但他们都赢得了全世界年轻人的心。这些流行的卡通故事里的主人公的图片随处可见,在办公桌上、书包上和电脑屏幕上。There are also some older cartoon favourites,for example, the Monkey King. He is the hero of a story called Havoc in Heaven.He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.He is pave, clever and humorous. Parents and children laugh

      3、 together as the Monkey King makes a terrible mess in heaven. They always expect to see more Monkey King cartoons.屯有稍早一些特别令人喜爱的卡通人物,例如,美猴王。他是故事大闹天宫里的主人公。他带领一群猴子对抗玉皇大帝和他的人。他勇敢、聪明、幽默。当美猴王把天宫里搞得一团糟时,父母与孩子一起大笑。他们总是期望看到更多的美猴王动画片。Tintin is another favourite cartoon hero, He has been popular for over eighty years, ever since the artist Herge invented him in 1929. Tintin has red hair and a small white dog. He works for a newspaper and has lots of exciting experiences. Fans have bought about 200 million

      4、coples of Tintins stories in more than fifty languages. Tintin appeared in China in the 1980s. Many Chinese still collect these black-ang-white Tintin books.丁丁是另一个特别令人喜爱的卡通人物。自从艺术家艾尔热在1929年创作出他,80多年来他一直受欢迎。丁丁长着红头发,带着一只小白狗。他在一家报社工作,有许多令人激动的经历。粉丝们已经购买了大约2亿本用50多种语言写的丁丁的故事书。丁丁在20世纪80年代出现在中国。许多中国人仍然收藏着这些黑白的丁丁画册。Finally,Snoopy, a cute dog, celepated his sixtieth birthday in 2010. Snoopy lives in his own private world and finds real life hard to understand.Charles created Snoopy and his friends,and dre

      5、w the cartoons to satisfy older people as well as children.最后是史努比,一只可爱的狗,在2010年庆祝了他的60岁生日。史努比生活在他自己的私人世界里,发现真实的生活难以理解。查尔斯舒尔茨创作出史努比和他的朋友们,画了既让孩子满意又让年长的人满意的连环漫画。a) Cartoon heroes are popular all over the world,and some are more than eighty years old.卡通人物在全世界都受欢迎,有些有80多年了。b) The most popular cartoons come out as books and not as films最受欢迎的连环漫画是作为书籍出版的,而不是作为影片。c) Many children read cartoons today现在许多孩子读连环漫画。d) Many foreign cartoons have become very popular in China在中国许多外国连环漫画已经非常受欢迎。Complete the not

      6、es.部分翻译Nemo and Shrek尼莫和史瑞克1 Nemo is a_orange-and-white fish and Shrek is an_green man尼莫是一条可爱的橙白相间的鱼,史瑞克是一个丑陋的绿色的人。2 Both Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of_people all over the world尼莫和史瑞克都已经赢得了全世界年轻人的心。the Monkey King 美猴王3 He is the_of a story called Havoc in Heaven他是故事大闹天宫里的主A金。4 He leads a group of_against the Emperor of Heaven and his men他带领一群猴子对抗玉皇大帝和他的人。Tintin 丁丁5 He has_hair and a small_dog.他长着红头发,带着一只小白狗。6 He works for a_and has lots of_experiences他在一家报社工作,有许多令人激动的经历。Snoopy 史努比7 He li

      7、ves in his own_world and finds real life_to understand化生活在他自己的私人世界里,发现真实的生活难以理解。8 Charles Schulz drew the cartoons to satisfy_ people as well as children查尔斯舒尔茨画了既让孩子满意又让年长的人满意的连环漫画。Complete the sentences with the correct form of the.部分翻译copy 本invent 创作lead 带领private私人的satisfy 使满意schoolbag书包ugly丑陋的1 Cartoon heroes-even Shrek,the_green man-are everywhere,on desks,_and computer screens卡通人物,即使是丑陋的绿色人史瑞克都随处可见,在桌子上、书包上和电脑屏幕上。2 The Monkey King_a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men美猴王带领一群猴子对抗玉皇大帝和他的人。3 Herge_Tintin and his stories have sold about 200 million_.艾尔热创作出丁丁,他的故事已经卖了大约2亿本。4 Snoopy lives in a(n)_world. Charles Schulz created Snoopy and his friends to _older people as well as children.史努比生活在一个私人的世界里。查尔斯舒尔茨创作出史努比和他的朋友们,既让孩子满意又让年长的人满意。Write down the name of your favourite cartoon.部分翻译1 What is it about?它是关于什么的?2 Who is in it?在里面有谁?3 Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?Now write a passage using your answers现在用你的答案写一篇文章。My favourite cartoon is我最喜爱的动画片是小编推荐:书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟!3

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