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  • 卖家[上传人]:住在山****ck
  • 文档编号:148582020
  • 上传时间:2020-10-21
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:28.50KB
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    • 1、文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载关于大年初三的英语日记大年初三通常不会外出拜年,因赤口,所以希望避免容易与人发生口角争执,关于大年初三的英语日记有哪些?以下是小编为您整理的相关资料,欢迎阅读!I got up early this morning and wanted to go out and play.After breakfast, I went out to play happily. My friend had not finished his meal, and I was downstairs waiting for him to finish the meal. After he finished his meal. I asked him to give me some of my fragrance. Because I did not dare to use the lighter, so let him put my fragrance up. But it doesnt mean that I didnt dare to use a lighter befo

      2、re. Because I burned my hand many times with lighter before, but its not serious, though not serious, but I didnt dare to use a lighter from then on.After the incense, I was afraid of frying my hands, so I lit it on the ground and lit it on the ground for a few minutes. So rekindle the incense again. In this way, the blink of an eye went on a fast morning. At lunch time, I went home for lunch.At lunch, I heard the explosions of the cannon, whether he had finished. I went fast to eat. After eatin

      3、g, he went downstairs to see that he had finished his meal. We had been playing as much as three in the morning. He went to my house and played. After the computer is ready. I played the flying car for more than ten minutes. Then his dream to play the West three row double game of heaven.I was the role of Sun Wukong. He was a pig eight ring role. It was fun to listen to the students before. It was really fun to play and play him home.Today is the third day of the lunar new year, I want to go to

      4、grandmas house, in the morning, can smell the fragrance of the kitchen, I immediately got up. Go to the kitchen and see, wow, a lot of delicious: hamburgers, eggs, and roast chicken. It is delicious and delicious. Mother said, “you want to go to grandmas home today, you have to eat a little more, and play with the little brother to have strength.” My little brother can be naughty, the ordinary people can not play with him, to preserve physical strength, only the chance to win him!We walked on th

      5、e way to the grandmothers home, we saw three accidents, that one hit, it was cruel. I said to my mother, “Mom, be careful!” The mother said, “OK.” As soon as we came to the grandmothers house, the little brother went on, called my sister, and pulled me, and was going to cook: “sister, lets go to cook together!” He pulled me to the flat house of my grandmothers house. I saw a pot of water in it. There was a spinach in the water. I watched him stir fry and stir fry. It cant be done! ()Its time for

      6、 lunch. The lunch is wonderful today. There are chicken, fish and soup! I Dakoutaikou eating up the sausage on the table I was almost wiped out! Cauliflower was almost wiped out his brother. We eat the full, and then began to “stir fry”.Stir fry and stir fry, little brother is impatient: “sister we dont play, we go to play rabbit!” The little rabbit of the grandmothers house is white and fat, but it is lovely. I caught a rabbit from the rabbit cage, he nearly bit me, finally caught out a little, in the basket, but soon tired of playing.Its fun at Grandmas home. I like Grandmas home! I like the little brother and back home, I put it out. Its fun to look back now.3


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