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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Confined Space Entry 进入封闭空间,Each process hazard to which the entrant may be exposed, adjacent operations or processes, and scheduled activity are reviewed. For each hazard identified, countermeasures are detailed on the Confined Space Entry Permit. 要对每一个可能对进入者造成危害的步骤进行回顾,如接触有害物,附近的操作或计划中的行动.要在许可证上注明每一个危害及预防措施.,Confined Space Entry 进入封闭空间,The safety representative tests the space for hazardous oncentrations of known harmful substances, such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and flammable liqu

      2、id or gas. The concentration of oxygen is measured at the same time. 安全人员要对已知的有害物质浓度进行检测,如硫化氢、一氧化碳和易燃液体和气体。同时要检测氧气浓度。,Confined Space Entry - Hazards进入封闭空间-危害,Fresh outside air is blown into the space to dilute and remove contaminants, and supply oxygen. 从外面吹入的新鲜空气可以冲淡或吹走污染物,并提供氧气,Confined Space Entry - Hazards进入封闭空间-危害,Should the concentration of contaminants remain at harmful levels, respirators may have to be worn to assure a safe air supply. 若污染屋浓度保持在有害水平,呼吸器必须佩戴以保证空气供应。,?,?,?,Fresh Air 新鲜空气,

      3、O2,O2,O2,O2,Confined Space Entry进入封闭空间,Means of emergency rescue must be readily available to the confined space entry attendant for emergency extrication of entrants. 对进入者的紧急援救措施必须全部到位。,Confined Space Entry 进入封闭空间,A means must be provided for both safe normal entry or exit , and emergency extrication. Tripods with hoist, lifeline, and full body harness are often used for emergency extrication. Ladders may be used for ordinary entry and exit. 必须提供安全进出及紧急逃生的方法。 带有提升装置、安全绳和身体提兜的三脚架常作紧急逃生用。 普通的进出可用

      4、梯子,Confined Space Entry 进入封闭空间,Barriers to prevent passers-by and the curious from falling into the opening must be put in place. 防止行人或好奇者坠入的护栏必须到位 Holes and openings must be closed or guarded when not Attended 不在进入时开口必须关闭或要维护起来,Confined Space Entry 进入封闭空间,Place warning signs where pedestrians can see them. 把警视标牌置于行人能看到的地方 Signs must state the hazard and the required action. 标识必须写明危害和须采取的措施。,CAUTION Opening in Ground Keep Out !,Confined Space Entry 进入封闭空间,Confined Space Entry Permit Requirements

      5、 Eye protectionyesno Respiratory protectionyesno Continuous Ventilationyesno Body Protectionyesno Hand Protectionyesno Foot Protectionyesno Weather Protectionyesno,Required countermeasures include personal protective equipment for hazards expected to be found within the confined space. 预防措施包括对封闭空间内可能发生的危害有效的PPE Eye and head injuries are always a potential, therefore safety glasses and hard hats are required wear for entrants. 眼和头的伤害随时都有可能,因此眼睛和安全帽必须戴 Other conditions may require the use of respi

      6、rators, safety shoes, protective gloves, and other personal protective equipment. 有些情况可能要求使用呼吸器、安全鞋、手套、和其他PPE,o Danger Do not use!,Confined Space Entry进入封闭空间,Confined Space Entry Permit Requirements Ground Fault Interruptionyesno Lockout of Hazardous Energy Sourcesyesno,Required countermeasures also include prevention of electrical shock hazards due to loss of earth ground for portable tools. GFCIs are required for portable electric tooling. 预防措施还包括预防便携式工具没有接地造成的电休克。 There may also be a need to

      7、lockout and tag equipment both in the confined space and on adjacent equipment and processes. 同时也需要对封闭空间和相邻设备及工艺设备上锁及挂牌。,Confined Space Entry进入封闭空间,H2S,HCN,Entrants must leave the confined space when the monitor alarm is activated. 当监视器报警时进入者必须立即离开封闭空间 It is the attendants responsibility to see that the entrant leaves the space during an alarm. 在报警其间协助进入者离开是协助者的责任,CH4,CO,CO2,O2,Entrants must constantly monitor the confined space for toxic gases, oxygen, and combustible gases. Entrants will be is

      8、sued a personal monitor to wear for this purpose. 进入者必须对其中的有毒 气体氧气和可燃气体进行持续监测。 为此必须给进入者佩戴随身的监视 器。,Confined Space Entry进入封闭空间,Should conditions develop which require extrication, and the entrant cannot get out of the confined space on their own, the attendant must call for emergency assistance at once! 如果出现进入者不能自己出来需要救援,协助者必须立即寻求紧急援助,Confined Space Entry进入封闭空间,The attendant should attempt to remove the entrant from the confined space using tripods, hoist, and lifelines. Attendants are NOT TO ENTE

      9、R CONFINED SPACES. Lethal hazards may be present within the confined space. Only properly equipped and trained emergency rescue personnel may enter confined spaces to make rescues. 协助者应想办法通过三角架、提升机、救命索把进入者从封闭空间中救出。协助者不可以进入 其内可能有致命危害。只有配备救生设备和接受过培训的救援人员才能入内施救,Confined Space Entry - Summary进入封闭空间-总结,Confined space entry hazards can include: 进入封闭空间的危害包括: - the presence of toxic substances - insufficient oxygen, or too much oxygen - engulfment - presence of combustible gases and liquids - process or equipment related hazards. - conditions changing from no hazardous to hazardous. 缺氧或氧过量 淹没 有毒物质的存在 易燃气体或液体的存在 有害的工艺及设施 从无害到有害状况的变化,Confined Space Entry - Summary进入封闭空间-总结,Confined Space Entry Permit Location and description of confined space: Reaso


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