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    • 1、并列句和状语专项练习状语从句练习11._travel can broaden your mind, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time and money on it.2. Why dont you get down to doing your housework _ it is too late?3. -What clothes do you think I should wear to attend the ceremony? -So long as you feel comfortable, _dress you like.4.We need to know the custom of this country, _we would not displease anyone.5._things had been tough at times when he was in school, he graduated from college with the highest honor.6._ the explore

      2、rs landed on this strange land, they found beautiful mountains, rivers and forests.7._ important we may regard school life to be, parents have a great influence on their children because they spend more time at home than in the classroom._ we have gained enough knowledge of the language, we shall try to use it as much as possible.9.Zhouqu County, Gansu Province is seeing improvements in life after the serious mudslides,_ life is still far from normal.10. -Dad, the company is in trouble now. I wa

      3、nt to resign as manager.- I advise you to stay in the post. The company needs you right_ you are at the critical moment.The designs of the new tools should be examined carefully,_ we can pick out the one that suits our project.12. _ the orange trees suffered severe damage from a storm in the summer, thefarmers are expecting a sharp decline in harvests this autumn.13. Not student is allowed to ask for sick leave _ he or she has a doctors note according to the school rules 14. The man decided to u

      4、se the remaining five dollars to buy food and then wait for death _he was too proud to go begging.15. _people live in large numbers, the water is likely to be polluted.16. _you have learned Spanish, you will find Italian easy.17. _hard it seems and no matter what circumstances you are in, you must not quit. Hang in there, and you will succeed in the end.18. When asked whether she enjoyed her new job, Mary replied that she was happy _she was.19. There she was, standing exactly _I bad left her, cr

      5、ying bitterly.20. He cannot say he has fully understood Chinese, _he has been to China for many times.21. _one is fully prepared, outdoor sports can sometimes mean injuries.22. The entire hall burst into a great cheer and applause _the Nobel Prize winner appeared on the stage accompanied by the chairman.23. Mr. Brown arranged for the taxi to come at six_ he would not have to wait long at the station.24. -Do you know about Tiger Mom?-Yes. Her children will never be praised_ they have done everyth

      6、ing she requires.25. The headmaster has promised us that we shall get informed _ the results of the exam come out.26. According to the report, this virus was never known, which had claimed countless lives,_ it was accidentally found by a doctor.27. - How long have you been studying in No.2 Middle School?- Less than half a year. And it will be two years and a half _ I graduate from this school.28. To live in honor, _he came from a poor family, was his ambition.29. Many people cant learn any lesso

      7、ns from the mistakes theyve made_ they get hurt somehow.30. The web is fantastic at many things, e-mail, e-commerce for example. But_ your name is Amazon or Google making money has proved hard.31.With some technical problems to be solved, it may be a while_ electric cars are put into actual use.32._children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.33.Having checked everything, he sat down to do his homework,_ he heard a lightening strike the electricity pole in the ba

      8、ckyard.34.When you finding something, make a note _ its found, and do a drawing in your notebook.35.The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left_ I could ask for their names.36. It was the middle of the night _ my father woke me up and told me to watch the football games.37. She says that shell have to close the shop _ business improves.38. -Coach, can I continue with the training? - Sorry, you cant _ you havent recovered from the knee injury.39. To show our respect, we usually have to ta

      9、ke our gloves off _ we are to shake hands with.40. Ill be out for some time. _ anything important happens, call me up immediately.41. If you happen to get lost in the wild, youd better stay _ you are and wait for help.42. It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties _ it gets more financial support from the European Union.43. Ones life has value _ one brings value to the life of others.44. I dont really like the author, _ I have to admit his books are very exciting.45. He smiled polite


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