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    • 1、三年真题研读专练三模前任务型阅读专题练11题组一If you are a perfectionist, youre probably familiar with the feeling of wanting to get everything just right. According to researchers, perfectionists hold themselves to unrealistically high standards and become self-critical if they believe they havent met these standards. Perfectionists are also likely to feel guilty if they experience failures, which often leads them to avoid situations where they are worried that they might fail.In one study, researchers looked at how

      2、 perfectionism changes over time. The researchers reviewed previously collected data from over 41,000 college students. They found that college students reported increasing levels of perfectionism: they helped themselves to higher standards, and felt there were higher expectations placed on them. More importantly, what increased the most was the social expectations that young adults picked up on from the surrounding environment. The researchers assumed that this could be because society is incre

      3、asingly competitive: college students might pick up on these pressures from their parents and society, which would increase perfectionist tendencies.Although many people see the pursuit(追求)of excellence as a good thing, researchers have found that in extreme cases, perfectionism is actually linked to poorer mental health. In one study, researchers looked at a total of 284 studies and found that perfectionists felt depressed and anxious and even had eating disorders. They also found that people h

      4、igher in perfectionism also reported higher levels of overall psychological distress(痛苦).In other words, although people may think of their perfectionism as something that helps them succeed, it appears that their perfectionism may actually be harmful to their mental health.So, is perfectionism always harmful? Psychologists have debated this point, with some suggesting that there can be such a thing as adaptive perfectionism, in which people hold themselves to high standards without being involv

      5、ed in self-criticism over mistakes they make. However, other psychologists suggest that perfectionism isnt adaptive: according to these researchers, perfectionism is more than just holding yourself to high standards, and they dont think perfectionism is beneficial.Anyhow, although perfectionism is linked to negative outcomes, the good news is that perfectionism is something that can be changed. One possible alternative to perfectionism involves developing what psychologists call a growth mindset

      6、. In their opinion, we should believe that our abilities, including intelligence, can be developed with effort and good learning strategies so that we are motivated to work hard and wont give up when things get challenging. Another potential alternative to perfectionism is to develop self-compassion(自我同情)that is to say, we should treat ourselves kindly when we make mistakes, remind ourselves that mistakes are part of being humans, and avoid being consumed with negative emotions. Overall, as long

      7、 as we take efforts, its possible to overcome perfectionism and develop a healthier way of setting goals for ourselves.PerfectionismIntroductionPerfectionism refers to someones (71) for everything to be right.Perfectionists tend to set high and unrealistic standards for themselves.When perfectionists dont (72) , they will blame themselves and stay away from situations where they may experience failures.A study ofperfectionismThe levels of perfectionism in college students are on the (73) .They e

      8、xpect too much of themselves.They become (74) because they are aware of their parents high expectations and the competitive society.(75) ofperfectionismPerfectionists kind of experience depression, anxiety and eating disorders.People who are strongly identified with perfectionist qualities suffer more (76) .Arguments overperfectionismThere is (77) perfectionism where perfectionists can set high standards for themselves but wont blame themselves for their mistakes.Perfectionism isnt limited to ho

      9、lding oneself to high standards and it cant be of (78) to people.Approaches to (79) over perfectionismDevelop a growth mindset so that you have motivation to work hard and get through tough situations.Be kind to yourself despite your mistakes or failures and (80) yourself from negative emotions.文章的标题:Perfectionism(完美主义)栏目有五块:75题、79题为信息概括题。注意:根据右栏可以试填出75题的答案:explanations;根据右栏结合题干中的over可以试填出79题的答案:getting。71题提醒我们注意:这里有可能是:名词+for的短语;73题提醒我们注意:这里有可能是:on the+名词的介词短语;78题提醒我们注意:这里有可能是:be+名词+of的特殊结构;80题提醒我们注意:这里有可能是:动词+ oneself + from的动词短语。结合表格给出的框架浏览全文,我们可以快速得出短文的大体内容:短文介绍了完美主义的相关内容。本文是一篇说明文。接着浏览全文,把握文章脉络;对照表格,迅速定位,比照阅读,斟酌答案:71.【答案】desire/wish【解析】信息转换题。根据第一段中的“youre probably familiar with the feeling of wanting to get everything just right”可知,完美主义者往往想把一切都做得恰到好处。故填desire/wish。72.【答案】succeed【解析】信息转换题。根据第一段中


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