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    • 1、第八组(建议用时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2017江西九江二模)As I began my junior year of college, I began to think of plans after graduation. I knew that I wanted to work in the field of my major, public relations. But I also knew that it was difficult to find a position considering my inexperience. That was when I decided to pursue an internship(实习工作)So I chose to talk to my advisor first. He had worked in the field of public relations for many years before he became a professor, and therefore had numerous contacts and as

      2、sociates in the field. After talking to him about a few of the positions, I decided to pursue the Cincinnati Fine Arts Fund because of my interest in the arts and the passion I would feel working for a nonprofit organization. I sent out a cover letter and a resume and was hired on the spot in the interview.I soon began my position. After class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I would drive to work and apply all the skills I was learning in the classroom. I was amazed at the amount of practical knowled

      3、ge in class that was directly applicable to my internship position. It became a very useful and beneficial experience. Not only was I working for arts organizations and seeing my name printed on documents I had created, but also gaining confidence in my skills and myself.As the semester came to a close, I finished my work with the Fine Arts Fund. Although I didnt take away any money for the internship, I gained many different kinds of experience and the knowledge that I was capable of accomplish

      4、ing professional tasks. And that kind of confidence was invaluable to me as I sat down to interview for my next internship.1Why did the author seek an internship first before graduation?ABecause he wanted to learn more from an internship.BBecause he could make more money from an internship.CBecause he was more interested in an internship.DBecause he lacked work experience and skills.2Why did the writer turn to his advisor for help first?ABecause his advisor was working in the field.BBecause his

      5、advisor could give him some help.CBecause he got along well with his advisor.DBecause he had common interests with his advisor.3What helped him to adapt to his position quickly according to the author?ASuggestions from his advisor.BMoney earned from the position.CKnowledge and skills from class.DConfidence in the interview.4What did the author think of his internship?ARewarding.BBoring.CRelaxing. DTiring.B(2017陕西省高三质检)Many people have bought insurance,either life or property(财产),commercial or co

      6、mpulsory.Yet some people know little about it and some even misunderstand its nature and function.Insurance is the sharing of risks.Nearly everyone is exposed to a risk of some sort.The house owner,for example, knows that his property can be damaged by fire;the shipowner knows that his ships may be lost at sea;the breadwinner knows that he may die at an early age and leave his family poorer.On the other hand,not every house is damaged by fire nor every ship is lost at sea. If these persons each

      7、put a small amount of money into a pool,there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer losses.In other words,the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the many.This is the basis of insurance.Those who pay the contribution are known as the insured and those who manage the_pool_of_contributions as insurers.The legal basis of all insurance is the policy.This is a printed form of contract on a piece of paper in best quality.It states that every year the insured shall p

      8、ay an amount of money,which is called the premium;in return, the insurer will pay an amount of money or compensation for losses if the risk or event insured against actually happens.The premium for insurance naturally depends upon how likely the risk is to happen,as suggested by past experience.If companies fix their premiums too high,there will be more competition in their area of insurance and they may lose business.On the other hand,if they make the premium too low,they will lose money and ma

      9、y even have to drop out of business.So the ordinary forces of supply and demand keep premiums at a level satisfactory to both the insurer and the insured.5The underlined phrase in Para.2 most probably means_Amoney paid by the insurersBeach premiumCmoney paid by all those insuredD the cost of administering insurance6Insurance premiums do not become too high because_Anot many people insure themselvesBpremiums depend on the risk of lossesCinsurers have to be more competitiveDinsurance companies can never lose money7According to the passage, insurance business gains profit because_Amore and more people buy insuranceBthe firms have sound managementCthe premium is increased year by yearDonly a few of those insured suffer losses8The purpose of the passage is to_Aexplain an insurance policyBintroduc


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