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    • 1、Continuation WritingContinuation Writing 读读 后后 续续 写写 How to complete a narrative article 记叙文 英语科考试说明 读后续写 提供一篇350词以内的语言材料 原文多是情节丰富的记叙文 偶有少 量的议论文 要求考生依据该材料内容 所给段落开头语和所标示关 键词进行续写 150词左右 将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔 接 情节和结构完整的短文 对第五档 21 25 作文的描述 1 与所给短文融洽度高 与所提供各段落 开头语 衔接合理 2 内容丰富 应用了5个以 上短文中标出的关键词 语 3 所使用语法结构和词汇丰 富 准确 可能有些许错 误 但完全不影响意义表 达 4 有效地使用了语句间的连 接成分 使所续写短文结 构紧凑 Tips for writing 1 Thorough reading 2 Creative plotting 构思 3 Swift drafting 4 Careful polishing 5 Neat copying After class you will be able to

      2、1 Read for the main idea plot 2 Write the end according to the given information 3 Polish your writing Basic forms of the 6 questions Who is the main character When did the story happen Where did the story happen What happened in the story Why was the matter caused How was the matter solved ended Who When Where What Why How Arthur one day when he was on the way to work Park Avenue near the First National Bank A bank robbery Arthur helped a young man but was mistaken for the bank thief the suitca

      3、se in his hand 第二节 读后续写 满分25分 阅读下面短文 根据所给情节进行续写 使之构成一个完整 的故事 注意 1 所续写短文的词数应为150左右 2 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语 3 续写部分分为两段 每段的开头语已为你写好 4 续写完成后 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语 How to choose the underlined key words in your writing How to make full use of the given sentences and the plot How to make the story coherent and logical 若词数少于130 从总分中扣去2 分 Creative plotting Reminder Being creative doesn t mean you can write whatever you like Continuation writing must be designed in a logical and reasonable way And on top of th

      4、at being creative will be appreciated logic creativity The underlined key words Park Avenue The young man suitcase in the back seat loud noise of an alarm the bank robbery the shouts people the bank thief Tip1 The key words that respectively stand for the most important information the main character and the main object should be chosen in your writing Paragraph 1 As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind Stop stop Paragraph 2 The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station an

      5、d Arthur Tip2 Focus on the given sentence of paragraph2 first And some information in it must be mentioned in paragraph 1 Tip3 Use the key nouns in the given sentences to infer more information Paragraph 2 The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur Arthur took a taxi and went to the police station In Paragraph1 Arthur might have said something to the taxi driver For example Sir please take me to the police station quickly I have something important to report to the policeman What

      6、 will Arthur do in the police station In Paragraph2 there may be a conversation between Arthur and the policeman Who else may go to the police station a surprising end Tip4 Write proper conversations between the related characters in each paragraph Key Words Park Avenue The young man suitcase in the back seat loud noise of an alarm the bank robbery the shouts people the bank thief Paragraph1 As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind Stop stop Two characters Arthur and the youn

      7、g man Arthur might realize that the young man was the bank thief Arthur took a taxi and went to the police station The young man wanted to get his suitcase back There may be some money or something else in the suitcase The young man may not be the bank thief Paragraph2 The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur Para 1 Para 2 Para 1 2 Tip5 Use the characters and their actions to infer more information Main Idea Have a try Paragraph 1 As he was running Arthur heard the young man sh

      8、outing behind Stop stop Arthur might realize that the young man was the bank thief Arthur took a taxi and went to the police station Arthur might have said something to the taxi driver For example Sir please take me to the police station quickly I have something important to report to the policeman coherent correct logical reasonable rich in vocabulary and sentence pattern Underline the key words Polish your writing Paragraph 1 As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind Stop st

      9、op Arthur realized that the young man was the bank thief He continued running stopped a taxi and got into it He said to the taxi driver Please go to the Police Station as soon as possible I have a robbery to report to the policeman Then the taxi went away Which kind is more suitable therefore however in addition besides what s more furthermore on the contrary on the other hand unfortunately suddenly all of a sudden to his joy worried about with the help of add some detailsUse different structure

      10、s coherence content language key words Use transitional words 衔接词 Paragraph 1 As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind Stop stop Arthur realized that the young man was the bank thief He continued running stopped a taxi and got into it He said to the taxi driver Please go to the Police Station as soon as possible I have a robbery to report to the policeman Then the taxi went away add some details Use different structures Use transitional words Give my suitcase back to me Heari


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