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2019-2020年高一英语Unit2 English around the world一.doc

  • 卖家[上传人]:xt****7
  • 文档编号:123148906
  • 上传时间:2020-03-08
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:55.50KB
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    • 1、2019-2020年高一英语Unit2 English around the world一单元规划本单元主要围绕English around the world这一主题介绍了英语的使用情况、发展情况及各地不同的方言。第二单元English around the world的设计可分为五部分。第一部分warming up;第二部分learn something about the road to modern English;第三部分learn something about words and expressions;第四部分the structure which expresses mands and requests;第五部分using language。第一部分通过比较英美两种英语中存在的差异及猜测同义异形单词的所属类别,使学生对world English这一概念有所感知,为其余部分的学习提供认知基础。第二部分以一篇阅读文章(The road to modern English)的方式呈现,介绍了英语的分布、使用、发展等情况,使学生对world English的由来更为了解,并通

      2、过讨论等方式让学生对英语的重要性有更深的体会,激发学生对英语的求知欲。第三部分是语言学习板块。通过单词的讲解及运用,更好地掌握一些重要的词汇。这一部分还包括英美两种英语中不同搭配的练习以及听力练习,让学生更好地认知world English这一概念。第四部分为语言学习板块,主要是掌握命令、请求的句式以及此种句式直接引语及间接引语的转换。第五部分是语言运用部分,包含了听、说、读、写4个板块。课时安排本单元教学可分为7个课时。第一课时为reading;第二课时为language points;第三课时为grammar;第四课时为listening;第五课时为extensive reading;第六课时为writing and speaking;第七课时为consolidation and evaluation。The First Period从容说课This is the first period of this unit.This period focuses on reading.In this lesson,there are a warming up and a passage o

      3、f reading “The Road To Modern English”.This warming up attracts students attention to the phenomenon of world English.The reading passage tells us the present situation in which English is used and the development of English.To let students to form a good habit of reading and have proper reading strategies are one of the main tasks for senior middle school English teaching,so in this period,we should teach according to this aim.In this lesson,students will have a general idea of the conception o

      4、f world English by guessing some words on American English and Britain English.To arouse students interest,Ill present them some typical funny stories about different kinds of English.This is to get the students ready for the reading part.Before reading the passage,students should first get familiar with the new words in the text to remove the barrier in reading.Then students are asked to guess what the text will tell us.This step is designed to train students ability to predict the content of a

      5、 passage according the title.The next step is to ask students to have a general idea of the structure of the text with the purpose of improving the skill of skimming.After that,detailed reading follows.In the step,students will be asked to deal with the passage paragraph by paragraph in which they will have different tasks to finish such as true-or-false exercise,filling a form with information in the text and retelling.This step trains students scanning skill and conclusion skill.The last step

      6、for students is to discuss the topic “It is not necessary for we Chinese to learn English since we have our own elegant language”.This is to train students to read critically.Besides,it can arouse students interest in learning English.三维目标1.Knowledge:Master the words and phrases and get a view of the road to modern English.2.Ability:Train students reading skill.3.Emotion:Let students know more about English and inspire students to study English hard.教学重点The understanding and prehension of the pa

      7、ssage.教学难点(1)How to get to master the useful words and expressions.(2)How to improve students ability to read an article.教具准备cassette recorder,some pieces of slide教学过程Step 1 GreetingsT:Good morning,boys and girls!S:Good morning,teacher!Step 2 Warming upT:English is a widely used language.Do you know in which countries English is spoken as their native language?Sa:The US,the UK,Australia,Canada.T:(a slide:Nancy:Oh,there you are.Now then,did you have a good flight?Joe:Sure,we flew all the way dire

      8、ct from Seattle to London.Nancy:You must be very tired.Did you sleep at all on the plane?Joe:No,not really.Im very tired.Could I use your bathroom?Nancy:Why,of course.You dont need to ask,just make yourself at home.Let me give you a clean towel.Joe:A towel?Nancy:Yes.Here you are.The bathroom is upstairs.Its the second door on the left.(After a while)Nancy:Have you found it?Joe:Well,eh,yes,I mean no.I mean,I found the bathroom,but I didnt find what I was looking for!) Here is a short dialogue.Rea

      9、d it and discuss with your partner:What is it that Joe cant find in the bathroom?Why cant he find it?Sb:It is the toilet.T:And why?Sc:Perhaps when Joe says “bathroom”,he means a place,where there is a toilet.But in Nancys eyes,it is a place where people can only have a bath.T:You are right.Do you know why theres a misunderstanding between them?Sd:Because they speak different kinds of English.T:Great.Theres more than one kind of English in the world.In some important ways theyre different.Theyre called world English.Can you guess what they include?Se:Canadian,British,American,Australian and Indian English.T:Right.So you know even two native speakers of English may still not speak the same kind of English.Look at the examples on P9.Now try to guess which of the following words are British English and which are American English.Suggested answers:Am.Engl

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