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兽医文档 保定犬

  • 卖家[上传人]:小****
  • 文档编号:121328611
  • 上传时间:2020-02-21
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:19.07MB
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    • 1、 RESTRAINT OF DOGS Restraint is the methodology used to reduce the stress to the animal and to the surgeon during surgical, theoretical, and diagnostic investigation (operations). Nervous and aggressive dogs: Occasionally frightened or nervous dogs will not allow us to touch them. In such cases the below are used.Uses:Mainly to escape the bite or injury from the dogs(1) Capture pole: Slip the loop around the dogs head and pull it tight as shown below.(2) Alternate leash: This is where another le

      2、ash is applied and both people maintain a tight hold on each side of dogs head.(3) Empty leather glove: Take one leather glove partially on your hand and dont allow the fingers in itWhile the dog attacks the near empty glove , use your othr fully gloved hand to grasp the dog by the scruff of the neckLifting and carrying of dogs:Step-1with your left hand and arm, sweep it under and around the dogs neck. Slip the right arm under the dogs abdomen, close to the rare legs.Step-2Gather the leash with

      3、lefthand and lift the animal to up Step-3Once the animal settled, remove the leash and keep in position.Carrying puppies and small dogs:Rest its chest on your forearm, with your fingers between the dogs front legs and the other hand on the top of the dogs neck or under its chin to minimize wiggling. Standing restraint:Wrap one arm around dogs neck close to your shoulder, to control head and place another arm around the abdomen to maintain dog in standing position close to your body.This hold is

      4、used for - physical examinations (temp, pulse, resp.rate) - S/C, I/M injection administration - limb examinations - rectal examinations Sternal restraint:Step-1Maintain your arm around the dogs neck: remove the arm from under the abdomen and place the stifles. Step-2Gently push forward at the stifles, while tilting the dogs neck back. This causes its back legs to buckle and the dog will sit.Step-3Position the dog against your shoulder and body to maintain control of the animal Step-4Simultaneous

      5、ly use your arm and body to gently push on the dogs back while slowly pulling its front legs forward to guide the dog into the sternal positionUses:Oral medication and examination.Treatment and examination of ear, eye, and nose.Jugular venipuncture Lateral restraint: Step-1Begin with the dog in standing restraint with its head by your left hand. The dog will end up in left lateral recumbency Step-2Move your left arm over the dogs neck, to reach betweem its front legs, and grasp its front left le

      6、g.Step-3Move your right arm over the back reaching the dogs left hind leg.Step-4Lift the legs, moving them away from you as you slide the dogs body against your torso, allowing the dog to come to a rest on its slde.Uses:Intravenous medication For anaesthetizing the animalBlood collection for analysisFracture treatmentFlank operationsHead restraint:Uses:For oral examinations For liquid and solid medicament administratinFor examination of eye, ear, and noseFor administration of inhalant anaestheti

      7、cs(1) placeing each hand on the either side of dogs head (2) Both hands encircle the dogs head from behind (3) with one hand encircle the muzzle and other hand on dogs shoulder(4) administering liquid medication Wrap one arm around the dogs neck and lean your body over its shoulders. By other hand insert the tip of the syringe at the commissure of the dogs lips and deliver the medication. (5) administering solid medication Step-1Move your left hand over dogs head to grasp its upper jaw. Use your

      8、 right hand to steady the dog under its chin Step-2Roll the lips over its molars and spread both jaws wide with both hands Step-3Quickly insrt the pill to the back of the dogs throat, following with your index finger to push the pill past its tongue. Jugular venipunture:On the position of sternal recumbency, hold the muzzle by encircling with one hand and the other over front legs to support it. Tourniquet application:Uses:Intravenous administration of anaesthesis and drugsFor blood collection for analysis Application:As shown in the figure tighten the tourniquet by pulling the straps until the mental clip touches the on the dogs leg.Continuation Tug each strap again to further tighten the tourniquet.removal

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