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牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 3《The environment》(Grammar)ppt课件.ppt

  • 卖家[上传人]:tang****xu1
  • 文档编号:120079673
  • 上传时间:2020-02-02
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:2.68MB
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    • 1、Grammar Unit 3 The environmentUnit 3 The environment To learn to use the same different To learn to use like the same as different from To learn to use the same as with nouns and phrases Objectives the same different 1 These light bulbs look the same but their effects on the environment are different 2 The machine developed the same problem again 3 She has worked in the same company for 20 years 4 He was asked the same question for many times 5 They rearranged the books of the library in a compl

      2、etely different way Have A L kHave A L k 1 These light bulbs look but their effects on the environment are 2 The machine developed again 3 She has worked in for 20 years 4 He was asked for many times 5 They rearranged the books of the library in a completely the same different the same problem the same company the same question different way go Ready 选择合适的词填空 All circles have shape but they may have areas the same different the same different 以上我们已经通过归纳总 结和练习对本课的语法内 容有了一定的了解 下面 就让我们根据之前练习的 考察情况进

      3、一步选择讲解 该语法项的重难点 same和different均为形容词 他们的含义 和用法如下 same意为 相同的 在same 前常用the 后面跟名词或名词短语 如 Jenny and Sam have lived in the same neighbourhood for ten years different意为 不同的 有差异的 如 My sister and I have different hairstyles same different 注意 与大多数形容词不同的是 different 可以用any no a little not much 等来修饰 如 The young man looks little no different after so many years Look and find the similarities and differences between the two pictures on page 39 Some students are helping improve the environment of their school W

      4、ork in pairs S1 should ask about something in the two pictures S2 should say if they are the same or different Take turns to ask questions Follow the example P 39 A Look at the two bikes ladders trees spades Are they the same or different They re the same Look at the two clocks Are they the same No they re different The clock in Picture A says ten o clock but the one in Picture B says two o clock like the same as different from 1 The atmosphere is like the glass of a greenhouse 2 Without the atm

      5、osphere the Earth would be the same as the Moon cold and lifeless 3 We should be different from many consumers and become green consumers 4 His dream is the same as mine 5 His writing style is quite different from others Have A L kHave A L k 1 The atmosphere is the glass of a greenhouse 2 Without the atmosphere the Earth would be the cold and lifeless 3 We should be many and become green consumers 4 His dream is 5 His writing style is quite like the same as Moon different from consumers go Ready

      6、 the same as mine different from others 选择合适的词语填空 1 Underground trains look light rail trains 2 The number of letters in family is that in lovely 3 Your hat is just mine My hat is black and yours is blue the same as like different from like the same as different from 以上我们已经通过归纳总 结和练习对本课的语法内 容有了一定的了解 下面 就让我们根据之前练习的 考察情况进一步选择讲解 该语法项的重难点 like the same as different from like 可作介词 意为 相似 类似 用 于名词或代词之前 表示相似性 如 The girl looks like her mother The same as 意为 和 同样的事物 相同的事物 可用来进行比较 如 This book is the same a

      7、s that one different 后面一般用from 意为 和 不同的事物 如 This hat is different from that one 注意 由于like是介词 the same as 和 different from 是形容词短语 这些 表达方式通常跟在系动词 如be look seem smell sound taste等 后面 Complete these sentences with like the same as or different from P 40 B different fromdifferent from like likethe same asthe same as Using the same as with nouns and phrases 1 We can reuse things for the same purpose as before 2 Jerry uses the same amount of electricity as his neighbour does 3 She lives in the same hou

      8、se as her husband 4 He uses the same book as you do 5 Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday 6 He gave the same answer as before Have A L kHave A L k 1 We can reuse things for before 2 Jerry uses of electricity his neighbour does 3 She lives in her husband 4 He uses you do 5 Meet me at you did yesterday 6 He gave before the same purpose as the same amount as the same house as the same book as the same place as the same answer as go Ready 翻译下列句子 1 萨利跟梅同岁 2 张雷和我住同一个小区 Sally is the same age

      9、 as May Zhanglei lives in the same neighbourhood as me 以上我们已经通过归纳总 结和练习对本课的语法内 容有了一定的了解 下面 就让我们根据之前练习的 考察情况进一步选择讲解 该语法项的重难点 Using the same as with nouns and prases the same as 常用来比较事物的相似点 如 His eyes are the same colour as the sky 注意 as也可用在从句前面 特别是当与其连 用的名词是其后面动词的宾语时 如 He is wearing the same hat as he wore yesterday the same as 结构可与as as结构互 换 如 Simon is the same height as Jason Simon is as tall as Jason The red car travels at the same speed as the green one The red car travels as fast as the gree

      10、n one S1 Is Mr Black the same age as Mr Brown S2 Yes he is S1 Does he use the same amount of petrol each week as Mr Brown S2 No he doesn t Work in pairs S1 should ask S2 about Mr Black and Mr Brown S2 should respond using information from the table below Follow the example P 41 C1 Is Mr Black the same weight as Mr Brown No he isn t Does Mr Black drive the same kind of car as Mr Brown Yes he does Does Mr Black use the same amount of water each week as Mr Brown Yes he does Does Mr Black throw away

      《牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 3《The environment》(Grammar)ppt课件.ppt》由会员tang****xu1分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 3《The environment》(Grammar)ppt课件.ppt》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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