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    • 1、2016年浙江温州职业技术学院自主招生模拟题(含解析) 作者: 日期:11 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途2016年浙江自主招生温州职业技术学院考试模拟题(含解析)本浙江温州职业技术学院自主招生考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加自主招生考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过自主招生考上理想大学!目录温州职业技术学院自主招生模拟考试准则012016浙江自主招生录取准则022016年温州职业技术学院考试模拟题03内容声明:本浙江温州职业技术学院自主招生考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加自主招生考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过自主招生考上理想大学!温州职业技术学院自主招生模拟考试准则自主招生考试内容声明:本浙江温州职业技术学院自主招生考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加自主招生考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过自主招生考上理想大学!2016浙江自主招生录取原则1、温州职业技术学院将对报名考生的报名资格进行严格审核,对于报考资格存在弄虚作假或考试作弊的考生,一经查实取消其考试资格,已经录取的考生取消录

      2、取资格,已经入学的按照教育部及我院相关规定严肃处理,由此造成的一切后果由考生本人承担。2、根据考生志愿、招生计划,按文化课总成绩由高到低,择优录取。综合素质测试作为参考,成绩低于60分不予录取。3、预录取名单上报省招考办审批,并办理相关录取手续。4、录取名单在学院网站公示3个工作日,接受社会监督。5、参加自主招生的考生被温州职业技术学院录取后,与2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试录取的考生享受同等待遇。一经录取,不得参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试及录取;未被录取考生,仍可参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试。内容声明:本浙江温州职业技术学院自主招生考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加自主招生考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过自主招生考上理想大学!2016年温州职业技术学院自主招生模拟题(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)选择题(每题4分,共100分):第1题:Whats the main idea of this passage?A. The government should take useful measures to stop hig

      3、h housing prices.B. There are some bubbles in Chinese real estate market.C. The average housing price in China is even higher than that in the US.D. Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public.【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】前三段说明了中国的房价高,房市存在泡沫,后一段作者列举了政府可以采取的措施来抑制房产泡沫。只有A项点明了这两个方面的意思。第2题:A. around B. on C. above D. off【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】orbit轨道。他们在不同的轨道上围绕太阳运动。第3题:We have friends _ the world.A. all along B. throughout C. whole D. alone【正确答案】B讲解:我们的朋友遍及世界各地。用all over/around/throughout/

      4、everywhere都可以。选B第4题:A. books B. maps C. sisters D. helps【正确答案】C讲解:A、/s/ B、/s/ C、/z/ D、/s/第5题:By next month he _ in the big city for five years.A. has worked B. has been working C. works D. will have worked【正确答案】D讲解:【解析】将来完成时是用在表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作。经常与before+将来时间或by+将来时间连用,也可与before或by the time短语引导的现在时的从句连用。第6题:When I was walking along the street, suddenly someone touched _ shoulder.A. on my B. my C. me in the D. me on the【正确答案】D讲解:touch + sb. in/ on/ by +the 身体部位。in表示进去,可用于身体上软的部位,如肚子,on可用于硬的

      5、部位,如头。by可用于抓,如手第7题:What will happen in the future?A. Most work will be done by the computer.B. People will no longer use computer.C. Computers will be used only talk with people.D. All computers will be put into prison.【正确答案】A讲解:随着科技日益发达,电脑的设计也愈加精密,电脑的用途也越来越多,将来电脑能做的事情会越来越多。选A第8题:Violins made today .A. can be the same shape as the old ones B. sound the same as the old onesC. are a bit better than the old ones D. have the same varnish as the old ones【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】今天我们制作的小提琴 A 可以和以前的小提琴有相同的形状 B 听起

      6、来和以前的小提琴音色相同 C 比以前的小提琴更好些 D 和以前的小提琴有相同的漆。 从文章中我们可知如今的小提琴不受音乐家喜欢,在音色不如以前,烤漆也和以前的不一样。第9题: Passage C Its not easy to be an astronauts sonEverybody expects you to be special or perfectIoften wonder how my father ever had a son like meI mean hes so special and so good at everything he doesEven in middle school he was class president and captain of the football team Well,to be honest,I often dream about being some kind of hero or doing something speciallike saving a child from a burning building or di

      7、scovering a new starI was daydreaming at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Fathers Day writing competition for the whole sch001I hope we have a winner right here in my class When I got home,I started to think about what to writeMy father is an astronautN0,I wouldnt start like thatThat was the way others saw himHow did I see my father? Hmm I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a terrible dreamI remembered how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed b

      8、y a carYes,these were the things I was going to writeTo me,he wasnt just a worldfamous astronautHe was my dad My parents and l went to school Thursday nightThere were so many people in the big hall! My dad looked at me,and I shrugged(耸肩) The third prize was announced and it was not me1 was relieved(释然)and disappointed at the same timeThe second prize was announcedIt was me I went up to the stage and read what I had written,My fathers sonWhen I finished,the people stood up and cheeredI saw my father blowing his noseTears were running down my mother's faceDad cleared his throat and put his hand on my shoulderSon,thisis the proudest moment of my life It wa


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