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广东省佛山市顺德区八年级英语上册 module 12 help unit 1 what should we do before help arrives (新版)外研版

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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Module12Help,Unit 1,What should we do,If someone is hurt in an accident, what should you do?,Give him or her first aid. Call 120. Make him or her comfortable.,急救,Important Numbers,120 119 110,Emergency medical service,Fire department,Police department,broken adj. 破碎的,glass n. 玻璃,Presentation,aid n. 救助; 帮助 first aid 急救,stairs n. (pl.) 楼梯,medical adj. 医学的; 医疗的,bottom n. 底部; 下端,wrong adj. 有毛病的; 错误的 adv. 不正确地; 错误地,trouble n. 问题; 烦恼; 困难,lift v. 举起; 抬起; 提起 n. 电梯,harmful adj. 有害的,drop v. 使落下; 投下,traini

      2、ng n. 训练; 培训,cover v. 盖; 盖上,Listening and vocabulary,Work in pairs. Talk about the pictures. Use the words in the box to help you.,accident broken dangerous furniture glass kitchen stairs,Its dangerous to run down the stairs.,Theres some broken glass in the kitchen.,The piece of furniture is heavy and the boy cannot lift it.,Listen and check what the pictures are about.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,_ often happen before you notice them. You could _ when you go down the _ at school. Its q

      3、uite dangerous in the _ at home because _ or knives can cut you. And moving heavy _ is dangerous too. You could _ it and hurt your foot.,Accidents,fall,stairs,kitchen,broken glass,furniture,drop,Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.,In the recording, what advice are given when an accident happens?,Read the dialogue and complete the table.,Betty,Lingling,Tony,First aid suggestions,Ms James idea,Find out whats wrong with him. Ask him. Make sure hes warm.,Shout for help, call 120.,Make hi

      4、m comfortable. Lift him up and sit him on a chair.,Good idea!,That could be harmful!,Now read these first aid suggestions and decide if they are good ideas() or bad ideas().,1. A boy is lying at the bottom of the stairs. at the bottom of 在.底部, 底端 e.g. A village lies at the bottom of the hill. 另外, 该短语还有“排在后面”的意思。,2. First of all, find out whats wrong with him. “Whats wrong (with .)?”是一个常用 句型, 意为“()怎么了?”, 与 “What s the matter (with .)?”同义, 二者可互换。 e.g. She looks tired. Whats wrong (with her)? = She

      5、 looks tired. Whats the matter (with her)?,3. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. trouble可用作名词, 表示“困难;麻 烦”时是不可数名词, 常用于以下固定 短语: be in trouble表示“处于困境” have trouble with表示“在方面有 麻烦/困难” have trouble (in) doing sth.表示“做某事 有困难”(其中in可省略),【运用】 1) Jack, I have _ working out the math problem. Dont worry. Let me help you. A. fun B. trouble C. experience,2) 如果人们遇上麻烦,我们应该帮助他们。 If people are _ _, we should help them. (2015 天津) 3) 他毫不费力就找到了我家。 He had _ _ _ my house.,no trouble finding,in t

      6、rouble,4. Make sure hes warm. make sure 确保, 保证 e.g. Make sure you turn off all the lights before you go out. I think I locked the door, but Ill go back and check, just to make sure.,5. No, that could be harmful! harmful作形容词, 意为“有害的”, 常构成短语be harmful to, 意为“对有害”。 e.g. Dont watch TV for long. Its harmful to your eyes.,【运用】 吸烟对我们的健康有害,因此现在北京的所有公共场所都禁止吸烟。 Smoking _ _ _ our health, so Beijing stops smoking in all public places now.,is harmful to,6. Thats such good advice that you could be a doctor, B

      7、etty! such . that . 这个句型表达“如此以至于”的意思, such后面接名词,名词前可以有形容词修饰。如果只有形容词或副词, 则要使用 so . that . 这一句型。,e.g. It is such a tiny kitchen that only one person can cook in it. They are such nice people that we all like them.,He was so weak that he could hardly stand up. Everything happened so quickly that I hadnt time to think.,Lets (1)_ you see a boy lying at the (2)_ of the stairs. What should you do? Call for (3)_ help immediately. Do not (4)_ the boy up and sit him on a chair. This could be (5)_ for him.

      8、,imagine,bottom,medical,lift,bottom Cover drop harmful imagine lift medical pain,harmful,Complete the passage with the words in the box.,Even worse, you might (6)_ him while you are moving him! That would cause a lot of (7)_. (8)_ him with a coat and make sure he is warm. Then wait for the doctors to arrive.,pain,Cover,drop,【观察】 1. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. 2. No, that could be harmful! 3. You could drop him and hurt him even more. 4. Betty, you must know! 5. It c

      9、ant be my brother. He is still in France.,情态动词must, can, could表示推测,【总结】 could可以表示对现在或将来的推测, 意为“会, 可能”。could表示推测时, 常用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句; must表示有把握的、语气比较肯定的推测, 意为“一定”,一般只用于肯定句; can表示推测时, 往往用于否定句和疑问句。cant意为“不可能”。,【运用】 从各题后所给的选项中选择可以填入 空白处的最佳答案。 1) There _ a girl singing next door. Cant you hear her beautiful voice? A. must be B. must have C. cant be D. cant have (2014甘肃兰州),2) Is that Kates car? It _ be hers. She has just gone for a meeting. A. cant B. should C. mustnt D. may (2014 湖北武汉),3) Lets go climbing, shall we? You _ be joking! Dont you know Im afraid of high places? A. may B. can C. must D. should (2014 浙江绍兴),4) Whos singing in the garden? It _ be Mr. Brown. He always practices s

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