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    • 1、 “温情课堂五环节”教学模式英语教案Unit 15 Learning Lesson 1 Life-long Learning 鹤壁市综合高中 李琦课题 名称The Importance of Life-long Learning课型阅读课时1面向学生高中教材分析:本单元的题目是 Learning , 从我们呱呱坠地那一刻起,我们就在不断的学习各种技能,无论是有意还是无意的,学习都在我们一生中起着重要的作用。随着社会的迅猛发展,我们不断地暴露在新鲜事物的面前,有意识的自我提高也变得日益重要。作为高中必修教材的最后一单元,有必要向学生强化:学习不止是发生在学校里,它无处不在。即使他们将来无法进入大学深造,也应树立终生学习的信念。本篇课文通过三个不同年龄段的人对自己学习情况的讲述,向我们强调了终身学习的重要性。本课分两课时进行:阅读和语法。这是第一课时:侧重对文章的理解,引导学生学会预测,提取文章主要信息和细节信息,发现、分析、解决问题,结合课文的信息进行输出性活动;并且体会感知第三条件句的应用环境。教学内容:话题:The Importance of Life-long Learning 重

      2、点单词:frankly,blank,swell,suspect,throat,status,chief,instruct,bury,distinguish 重点短语:frankly speaking ,lay off, go blank, to a certain degree, aside from, swell with 重点句型:be about to. when.; too.to; be worth doing,; frankly speaking, .教学目标:知识目标:认读并掌握重点词汇和句型; 对第三条件句有初步的了解,为下一堂语法课打下基础技能目标:掌握、运用预测、查读等阅读策略;能谈论对教育及不同教育类型的看法; 能谈论并书写自己对今后及未来学习的规划。情感目标:认识正规学校教育并不是人生学习阶段的终点,制定继续教育计划,不断充实自己以迎接未来的挑战教学难点; Although Third Conditional is conceptually quite simple, the form of it might be difficult for Ss to mast

      3、er教学方法:“温情课堂五环节”教学模式教学工具:multimedia / tape recorder /blackboard教学准备:Read Grammar Summary 5, page 93教学过程: Lead in(温情生趣:激励学生高效地感知教材,迅速地把握教材内容) Step 1 Ask the Ss: What did you learn yesterday?(复习的基础上导入今天的话题) What do you usually learn? 刻苦学习的学生可爱的小宝宝 What do it need to learn?( 让学生充分的发散思维)一位白发老人 Do he still need to learn? What do you think he can learn?(让学生给出尽可能多的答案)学习各种技能的老人 Talk about the pictures板书:Its never too late to learn.So today well talk about板书标题:The Importance of Life-long LearningBefore R

      4、eadingStep 2 Read the first paragraph of the text and ask the Ss to guess what the people below are likely to learn and the reason for learning.一个高考落榜生 一名家庭主妇 一位退休老爷爷 First Reading(知趣设疑:培养学生查读的能力,检测学生能否准确获取主要信息)Step 3 Scan the text and see if your guess is right and then fill in the table in Ex.3.NameSun WenMs TangGrandpa ChenWhat did they study?Reason for studyHow did they study?Result of their study(Compare the answers in groups and then report your groups answers to the class .See which group

      5、 has got the best answers.)Careful Reading(知趣设疑:仔细阅读,深层思考,培养学生信息内化能力)Step 4 Read the text carefully and answer the following questions1. According to Sun Wens experience, what kind of person has more chances to get promoted?2. Is getting laid-off a bad thing or a good thing? Why does Ms Tang say getting laid-off prove to be the best thing that ever happened to her?3. Whats the meaning of “Yon cant teach an old dog new thicks”? Is it right? Why?4. From the three persons experiences, what conclusi

      6、on can we draw?Discussion(合作兴趣,:通过讨论加深学生认识:学习不仅仅只发生在学校里,应确立终生学习的信念) Step 5 What makes it necessary for people to learn , even they are retired?. Since life-long learning is important , do you have any plan for your future study when you finish school or university? Share your ideas with the classListening: Step 6 Ss listen to the tape of the text and read after it (用有声输入,让学生再次整体感知课文,为下面语言输出做好准备)Post-reading (归纳理趣)Step 7 Vocabulary: Ex. 5 (激活所学词汇)Fill in the blacks:1. get +pp- get promoted_/ get

      7、laid off_/ get _被回答 get bored_/_ excited 兴奋起来 2frankly speaking _/_ speaking 老实说/ _ speaking严格说/ _一般来说/_就我个人而言 3 Swell _/be full _/be filled _充满 4 Aside from/_ from=_ addition to/ as _ as/ besides除-之外还有 =except_除-之外 5 go blank 变得空白/ go_变坏/ go _发疯/_饿了/_变得苍白 6 was/were about to do-_-即将做-这时-/ was /were doing- when-_/ had just done-when-_ 7 Be worth _ = be worthy of being done =be worthy to_值得被做Conclusion: (归纳理趣)Step 8 Summarize the whole passage and show some sayings about learning Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit. 1. Without learning, without eyes.2. There is no ending to learning.3. Learn young, learn fair.4. There is no such thing as genius,. It is nothing but labor and diligence . Homework: (反馈志趣) Writing: Make a plan for your future study; Memorize the sayings about learning; Preview the Third Conditional.教学反思: 由于多媒体的应用,课堂的容量增大了,课堂进程加快了,加之文中长句比较多,学生断句往往有困难,可能会影响到文章的理解。但由于本节课采用了“温情课堂五


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