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安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:新**
  • 文档编号:489937699
  • 上传时间:2023-12-02
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:72.06KB
  • / 22 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit11、Do you agree that it is sheer neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to the complaint that doctors donot listen?2、 Describe Mrs. Osorios condition.3、What are the good and bad things about Mrs. Osorios conditions that run through the author s mind?4、 Describethe situationwhenMrs. Osorio mightsend the authorsdelicatelybalancedthree-ringcircustumbling down.5、 Compare multitasking in human beings and computers.6、 Use numbers to justify that it is the juggling mind that keepsdoctors awa

      2、ke at night.7、What are possible solutions to the impossible high-wire act of juggling competing details and panickingabout slipping a critical one?Unit21、What does the author imply by mentioning two choices?2、Describe the heady days of victory declarations and what followed ever since.3、Elaborate on the joined battle.4、Justify“ the realization that world health is indivisible”.5、Exemplify the statement that“ Every returning condition marches to the beat of a different drum.”6、Vaccination practic

      3、es are at the heart of the most infectious diseases. Use examples to prove it.7、What are the four areas of focus according to Bob Howard?8、“ Old enemies never die.” Justify it medically.Unit31、How was Terry s life before she was diagnosed with MS?2、What are the symptoms of MS and autoimmune disease?3、What did Terry do before she self-experimented?4、What approaches did Terry mainly use to deal with neurodegeneration?5、Give one example to illustrate the correlation between toxic load and diseases.

      4、6、What does the title“ The Seventy Percent Solution” ?meanUnit41、Give a brief explanation of the two concepts: complementary medicine and alternative medicine.2、To what extent do you agree with the authors opinion on traditional Chinese medicine as being,“ affordablelow tech, safe, and effective”?3、Summarize the clinical uses of acupuncture.4、Do you think the author is overoptimistic in predicting a wider future use ofacupuncture in the U.S5、Explain how inappropriate uses of herbs may result in

      5、complications.6、Various approaches to herbal study are mentioned in the text. Choose one to discuss the advantages andlimitations.7、What are the difficulties in investigating herbal therapies?8、What are the factors to consider when we integrate Eastern and Western medicineUnit51、Clarify the differences between disease and dis-ease.2、Shareyour personalunderstandingabout the claim that healthis a multi-dimensionalexperienceofbody, mind and spirit.3、Illustrate the relationship between life on autom

      6、atic pilot and4、Describe the time of great confusion we live in.5、Comment on4 a culture that values thinking more than feeling and emphasizes reason over intuitiveawareness and knowing .6、Explain the process where we change from playing full-out to play it safe, or play not to lose”.7、Explain how wellness can be established8、Make a list of tips on how to become a fully integrated human being.Unit61、How has the end-of-life care changed over time?2、What is said about George?3、What advantages does

      7、a hospital have over a nursing home for end-of-life care?4、What is the role of family and friends when the patient is cared for at home?5、What needs to be considered to make comfort care available at home?6、How has the meaning of palliative care changed?7、What might be one of the misconceptions about choosing a hospice?Uint71、What difficult situation is the young doctor facing?2、What is paternalistic decision-making in medicine3、In what way can patient empowerment be good for the patient?4、Why d

      8、oes the author say too much physician restraint may not be that good for the patient?5、What kind of considerations may have prevented doctors from making decisions for their patients?6、Do you agree that doctors should be prepared to make any decisions together with their patientsUnit81、 How are research and practice related to each other?2、 What is the principle of respect for persons?3、 What is the principle of beneficence?4、 How is the principle of beneficence related to Hippocratic Oath?5、 What concrete examples can be given to illustrate the principle of justice?6、 What is informed consent and its application?7、 What are the considerations involved in selection of human subjects in research?Unit11、Some factors that may lead to the complaint:Neuron overloadPatients* high expectationsMistrust and misunderstanding between the patient and the doctor2、 Mrs. Osorio s cond


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