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高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 5 The First Period 含解析精修版

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    • 1、外研版英语精品资料(精修版)Module 5 High-tech Living I. 模块教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about high-tech living Learn the uses of “back”, “long”, “know” and “tell”Talk about the Internet, virtual library and high-tech homesWrite a report about high-tech living Write complain lettersII. 目标语言功能句式Talk about high-tech living In your opinion, which are the most important things in your life?How long do you spend time ?How often ?How many .?You could not live without has no time to do .What is your opinion of ? is about

      2、 to .I wish that . falls in love with .词汇1. 四会词汇 digital, impressive, certificated, obsession, virtual, sensibly, copyright, enrich, household, remote, enable, feasible, productivity, capability, creativity, reliable, distract2. 认读词汇 constantly, non-profit, curriculum, geek, extract, virus, vocational, kit, revolutionise, executive, efficiently, structure, effectively, double, workload, multitasking, juggle, gear, gadget, wireless, equip3. 词组 look back, dream of, burn down, emergency services, g

      3、ive in to, peer pressure, turn up, stay abreast of, give a speech to sb., be busy with, work on, work out, go bowling, can afford to do sth., worry about, hear back from, fall in love with sb./sth., allow sb. to do sth., ahead of, turn sb./sth. into sb./sth., no longer, take exercise, have a conversation, be about to, spend . on ., have nothing to do with sth., stay away from ., run away from ., on the other hand, be familiar with sb./sth., grow out of sth., graduate from, pay for4. 重点词汇 PDA, FA

      4、Qs, worm, bowling, chat room, coastguard, cable TV, appliance, MP3 player, mobile phone, X-box, computer, digital camera语法The uses of “ back”, “long”, “know” and “ tell”重点句子1. Five computers sit in Yan Nuos bedroom and his mobile phone and pocket PC constantly ring, keeping him running to schedule.2. Yan is just back from a trip to Denmark where he met senior Microsoft officials to advise them on their latest software developments.3. Despite being busy with schoolwork, Yan spends up to three hou

      5、rs a day working on his computers.4. Unlike most teenagers, Yan makes detailed plans for everything in advance.5. While many teenagers play computer games that allow them to dream of opening their own companies and becoming a millionaire, Yan is already a long way ahead of the others down that road.6. Many parents have bought their children their own computers, hoping that they will use them sensibly for their schoolwork and have the latest skills.7. Do teenagers have a balanced life or are comp

      6、uters turning them into “geeks” who no longer take exercise or even know how to have a conversation?8. I strongly recommend that the government ban all Internet cafes as so many teenagers are wasting their time on games and Internet chatting which have nothing to do with their schoolwork.9. On the other hand, Yan Nuo can be seen as a good example to other teenagers as he puts his enthusiasm for computers to good use.III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块围绕“高科技生活”这一话题展开,内容涉及数字生活、计算机病毒、计算机的运用对人们生活的影响等。高科技给我们的生活

      7、带来了方便,也给我们带来一些负面影响。有些孩子迷恋网上聊天、网上游戏,已经严重影响到学习和身体健康。同时课本也列举了合理利用高科技产品,十六岁就成为软件工程师、编程员的事例,教育同学们:只要合理利用,电脑就能给我们带来很多方便,也能给我们带来成功。INTRODUCTION部分设计了5个活动,通过图片讨论、答问、填表等形式,让学生结合生活实际了解现代高科技给人们的生活带来的影响和变化。READING AND VOCABULARY (1)包括两部分。第一部分是关于一个高中生从小钻研电脑技术,16岁便小有成功的事例。教材针对该文设计了预测文章可能涉及的词汇、判断文章主旨、回答问题等活动。第二部分是许多家长和老师就上一事例所引发的思考及看法。文后活动针对文中部分词汇、句式以及文章思想内容进行了训练。LANGUAGE IN USE(1)主要学习back 和long的用法。VOCABULARY AND LISTENING通过词汇学习、回答问题、事实与观点判断以及讨论等活动,让学生了解virtual library的优劣。LANGUAGE IN USE(2)学习know和tell的用法。READIN

      8、G AND VOCABULARY (2)是关于计算机病毒防治以及计算机犯罪方面的知识事例。主要介绍了18岁的德国男孩Sven Jaschan 编写电脑病毒程序以及受到处罚的事,并介绍了因计算机科学发展而产生的一些新词汇知识。PRESENTATION SKILLS通过所给材料及模式,学习如何写一封投诉信。READING PRACTICE中Making Technology Work for You一文就如何合理、有效利用高科技为我们服务这一问题提出了有益建议。 CULTURAL CORNER是一篇关于电子身份证的文章。通过学习,学生可以了解到现代高科技给我们的生活带来的极大便利。TASK部分要求学生通过小组活动形式就高科技生活的某一方面问题展开讨论,然后写一则报告并在网上发布。2. 教材重组2.1 将INTRODUCTION部分设计为一节“口语课”。2.2 将READING AND VOCABULARY(1)部分设计为一节“阅读课(I)”。2.3 将VOCABULARY AND LISTENING部分设计为一节“听力课”。2.4 将 READING AND VOCABULARY(2)部分

      9、设计为一节“阅读课(II)”。2.5将PRESENTATION SKILLS部分设计为一节“写作课”。2.6将READING PRACTICE和CULTURAL CORNER部分设计为一节“泛读课”。2.7将 LANGUAGE IN USE (1)和(2)以及TASK部分整合为一节“语法课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配 (经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用七课时教完)1st period Speaking2nd period Reading (I)3rd period Listening4th period Reading (II)5th period Writing6th period Extensive Reading7th period GrammarIV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals教学目标Target language 目标语言1. Key words and expressions 重点词汇MP3 player, PDA, mobile phone, X-box, computer, digital camera, surf the Internet, go to a concert2. Key structures 重点句子1. How long do you spend time doing sth?2. How often .?3. How many .?4. Y

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