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    • 1、朗文英语听说教程(一)QuizUnit 1 HappinessWhat did psychologists want to find out ?1. a. Which people are happy b. What makes people happy c. How people define happinessHow do happy people feel about their lives ?2. a. They like everything. b. They want to change. c. They are satisfied.Why are happy people optimistic ?3. a. They have few problems. b. They dont worry much. c. They have negative attitudes.What factor is most important for happiness ?4. a. Good relationships b. A successful career c. A lot of

      2、 money5. Describe how psychologists learned what makes people happy.Psychologists asked hundreds of people how happy they are. Then they asked questions to find out about their personalities. They looked at the differences between happy people and unhappy people.6. What three personality factors do happy people have?Happy people are satisfied with themselves. They are also optimistic about their problems. In addition, they have good relationships with their friends and family.Unit 2 New Kinds of

      3、 Food (1:50”)What is genetically modified food ?1. a. Fresh food b. Dangerous food c. Altered foodWhat genetically modified fruit did the speaker mention ?2. a. Strawberries b. Apples c. BananasWhat is a benefit of genetically modified food ?3. a. It needs fewer pesticides. b. It grows in less space. c. It dominates the environment.What is a risk of genetically modified food ?4. a. It may stay fresh longer. b. It may be more expensive. c. It may be harmful to people.5. What are three benefits of

      4、 genetically modified food?Genetically modified food needs fewer pesticides. Genetically modified food/plants grow better than normal. In addition, they stay fresh longer after they are harvested.6. What are three risks of genetically modified food?Genetically modified food/plants may dominate other plants in the environment. Also, they might hurt wild animals and insects. They might even hurt the people who eat them.Unit 3 Public Art (2:02”)What is public art ?1. a. Art in museums b. Art in peo

      5、ples houses c. Art in public placesWhat sculpture is an example of realistic art ?2. a. Spoonbridge and Cherry (spoon and cherry) b. Non-Violence (gun in knot) c. Peace (woman on horse)What concept do two of the sculptures in the lecture symbolize ?3. a. Public art b. Surrealism c. PeaceWhat is the main purpose of public art ?4. a. To make people go to museums b. To make artists more popular c. To make public places more beautiful5. What is pop art? Give an example.Pop art shows things people se

      6、e in their everyday lives. Spoonbridge and Cherry, the sculpture of a large spoon with a cherry, is an example of pop art.6. What is surrealistic art? Give an example.Surrealistic art shows things that are strange or impossible. Non-Violence, the sculpture of a gun tied in a knot, is an example of surrealistic art.Unit 4 Journey to AntarcticaWhen did Shackleton and his crew make their journey ?1. a. From 1912 to 1914 b. From 1914 to 1916 c. From 1916 to 1918Where did Shackleton and five men go f

      7、or help ?2. a. South Georgia Island b. Elephant Island c. ArgentinaWhat finally happened to Shacklenton and his crew ?3. a. Everyone died. b. Some were rescued. c. Everyone was rescued.What finally happened to the Endurance ?4. a. It reached America. b. It sank near Antarctica. c. It returned to London.5. What was the goal of Shackletons Journey? Did he succeed?Shackletons goal was to be the first person to walk across Antarctica. He didnt succeed.6. What did Shackleton and his crew eat when the

      8、y were living on ice?First, they ate supplies from the ship. Then they hunted animals in the area. Finally, they killed and ate their dogs.Unit 5 Violence on Television (2:11”)How much TV does the average American child watch ?1. a. Three to four hours a day b. Three to four hours a week c. Thirty to forty hours a weekWhat TV shoes have the most violent acts ?2. a. Movies b. Cartoons c. The newsHow many violent acts does the average child see on television by age twelve ?3. a. About 1,000 b. Abo

      9、ut 10,000 c. About 100,000What did the two studies show ?4. a. TV violence is linked to real violence. b. TV violence is not harmful for children.c. TV violence is increasing in the United States.5. How did researchers study the immediate effects of TV violence on children?The researchers showed children a TV show of a child hitting and kicking a doll. Then they left the children alone with a doll. The children hit and kicked the doll. This study showed that children do what they see on TV.6. How did researchers study the long-term of TV violence on children?The researchers studied how much violent television some ch


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