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英文 获奖 作文
难忘的旅行作文 英语 The most unforgettable trip I ever took was to the beautiful city of London. From the minute I stepped off the plane, I felt a sense of awe and excitement. Everywhere I looked, there were sights I had only seen in my dreams – the Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and more. Everything seemed so majestic and majestic. I took a stroll down the Thames and watched boats cruise by while admiring stunningly lit buildings at night. At every corner, there was an irresistible urge to take out my camera and capture the memories. I also visited several of London's amazing museums and historical landmarks. I studied up on the history behind them and developed a deep appreciation for the architecture. The culture and art of London captivated me. Everywhere I went I felt like I was living a royal dream. The best part of my trip though was getting to experience the local communities and nightlife in the city. In various pubs, I mingled with locals, made friends, and sampled the most delicious food I have ever tasted. This enchanting trip to London will always remain in my heart. I will forever remember the magical moments I experienced during this unforgettable journey. 我的爸爸作文 英语 My Dad My dad is a strong, kind and hardworking man. He always puts others before himself and is a great listener. He has always been there for me, supporting me in anything I do and encouraging me to keep going even when things get tough. Growing up, he taught me how to stand on my own two feet and take responsibility for my actions. He made sure I was equipped with the tools I needed to face the world and make a success of myself. He is an amazing father who is filled with love and kindness. He never turns away from a chance to help someone in need and is always willing to lend a hand. He instilled in me a sense of compassion and understanding for all people, regardless of our differences. I thank God every day for giving me such a wonderful person as my father. He is truly my hero and I am so proud to call him my dad! 我的妈妈作文 英语 My Mom My mom is the most important person in my life. She always puts me first and provides me with love, support, and security. She's always there for me when I need her and encourages me to do my best. My mom is also a great role model. She has taught me right from wrong and has put a lot of effort into making sure I am on the right track. She has taught me to take responsibility for my actions and to do the right thing even when it is not easy. My mom is an amazing cook! She can whip up a delicious meal in no time and I'm always impressed. Her secret recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, and I'm grateful for her sharing them with me. My mom is the most caring person I know. She always takes care of everyone, including me, and puts their needs before her own. She never gives up on us and loves us no matter what. My mom is my best friend and an essential part of my life. I'm so thankful for all she does for me and I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful person in my life. She is an inspiration, and I strive to be like her every day. 我的梦想作文 英语 My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur. I want to create something that impacts people’s lives in a positive way. To achieve this dream, I will have to push myself to learn more and take on exciting challenges. I must also develop my skills in communication and leadership. These will help me lead a team of people towards achieving a common goal. I am confident that with hard work and dedication, I can make this dream become a reality. 我的房子作文 英语 My House There's no place like home. That is certainly true in my case. I live in a beautiful house that I am proud of. It is cozy and comfortable, with everything I need. My house is located in a peaceful neighborhood. It has two floors, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. The walls are painted white, giving the house a bright and airy feeling. There is a large garden in the back yard, which I love to tend to. The best part about my house are all the memories I have here. Many family gatherings have taken place here, as well as late night conversations and fun games with friends. Every time I walk in, I feel like I'm coming home to a place of love and joy. My house is my refuge in times of difficulty, and my sanctuary during times of celebration. It is where I find solace when I'm feeling down, and where I can be myself without judgement. I hope to continue to fill this home with more memories and experiences for many years to come. 我的家乡作文 英语 My Hometown I am proud to call myself a native of the beautiful city of X. It is an ancient city, dating back to the early days of the Roman Empire. The city has seen its share of ups and downs throughout the centuries, but it remains a vibrant and diverse centre of culture and life. The old stone buildings and cobbled streets of my hometown are filled with
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