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新概念 英语 第二 Lesson90 教案
教学主题:NCE 2 Lesson 90 教学重难点: 单词、句型、语法 教学过程: 1. 导入 ______________ n. 小错误 ______________ n. 喜剧 ______________ n. 喜剧演员 ______________ n. 悲剧 ______________ v. 演出;adj. 出席,到场的 ______________ v. 排队 ______________ adj. 枯燥,无味 ______________ n. 艺人 ______________ n. 报幕员 1. 看不花钱的演出_____________________________________________________ 2. 即使_______________________________________________________________ 3. 消息传播开_________________________________________________________ 4. 喜剧节目___________________________________________________________ 5. 在当地影院_________________________________________________________ 6. 排队好几个小时才进去_______________________________________________ 7. 好几百人___________________________________________________________ 8. 我们看过的最乏味的演出_____________________________________________ 9. 没能进到场内_______________________________________________________ 10. 感到失望___________________________________________________________ 11. 在节目开始时_______________________________________________________ 12. 局促不安地在麦克风前_______________________________________________ 13. 纵声大笑 __________________________________________________________ 2. 呈现 Lesson 90 What's for supper? 【New words and expressions】 ______________n. 油煎土豆片 ______________ v. 过度捕捞 ______________ adj. 巨大的 ______________ v. 吓,使恐怖 ______________ n. 潜水员 ______________ 石油钻塔 ______________n. (复数)理智,头脑 ______________ n. 笼 ______________ n. 鲨鱼 ______________ n. 鲸 ______________ n. 品种 ______________ n. 鳕 ______________ n. 鳐 ______________ n. 因素 ______________ n. 全体工作人员 ★ chip n. 油煎土豆片(美式用法); (作为零食)炸薯片 Chips or potato chips fish and chips 炸鱼薯条 英国名菜 ★ overfish v. 过度捕捞 over 做前缀,表示“过度的” overdressed 打扮过分了的 ; I overcook the rice. 我把饭做糊了。You overdid it. 你过分了。 ★ giant adj. 巨大的 big/large/great/huge/immense/fantastic /tremendous /enormous/ gigantic ★ terrify v. 吓,使恐怖= make sb. extremely frightened terrify/horrify 恐惧 ★ diver n. 潜水员 ★ oil rig 石油钻塔 gas rigs in the North Sea 北海的天然气钻塔 ★ wit n. (复数)理智,头脑; 机智的人 Sb. is a wit. She has used her wits to progress to the position witty adj. 机智, 诙谐幽默的; ★ cage n. 笼 ★ shark n. 鲨鱼; whale n. 鲸 killer whale 虎鲸 ★ cod n. 鳕; tuna 吞拿,金枪鱼; herring 鲱鱼 salmon 三文鱼 squid鱿鱼 ★ skate n. 鳐 a kind of flat sea fish. ★ variety n. 品种 vary v. (大小、形状等)相异,有别(根据情况)变化,变更, various adj. 各种各样的; = all kinds of adj. 各种各样的 ★ factor n. 因素; (增长的)倍数 If an amount increases by a factor of two, for example, or by a factor of eight, then it becomes two times bigger or eight times bigger. ★ plentiful adj. 丰富的;充足的; ★ overboard adv. 向舷外; fall overboard从船上落水中 ★ bump v. (无意地)碰撞 ★ absence [ˈæbsəns] n. 缺席,不在; 缺乏, ★ crew n. 全体工作人员;(飞机、轮船、飞船等上的)全体工作人员 None of the passengers and crew were injured. 没有一个乘客和机组人员受伤。 staff n. 办公室的全体工作人员 crew 和staff 属于集合名词,可能会做单数,可能会做复数。 【Text】 1. 炸鱼薯条 __________________________________________________________________ 2. 出人意料 __________________________________________________________________ 3. 吓到北海石油钻井平台上的潜水员_____________________________________________ 4. 经常需要修理_______________________________________________________________ 5. 在水面100英尺以下摸黑工作_________________________________________________ 6. 被吓得惊惶失措_____________________________________________________________ 7. 撞到_______________________________________________________________________ 8. 喜爱的食用鱼品种___________________________________________________________ 9. 长得出奇地大_______________________________________________________________ 10. 长达12英尺________________________________________________________________ 11. 导致长得这么大_____________________________________________________________ 12. 海底热的输油管道___________________________________________________________ 13. 被抛到海里充足的食物_______________________________________________________ 14. 根本没有捕鱼船_____________________________________________________________ 15. 结果是_____________________________________________________________________ 【课文讲解】 1、What's for supper? What's for breakfast? I have eggs/nothing for breakfast. 2、Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive. fish and chips(鱼和炸土豆片,传统英国食物,是一道菜)被看作是一个整体,因此,虽然 chips 是复数形式,它后面却要跟动词的单数形式。 dish 在这里指“一盘菜”或“菜肴”、“食品”: I like French dishes. 我喜欢(吃)法国菜。 Would you like a sweet dish? 您要一盘甜食吗? more and more 越来越……(多音节用more and more 加原级) more and more interesting I love you more and more each day as time goes by.随着时间的流逝我每一天越来越爱你。 fatter and fatter 越来越胖(单音节直接加er,然后用and 连接) 3、So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. it comes as a surprise + to do sth. /that 某事令人惊讶 It comes as a surprise that it rains/snows. It comes as a surprise to have four lessons in three hours. 令人吃惊的表达: ① to one’s surprise ② The most surprising thing about it is
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