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新概念 英语 第二 Lesson79 教案
教学主题:NCE 2 Lesson 79 教学重难点: 单词、句型、语法 教学过程: 1. 导入 ______________ v. 以……为名 ______________ v. 使镇定 ______________ n. 神经 ______________ n. 集中,专心 ______________ v. 集中,专心 ______________ v. 受苦,受害 ______________ n. 症状 ______________ n. 脾气 ______________ n. 胃口,食欲 ______________ v. 拿出 ______________ v. 力劝,怂恿 ______________ n. 满意,满足 ______________ adj. 感到满意的 ______________ adj. 欣喜的 ______________ adv. 无论如何 ______________ v. 照亮; 点燃;(lit-lit) ______________ n. 努力, 精力 1. 一篇题为…的文章 __________________________________________________________ 2. 点一枝香烟_________________________________________________________________ 3. 镇定下我紧张的神经________________________________________________________ 4. 专注而愉快地吸烟__________________________________________________________ 5. 吃尽苦头__________________________________________________________________ 6. 所有的常见症状____________________________________________________________ 7. 暴躁的脾气和巨大的胃口____________________________________________________ 8. 不断地向我递香烟和雪茄____________________________________________________ 9. 毫不掩饰地表现出他们对此感到非常好笑 __________________________________________________________________________ 10. 从口袋里掏出一包糖果______________________________________________________ 11. 感到非常不自在____________________________________________________________ 12. 力劝我接受一枝香烟________________________________________________________ 13. 又都恢复了正常____________________________________________________________ 14. 指出______________________________________________________________________ 2. 呈现 Lesson 79 By air 【New words and expressions】 ______________n. 父(母)亲 ______________ 空中乘务员 ______________ adj. 害怕,担惊 ______________ adj. 好奇的 ______________ n. 炸弹 ______________ v. 安放 ______________ n. 大量;很多 ______________ n. 欧洲 ______________ adj. 欧洲的 ______________ n. 负责,管理 ______________ adj.不愉快的 ______________ v. 增加; 获得; ______________ adj. 冷静的,平静的 ______________ adj. 彻底的 ______________ adv. 彻底 ¬ parent n. ; parenting n. 抚养,养育 ¬ attend v. 出席; attendance (un.) 出席;服侍;看护 attend school/class 上学/上课; attend a lecture/ceremony 出席讲座/典礼 attendant n. 服务员,陪从;出席人 attentive adj. 留心的,注意的; attentively adv. Listen to sb. attentively ¬ fright n. be in fright; frighten v. ¬ frightening adj. frightened adj. be frightened of = be scared/afraid of ¬ frighten sb. into/ out of doing sth. 恐吓某人做/不做某事 ¬ plant v. place power plant 发电厂/ sewage plant 污水处理厂 ¬ deal n. 数量 a great deal = a lot ¬ n. 交易; A deal is a deal. 一言为定。 ¬ deal with = do sth. with 对待,处理 I don’t know how to deal with it. = I don’t know what to do with it. 我不知如何处理它。 ¬ Europe- European adj. a European city ¬ charge n. 负责,管理 take charge of sth. = be in charge of sth. ¬ charge v. 收费;充电;猛冲; charger n. 充电器 charge sb. some money for sth. 因为某事向某人收费一些钱 ¬ pleasant adj. <反>unpleasant ¬ pleasant a pleasant surprise/ pleasant weather ¬ sb. be pleasant to… 对…友善的; smile pleasantly pleasing adj. 令人满意的,令人愉快的;pleasing progress/results pleased =satisfied; a pleased smile/look/expression please v. 使开心;取悦;It’s difficult to please everyone. ¬ pleasure (cn.) 乐事,乐趣; (un.) 愉悦,高兴 do sth. for pleasure 为娱乐,作为消遣; It’s a pleasure to do sth. 做…是一件乐事 ¬ calm v./adj. keep calm; calm down ¬ gain v. 获得,增加; gain… from gain weight/speed/height/time 增加体重、速度、高度、时间 gain experience/ support/ a reputation/control 获得经验、支持、名声、控制权 gain / win sb. over 把某人从敌对方争取过来; ¬ thorough adj. thoroughly adv. ¬ bomb; bomber ¬ curious adj. be curious about… curiously adv. curiosity n.好奇心,求知欲 ¬ occasion n. occasional adj. 偶尔的;occasionally 偶尔 not regularly or frequently 【根据课文回答问题】 1. Where did his parents use to live? _______________________________________________ 2. Who would take charge of him during the flight? ___________________________________ 3. What were they going to do when the plane touched down? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What happened to the plane after it had touched down? ___________________________________________________________________________ 【课文重点词组】 1. 多次乘飞机旅行_____________________________________________________________ 2. 住在南美洲_________________________________________________________________ 3. 从欧洲乘飞机去那___________________________________________________________ 4. 负责我_____________________________________________________________________ 5. 从未有不愉快的经历_________________________________________________________ 6. 习惯于乘飞机旅行___________________________________________________________ 7. 只有一次我感到害怕_________________________________________________________ 8. 在城市上空低飞_____________________________________________________________ 9. 慢慢攀升___________________________________________________________________ 10. 调转头来,飞回了机场_______________________________________________________ 11. 等待降落___________________________________________________________________ 12. 保持镇静___________________________________________
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