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海平面上升:启迪公众的诉求 海平面 上升 启迪 公众 诉求
Ocean Rising T H E Q U E S T T O I N S P I R E T H E P U B L I C Ocean Rising Ocean Rising T H E Q U E S T T O I N S P I R E T H E P U B L I C I N T R O D U C T I O N Our modern world came to a standstill in 2020, with the global COVID-19 pandemic pausing the fast-paced existence many of us led and proving unequivocally that existential threats are not just the stuff of Hollywood disaster movies. What steps would humanity have taken if we had known years in advance the turmoil that 2020 would unleash? We can’t change our past, but we can, with global knowledge and awareness, act to create a harmonious and healthy future. While often not at the forefront of conversation on the global stage, our ocean is the backbone of climate and life on this planet. Every day we see signs of its impact - in our weather, in nature, along our coasts. It is used to transport goods across our globe, feed more than half the population, and keep humans breathing. The ocean is a magnificent resource that quietly gives to all, but is taken for granted and rarely recognized for the role it plays in planetary and human health. In order to change this status quo, we need to inspire the public about the ocean as they are inspired by space. -03 What steps would humanity have taken if we had known years in advance the turmoil that 2020 would unleash? Ocean Rising Ocean Rising S P A C E A N D O C E A N I N S P I R A T I O N Technology makes it possible to walk the deepest The two communities have distinct and critical depths of the ocean and see alien marine life differences in how they inspire and engage a broader audience (Virmani, 2017). While space stories are generally positive, trigger the imagination, and are focused on exceptionalism, coverage of the ocean is negative and tends to be driven by pragmatism without leaving your living room; however, there is a greater interest in searching for life on other planets. More than 21 million people watched the rover, Perseverance touchdown on Mars to begin its rock-collecting mission and search for signs of life, but when a marine scientist brings back volcanic rock from deep sea hydrothermal vents teaming with new life forms, the public barely blinks. and problems. Popular culture and future technological inspirations revolve around space stories, whereas ocean tales are typically set in the past. Conversations about the ocean often have a call to action, which may alienate or even bore a segment of the population. Space conversations differ in that they encourage fun and creativity and although space is currently out of reach for most people, space narratives are mission-based and more easily understandable. Ocean narratives are often idea-based and therefore harder for people Those who explore the oceans, discovering alien life forms and strange and marvelous landscapes on a daily basis, often wonder why public interest in space exploration is so much greater than in ocean exploration. Is it simply because anyone can see the stars but not everyone lives by the coast, and those that do cannot see what hides beneath the sea surface? No - research shows there is more to this dichotomy than meets the eye. to grasp, perversely, making the ocean more inaccessible. -05 Ocean Rising Ocean Rising T H E C H A N G I N G T I D E Presently, with the world’s attention focused on of the ocean, weaving key messages in unexpected and new ways into our everyday culture. We must expand the reach beyond those connected to the human health and the economy, the ocean has fallen further down the news agenda. The good news is the growing interest in all forms of science, and a hunger to reconnect with our natural world with positive stories that lead people to explore all frontiers and achieve positive climate action. We have an opportunity to reframe the ocean as exciting, interesting, and spectacular. ocean through geography, sport, or career to connect our cultures more deeply to the ocean. Creating various engagement points and tactics will help to reach diverse and inclusive audiences as every community is different and should be considered. In light of this, we argue that the key to transformation is targeting established industries outside of the community by providing successful examples, identifying what is missing, and making suggestions for a way forward. This paper will ta
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