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安卓APP | ios版本




1、 Module 1 My classmates 1 come from来自 be from 来自 2 Nice to meet you Its nice to meet you Good to see you 很高兴见到你 3 welcome sb to somewhere 欢迎某人来到某地 4 Class One Grade Seven 七年级一班 。

2、外研社七年级上 Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 We ve got lots of apples 教学设计 教材 分析 本模块讨论的话题为健康饮食 融合了课标当中的饮食话题和健康话题 而本课是本模块的第一单元 其主要内容是通过听说训练。

3、Module 2 My Family,Unit 3,Language in use,1. - ___ this your family? - Yes, ___ ___. 2. - _____ these your grandparents? - Yes, they ____. 3. Who ___ this? -_____ _____ my dad. 4. Those ____ Pauls son。

4、1七年级上册英语单词表(名词)StarterModule1class kl:s 同学,班级name nem 名字Miss ms 小姐(对未婚女性的称呼) ,老师morning mn 早晨,上午afternoon ftnun 下午Mr mst(r) 先生Mrs msz 夫人,太太teacher ti:t 老师friend frend 朋友time tam 时间tomorrow tmr 明天Module 2book bk 书hand hnd 手student stjud()nt 学生telephone telfn 电话number nmb 号码boy b 男孩girl gl 女孩desk desk 桌子chair te 椅子bag bg 包,书包Module 3English gl 英语,来自英格。

5、英语教学课件,外研 七年级 上册,Module 10,Spring Festival,Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?,lantern dragon dance clean sweep floor cook meal,n. 灯笼 n. 龙 n. 舞蹈 v. 跳舞 v.打扫 adj.清洁的;干净的 v. 打扫; 清扫 n. 地板 v. 烹调; 煮; 烧 n. 一餐; 一顿饭,Words and expressions,speak happen ready get ready for festival quite at the moment beautiful at work,v. 说话; 讲话 v. 发生 adj. 有准备的;准备好的 为做好准备 n. 节日 adv.十分;相当 此刻;目前 adj.漂亮的;美丽的 在工作,Words and express。

6、Moudle5Myschoolday unit1Ilovehistory许京英 学习目标 1 掌握本课的单词 短语及重点句型 2 能够读写钟点的英语表达法 3 能够灵活运用本课句型和词汇 能根据所给的信息谈论学校课程 抢答我最快 英译汉 half一半past晚于 过o clock 点钟difficult困难的subject科目because因为begoodat擅长haveChinese上语文课 E。

7、,Module 2 My familyUnit 2 These are my parents.,school,teacher,hospital,nurse,doctor,bus station,bus driver,theatre,actor,police station,policeman,hotel,manager,hospital bus station hotel police station theatre school,nurse,bus driver,teacher,policeman,actor,manager,Label the places in the pictures with the words and expressions from the box.,bus station hospital hotel police station school theatre,hospital,bus station,theatre,school,police station,hotel,nurses,bus driver,actor,t。

8、Module 1,My classmates,Unit 2,Im Wanglingling and Im thirteen years old.,To learn family name and given name 2.To learn some key words and useful expressions,Objectives:,Words: capital, friend, Cambridge, city,Phrases: years old first name last name,Patterns: This is Good to see you. Im from Its nice to meet you all.,Review,Words and expressions,单词回顾,学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。,Read the words and expressions loudl。

9、Module 10,Spring Festival,Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?,Spring Festival,cleaning,playing,visiting friends,cooking,lantern,sweeping,watching TV,lucky money,Brainstorming,Which words do you know about Spring Festival?,lantern dragon dance clean sweep floor cook meal speak happen,n. 灯笼 n. 龙 n. 舞蹈 v. 跳舞 v. 打扫 adj. 清洁的; 干净的 v. 打扫; 清扫 n. 地板 v. 烹调; 煮; 烧 n. 一餐; 一顿饭 v. 说话; 讲话 v. 发生,Words and expressions,get ready for festival quite at the moment bea。

10、1全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选外研社初中一年级上册 Module 9 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does the tiger eat meat?教案设计一、 教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 小学 2,学科:英语2,课时:2 课时3,学生课前准备:一、 把全班同学分成 4大组,每组需要想好一个以动物来命名的组名。二、 根据单词表的音标自学新单词。三、 准备好谈论自己喜欢的动物。四、 让学生提出自学中遇到的问题。四、 教学课题动物是学生熟悉和喜爱的话题,而本单元是一节听说课,主要围绕对动物的介绍进行听说的训练活动。通过听力材料-北京动。

11、Introduceotherpeople介绍别人 Thisis Unit3Thisismyfriend 茗屿中学 赵秀骞2013 09 06 学习目标 1 能掌握核心重点词汇 what sorry can thank too this nice meet time see 2 学会运用Thisis 以及His Her nameis 向老师同学等介绍自己的新老师 新同学 新朋友 MissLi Thi。

12、外研版七年级上英语模块 1-模块 4 语法填空题1.These are ____ (she) parents . 2.The cooker isnt ____(me). 3.Thank ___(he) for ____(help) my son. 4.____(she) mother ____(let) me ____(help) her. 5.She likes _____(do) her homework at night. 6.It is time ___ us ____(go) to school. 7.He ____ ____ (not watch ) TV on weekdays. 8.He can ____ (write) on the blackboard. 9._____(Lucy ) brother ____(have) ____ university student. 10._____ your cousin do sports in the morning? 11.There is ____ |f| in the letter。

13、七年级上册,Acient City of Pingyao 平遥古城,Wang Family Compound 王家大院,Wang Family Compound 王家大院,Hukou Waterfalls 壶口瀑布,Hukou Waterfalls 壶口瀑布,donkeys,Qinghai Lake 青海湖,Chaka Salt La.。

14、Moudle5Myschoolday unit1Ilovehistory许京英 学习目标 1 掌握本课的单词 短语及重点句型 2 能够读写钟点的英语表达法 3 能够灵活运用本课句型和词汇 能根据所给的信息谈论学校课程 抢答我最快 英译汉 half一半past晚于 过o clock 点钟difficult困难的subject科目because因为begoodat擅长haveChinese上语文课 E。

15、Module 4 Healthy food Unit1 weve got lots of apples. 1、Learn new words apples strawberry banana orange watermelon melon peach potato carrot oniontomato pork beef chickenfish water coffee 。

16、Module 2 My family Unit 2 These are my parents. school teacher hospital nurse doctor bus stationbus driver theatreactor police stationpoliceman hotel manager hospital bus station hotel police stati.。

17、Module 6 Unit 2,The tiger lives in Asia.,Guess the animal and tell us where it comes from.,Its the king of the forest.,A tiger,It lives in ____.,Asia,Its white and black. It doesnt eat bamboo.,A zebra,It lives in ______.,Africa,It has a long nose.,An elephant,It lives in ______________.,Africa and Asia,It lives in China.,A panda,It lives in ______.,China,The image of Chinese Monkey King is from it.,A monkey,It lives in ______________________.,Africa, Asia and America,Europe,Asia,Africa,North 。

18、Introduce other people介绍别人,This is.,Unit 3 This is my friend.,茗屿中学;赵秀骞 2013/09/06,【学习目标】,1、能掌握核心重点词汇:what,sorry,can , thank , too , this , nice , meet , time , see 。 2、学会运用 This is 以及 His (Her ) name is 向老师同学等介绍自己的新老师、新同学、新朋友。,Miss Li,This is Miss Li.,She is my teacher.,This is Betty.,Betty,Shes my friend.,This is my friend, Lingling.,Lingling,Amy , friend,This is my friend.,Her names Amy.,Yangyang,This is my friend.,Her names Yangya。

19、全国中小学 教学中的互联网搜索 优秀教学案例评选 外研社初中一年级上册 Module 9 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does the tiger eat meat 教案设计 一 教案背景 1 面向学生 中学 小学 2 学科 英语 2 课时 2课时 3 学生。

外研社七年级上册Module 2 Unit 2 PPT
外研社七年级上册m5u1I love history
外研社七年级上册starter m1
外研社七年级上Module 1 My classmates.
外研社七年级上册m5u1I love history.ppt
外研社七年级上 Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 We’
外研社七年级上module 1-module10
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