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安卓APP | ios版本




1、Cost Allocation: Joint Products and ByproductsCHAPTER 16Date1Learning objectivesuIdentify the splitoff point in a joint-cost situationuDistinguish joint products from byproductsuExplain why joint costs are allocated to individual productsuAllocate joint costs using four methodsuExplain why the sales value at splitoff method is preferred when allocating joint costsuExplain why joint costs are irrelevant in a sell-or-process- further decisionuAccount for byproducts using two methodsDate2Joint C。

2、Master Budgeting and Responsibility Accounting,CHAPTER 6,Structure of Lecture,The master budget and explain its benefits Describe the advantage of budgets Prepare the operating budget and its supporti。

3、Cost Allocation: Joint Products and Byproducts,CHAPTER 16,Learning objectives,Identify the splitoff point in a joint-cost situation Distinguish joint products from byproducts Explain why joint costs a。

4、Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management,CHAPTER 5,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Explain how broad averaging undercosts and overcosts products or services Present three guidelines for refining a cos。

5、The Accountants Role in the Organization,CHAPTER 1,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Describe how cost accounting supports management accounting and financial accounting Understand how management accountants affect。

6、Spoilage, Rework, and Scrap,CHAPTER 18,Terminology,Spoilage, rework, and scrap have distinctive definitions in cost accounting that may not be the definition commonly used. P510(639) It is important t。

7、13 秋学期成本与管理会计在线作业 试卷总分:100 测试时间:- 单选题 多选题 判断题 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1. 某厂只产销一种产品,且产销平衡。过去一年的销售收入总额为 180000 元,其贡献毛益率为 40%,所获得的利润为 12000 元。则其变动成本总额和固定成本总额分别为元。____ A. 72000、196000B. 108000、60000C. 96000、72000D. 60000、108000满分:2 分2. 在经济订货量的基本模型中,影响经济订货量的成本是() A. 采购成本和订货成本B. 订货成本和持有成本C. 采购成本和持有成本D. 采购成本和缺货成本满分:2 。

8、二、客观部分(一)简答题1. 简述管理会计师应具备的知识包括哪些方面。 考核知识点:管理会计师的知识体系 2. 简述管理会计中重大的道德行为冲突的解决办法。参见P31 考核知识点:道德行为冲突的解决3成本按性态分类可分为哪几类?按照成本性态对成本进行的分类有何意义?4.简述变动成本法与完全成本法在产品成本和期间费用组成上的根本区别,并说明其理论根据。参见P83-84 5. 简述变动成本法的优点和局限性。6.为什么说变动成本法有利于短期决策而不能用于长期决策?参见99考核知识点:变动成本法的局限性7. 简述什么是“本量利关系的敏。

9、第十三章 成本管理与控制,第一节 成本控制概述第二节 标准成本控制系统,第一节 成本控制概述,一、成本控制的概念及分类 二、成本控制的功能 三、成本控制的原则,一、成本控制的概念及分类(一)概念:是指企业在其生产经营活动中,根据一定的控制标准,对成本形成的全过程进行指导、限制和监督,并采取有效措施及时纠正脱离标准的偏差,使实际成本的各种支出被控制在规定的标准范围之内,以保证达到降低企业成本的目标的管理活动。(二)按成本控制原理分为1、前馈性控制:成本发生之前的目标成本。2、防护性控制:通过成本控制制度的设计。

10、二、客观部分(一)简答题1. 简述管理会计师应具备的知识包括哪些方面。 考核知识点:管理会计师的知识体系 2. 简述管理会计中重大的道德行为冲突的解决办法。参见P31 考核知识点:道德行为冲突的解决3成本按性态分类可分为哪几类?按照成本性态对成本进行的分类有何意义?4.简述变动成本法与完全成本法在产品成本和期间费用组成上的根本区别,并说明其理论根据。参见P83-84 5. 简述变动成本法的优点和局限性。6.为什么说变动成本法有利于短期决策而不能用于长期决策?参见99考核知识点:变动成本法的局限性7. 简述什么是“本量利关系的敏。

11、2020/9/1,1,CHAPTER 7 Flexible Budgets, Direct-Cost Variances,and Management Control,2020/9/1,2,Controlling Costs,Measure Actual,COMPARE Actual Vs Standard,Predetermined or Set Standard,Variance,20。

12、第十二章 责任会计责任会计是现代管理会计中的重要内容, 实行责任会计制度是企业将庞大的组织机构分 而治之。教学要求:熟悉各类责任中心的特点及考 核要求,了解内部转移价格。1第一节 分权管理与责任会计一、分权管理与责任会计 分权管理制度即将一定的决策权和相应的责 任下放给基层管理人员。分权引发的问题:原本相互协作的企业内部单位 ,因此具有了一定的独立利益,从而可能导致 片面追求局部利益,为防止该现象,必须:以责、权、利相统一的机制为基础,通过信息的 积累、加工和反馈形成企业内部严密的内部控 制系统即责任会计制。

13、2018/10/20,1,1,CHAPTER 7 Flexible Budgets, Direct-Cost Variances, and Management Control,2018/10/20,2,2,Controlling Costs,Measure Actual,COMPARE Actual Vs Standard,Predetermined or Set Standard,Variance,2018/10/20,3,3,Basic Concepts,Variance difference between an actual and an expected (budgeted) amount Purpose of variance Management by exception Performance evaluation Motivate managers Prompt strategy change,2018/10/20,4,4,Basic Concepts,Management by Exception the practice of focusing。

14、2018/9/13,1,Process Costing,CHAPTER 17,Learning objectives,2018/9/13,2,Identify the situations in which process-costing systems are appropriate Describe the five steps in process costing Calculate equivalent units and understand how to use them Use the weighted-average method of process costing Use the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method of process costing Incorporate standard costs into process-costing systems Apply process-costing methods to situations with transferred-in costs,Learning Object。

15、2019/9/10,1,Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management,CHAPTER 5,2019/9/10,2,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Explain how broad averaging undercosts and overcosts products or services Present three guidelines for refining a costing system Distinguish between simple and activity-based costing systems Describe a four-part cost hierarchy Cost products or services using activity-based costing Explain how activity-based costing systems are used in activity-based management Compare activity-based costing。

16、2020 6 13 1 CHAPTER2 AnIntroductiontoCostTermsandPurposes 2020 6 13 2 LEARNINGOBJECTIVES DefineandillustrateacostobjectDistinguishbetweendirectcostsandindirectcostsExplainvariablecostsandfixedcostsInt。

17、2020/9/7,1,CHAPTER 2,An Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes,2020/9/7,2,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Define and illustrate a cost object Distinguish between direct costs and indirect costs Explain variable。

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