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题库 测试 2022 银行 招聘 综合 知识 高分 通关 考前 复习 答案
题库测试题库测试 20222022 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识高分高分通关题库考前复习含答案通关题库考前复习含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、社会主义初级阶段基本路线的核心是()。A.以经济建设为中心 B.改革开放 C.四项基本原则 D.精神文明建设【答案】A 2、下来关于“服务业营业税改征增值税”的说法正确的是()。A.服务业营业税改征增值税是指根据服务业的营业税修改增值税 B.改革只针对服务行业 C.服务业营业税改征增值税是指对服务业由征收营业税改为征收增值税 D.试点行业的总体税负略有增加【答案】C 3、“Well done,Cassandra.”Crook said.She blushed,but accepted the()with good grace.A.commence B.compromise C.compensate D.compliment【答案】D 4、_the unpredictability,the technological failure is another big threat to the aviation industry.A.Except B.Like C.Along with D.Other than【答案】D 5、Her collection of paintings was _ to the National Gallery when she died.A.inherited B.bequeathed C.beneath D.bewildered【答案】B 6、2020 年 2 月初,武汉市开始连夜建设三所“()”,用于专门收治确诊的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎轻症患者。A.火神山医院 B.雷神山医院 C.小汤山医院 D.方舱医院【答案】D 7、It is clear that children between the ages of 3 and 6 years already have negative attitudes towards fat and a()a thin body.A.infection B.reference C.preference D.like【答案】C 8、All car makers are spending billions trying to figure out a future that is more_,more autonomous and steps back from fossil fuels。A.electric B.electrical C.electronic D.electrified【答案】A 9、He said the UK government would allow the island to determine its own_and democracy.A.equality B.enhancement C.agreement D.development【答案】A 10、世界上最早出现的计算机互联网络是()。A.Internet B.SNA C.ARPAnet D.Ethernet【答案】C 11、“手续费收入”属于()类科目。A.所有者权益 B.损益 C.资产 D.负债【答案】B 12、下列历史事件中,最接近“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”所描述的时期的是()A.玄武门之变 B.永贞革新 C.安史之乱 D.黄巢起义【答案】C 13、资料:欧洲的经济学家 Mr.T 首先跟你谈了欧洲的一些优势,以及一些好的企业。请根据下列资料回答问题 A.100 million euros B.150 million euros C.20 million euros D.30 million euros【答案】B 14、按照承担贷款风险的主体分类,贷款可分为自营贷款和()。A.委托贷款 B.担保贷款 C.单一贷款 D.银团贷款【答案】A 15、Indeed,some newly downgraded journalists are _ arguing that they are capable of separating professional and personal matters.A.indignant B.objective C.empirical D.ingenious【答案】A 16、资料:Asked to name their favorite city,many Americans would select San Francisco which began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay.The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico.A.attractive lifestyle,good seafood,desirable weather B.tourist attraction extreme seasons,cable cars C.wagon trains,gold mining,good climate D.cable cars,pleasant climate,flat terrain【答案】A 17、Everybody showed great respect to the old doctor,who devoted everything he had to()the poor conditions of the local hospital.A.improving B.improve C.improved D.being improved【答案】A 18、资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a sharing economy based on cloud services.Enterprises will be able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent,helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.A.Tencent is offering cloud services as a separate business B.Smaller companies fail to build their own data center C.Cloud services slightly increased the operating costs D.Cloud technology is widely used in every Chinese enterprise【答案】B 19、Are you going on a picnic this weekend or _weekend?A.the next B.later C.next D.the later【答案】C 20、4 辆车运送货物,每辆车可运 16 次;7 辆车运送,每辆车只能运 10 次。设增加的车辆数与运送减少的次数成正比,且每车次运送货物相等,运送货物总量最多是多少车次?()A.72 B.74 C.64 D.68【答案】A 21、资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vital so that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future,Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week.(1)A.Neutral B.Positive C.Negative D.Critical【答案】B 22、资料:Stress is a common factor in life.Children experience stress from school,new social situations and simply growing up.Adults feel the stress of working,paying bills,raising kids and maintaining households.Seniors also feel stress,even though some may have retired,raised their children and paid off their homes.Certain amounts of stress are a part of life for people of all ages.A.Affect B.Improve C.Intensify D.Worsen【答案】D 23、资料:From: A.He has shopped at Fruittisom s online store B.He has been charged incorrectly for an order C.He has worked for Fruittisom D.He has reported a late delivery【答案】D 24、These small companies now have their own _ identity.A.discreet B.discrete C.separated D.isolated【答案】B 25、中央银行对市场进行政策调节时,效果最为强烈的金融工具是()。A.存款准备金率 B.再贴现率 C.银行再贷款率【答案】A 26、We have data mining and loading tools for both maintenance task data and component data,which means a considerable _ in implementation time.A.stop B.saving C.consumption D.economy【答案】B 27、借助于金融市场的交易组织、交易规则和信用制度,以及丰富的可供选择的金融产品和便利的资产交易方式,为各种期限、内容不同的金融工具互相转换提供了必需的条件,可降低交易成本,便利金融工具实现交易的金融市场功能是()。A.货币资金融通功能 B.优化资源配置功能 C.交易及定价功能 D.经济调节功能【答案】C 28、工厂有 5 条效率不同的生产线。某个生产项目如果任选 3 条生产线一起加工,最快需要 6 天整,最慢需要 12 天整;5 条生产线一起加工,则需要 5 天整。问如果所有生产线的产能都扩大一倍,任选 2 条生产线一起加工最多需要多少天完成?()A.11 B.13 C.15 D.30【答案】C 29、在 PowerPoint 2003 中,要将 D 盘上的“时间都去哪了.MP3”文件插入到当前幻灯片中,所选择的命令项是()。A.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的声音 B.插入影片和声音文件中的声音 C.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的影片 D.插入影片和声音文件中的影片【答案】B 30、Why are you standing there,Maggie?A.be hind B.i
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