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关 键 词:
那包饼干 英文 作文 饼干
英文作文《那包饼干》 Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to eat biscuits. Every time she went to the grocery store, she would take a few biscuits home. One day, when she went to the store, she saw a special package of biscuits. It was a big package with a beautiful design. She was so tempted to buy it, but she knew it was too expensive for her. The little girl was very sad, but she decided to be brave and ask the shopkeeper if she could have the biscuits. The shopkeeper was very kind and understanding. He told her that she could have the biscuits if she promised to do something for him. The little girl was so excited. She promised to help the shopkeeper with his work every day for a week. The shopkeeper agreed and gave her the biscuits. The little girl was very happy. She took the biscuits home and shared them with her family. Everyone was so happy and thanked the shopkeeper for his kindness. From then on, the little girl never forgot the kindness of the shopkeeper. Whenever she went to the store, she would always remember the special package of biscuits and the kindness of the shopkeeper.
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