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类型Unit10Section A (1a-2d) 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册


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Unit10 Section 1a-2d 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册 课件 2022 2023 学年 人教版 英语 九年级
Section A(1a-2d)Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.In Brazil,what do people do when they meet for the first time?They are supposed to Brazil-Brazilian(s)kissIn Mexico,what do people do when they meet for the first time?MexicoMexican(s)shake hands They are supposed to In Korea,what do people do when they meet for the first time?Korea-Korean(s)They are supposed to.bowIn Japan,what do people do when they meet for the first time?They are supposed to In the United States,what do people do when they meet for the first time?They are supposed to countriescustoms1._ Brazil2._ the United States3._ Japan 4._ Mexico5._ Koreaa.bowb.Shake handsc.kissb1a What do people do when they meet for the first time?Match the countries with the customs.Countries Customs1._Brazil a.bow b.shake hands c.kiss2._the United States3._Japan4._Mexico5._Koreacbaba1b Listen and check your answers in 1a.A:What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B:Theyre supposed to bow.1c Make conversations about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time.Talk about the countries in 1a or other countries.2a Maria is an exchange student.Last night she h ad dinner at an American friends house.Listen and check()the mistakes Maria made.Marias storyMarias mistakes_ arrived late_ ate the wrong food_ greeted Pauls mother the wrong way_ wore the wrong clothesCHECK1.Maria was supposed to arrived at 7:00,but she _.2.In Marias country,when youre invited for 7:00,youre expected to _.3.When Maria met Pauls mom,she was supposed to _.4.Maria should ask what she is supposed to _ if she is invited to a party next time.2b Listen again.Fill in the blanks.arrive at 7:00come latershake handswear Summary阅读,对比阅读,对比Marias country和和 America的风俗习惯之间的差异。的风俗习惯之间的差异。Ideas and customs about.In Marias country In America TimePeople are supposed to arrive 1._.People are supposed to arrive 2._.GreetingPeople are supposed to 3._ when they meet for the first time.People are supposed to 4._ when they meet.DressingPeople are supposed to wear5._ _ to the party.People are supposed to wear 6._to an outdoor party.latedressa suit/fancyshake handskisson timeand jeansa T-shirtHow was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00.2c Role-play a conversation between Maria and Dan.Use the information in 2a and 2b.2d Read the conversation and answer the questions.1.What did John as soon as he met a Japanese boy called Sato?2.How are people in Japan expected to greet each other?3.How did Katie feel when Marie kissed her on both sides of her face?4.How are people in France expected to greet each other?He held out his hand.They are expected to bow.She felt surprised.They are expected to kiss.2d Role-play the conversation.Katie:How was the welcome party for foreign students last night?John:Great!I made some new friends.But a funny thing happened.Katie:What?John:I met a Japanese boy called Sato,and as soon as I held out my hand,he bowed.Katie:Thats how people in Japan are expected to greet each other.Its impolite if you dont bow.John:I didnt know that.So I just stood there with my hand out.Finally,I returned the bow.Katie:I remember when I first met Marie last year,I did the same thing.I held out my hand and to my surprise,she kissed me on the both sides of my face.John:I wouldnt mind that!Katie:Very funny.Later I found out French people are supposed to kiss when they see each other.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.Social_(custom)are different from country to country.2.Hello,Bill.Did you go to Anns birthday party?No,I wasnt_(invite)at all.3.You are_(suppose)to bow when you meet someone for the first time in Korea.4.She felt sorry because she_(greet)Mr.Green the wrong way.5.To my surprise,she_(take)a small present to her cousin that she disliked.customsinvitedsupposedgreetedtook.完成句子完成句子1.我们应该用恰当的方式问候别人。我们应该用恰当的方式问候别人。We are_ _ greet others the_ way.2.在大多数西方国家在大多数西方国家,人们初次见面时应该握手。人们初次见面时应该握手。In most Western countries,people are supposed_ _ _ when they meet for the first time.3.你不应该问这样一个问题。你不应该问这样一个问题。You_ _ such a question.4.你不应该那样对她说话。你不应该那样对她说话。Youre_ _ _ talk to her like that.5.不要担心出错。那没关系的。不要担心出错。那没关系的。Dont worry about_ _.It doesnt matter.supposed to rightto shake handsshouldnt asknot supposed to making mistakes1.You are _to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ,so the other person doesnt get bored.A.suggested B.supported C.taught D.supposed2.You look sad.What has happened?Everyone _us to win the match,but we lost.A.expectsB.expectedC.hopesD.hoped3.In_,people are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time.A.China B.Mexico C.the United States D.Korea.单项选择单项选择DBDTHANK YOU!
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本文标题:Unit10Section A (1a-2d) 课件2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册
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