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Name & schoolNo.2 Middle SchoolCourse Book New Standard English, Book 1Module & TopicModule2 My New TeachersTypePeriod1&Period2Teaching Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students will express who they want to describe and use the words and sentences appeared in “Introduction”. Make the listening comprehension better and better.Key Points and Difficult Points(1) Make all the students in the class join the description and use the words and sentences in “Introduction”try their best .(2) Remember the discrimination of the synonyms appeared in “Reading”, of course some sentences which they can use in their own compositions.Methodology & StrategiesGroup work; private work; discussion;Aids and Materials Computer, TV&tape recorderTeaching ProceduresTeachers activity(what and how)Students activity(what and how, possible answers)Why(reasons and objectives)1Lead-in by giving a number of photos of films that are related to teachers. ie. "the Changjiang River V”“No one less”(details in appendix 1)(Group work)First, let the students use some adjectives for the teachers who in films.(amusing;enegetic;funny;intelli-Gent)Second, have a dialogue with students who as senior middle school students for two weeks, talk about their own teachers use adjectives. One sentence pattern for the students to describe their teachers.ie.My teacher is _and_,But he is not very _.Third, exercise.(details in appendix2)Fourth,(1)Ask the students to use the words to describe you r classmates.(2)Describe their favorite teacher that they and their classmates know and ask others t o guess who he or she is.Attract the students eyeballs throughout some famous film s because of a lot of classical teachers images. By means of this method, arouse the students enthusiasm and interests. Teachers can concentrate students attention on the adjectives used for teachers.The objectives of this period, aiming to make students like this class, attach importance to this class, remember this class. At the same time ,students love not only this English class, but also this English subject. Gradually, paying attention to the study of English.2Give students a series of pictures as a beginning clue for the next study. Then listen to the tape I and II,try their best to grasp information in listening as much as possible according to the questions.(private work):The first, give some pictures that have explainations.Let they choose the ones which they agree with.(details in appendix 3)The second, listen to tape recorder, the tape I ,and tick sentences that Alex agrees with.The third, listen to the tapeII of “Reading “.Try to know the general idea about it. Of course, the teacher should introduce sth. About this text. Answer questions.(details in appendix 4)Practise listening to the “Listening Comprehension”. At the first of this period, giving some pictures characters can make this link more vivid, it can be a good idea at the beginning of this period. The objective of this period of listening better and better ,and have the ability of picking out key sentences and words according to the Questions.3Some useful phrases and sentences is ready for the study of students.Through it,the students can read the text more quickly and deeply.First of all,before reading,the teachers give some useful phrases for the students,and the students can read this text better.(details in appendix 5)Second,try to let the students discriminate some near synonyms under the help of teachers.Third,let the students read the text clearly, nd know the meaning.Fourth, give students detailed analysis of the Reading.(details in appendix 6)Because of useful phrases and sentences,giving foreshowing of this texts meaning to the students.Make substantial base for the further study of this text.The detailed analysis can make this text be read more penetrating and more deepgoing.The objective of this period is to practice ability of reading,its important to have an exam.4After studying the text ,the students should have a exercise.Exercise in P13 of Students Book 1hve a good study of this text.5Homework1. Recite the words in “Introduction and Reading”.2. Play teachers roles in the “Reading”,and act it out by themselves.Consolidate the knowledge of this classand repeated practice.The oral exercise impels students have a good spoken language.Blackboard Design: Module 2 My new teachersI. Introduction: II.listening III.Reading:1.Films about teachers: 1. phrases“the Changjiang River V” meaning near synonyms kind,livel,organized,patient,pouplar 2.Vocabulary and gr


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