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用香料烹饪知识 Cooking With Flavors (PowerPoint Presentation)

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用香料烹饪知识 Cooking With Flavors (PowerPoint Presentation)

Cooking With Flavors,Remco vaatstra, Executive Chef,Part 1,the act of preparing something as food by the application of heat the act of preparing something as food the preparation of a meal,Definition:,Cooking,taste experience when a savory condiment is taken into the mouth that quality of anything which affects the smell quality of anything affecting the taste / gratifying the palate,Flavor & Flavour,Definition:,determine flavor/palatability of food gives signals of dangerous/toxic food taste buds on tongue different primary taste sensations taste + smell = flavor,Definition:,Taste,seventy-five percent of taste is smell taste buds perceive basic flavors only odor from food gives taste sensation odor travels through the passage between your nose and mouth,How It Works:,Taste,sweet glucose and fructose sour acid (sometimes spoilage) salty sodium chloride bitter quinine (sometimes toxins) umami glutamic acids,The Basics:,Taste,the fifth taste pleasurable sensations (feel) of food use of umami can make mediocre fare taste better umami can be created/enhanced through combination of ingredients,Umami:,Taste,used to season food used to preserve food one of our primary taste sensations white crystalline form of especially sodium chloride natural mineral technically not a spice,Salt,Definition:,sea salt rock salt table salt red sea salt kosher salt pickling salt nitrite/nitrate salt etc. iodized & mineralized coarse, flakes, crystals, grain,Salt,Varieties:,strengthens gluten improves tenderness promotes binding of water helps extract proteins cooking losses are reduced stable emulsions are formed controls rate of fermentation promotes development of color,How It Works:,Salt,accents flavor of meat brings out individuality of vegetables puts “oomph“ into bland starches deepens flavor of delicate desserts develops flavor of certain fruits does not add calories,What It Does:,Salt,Demonstration:,Salt,why salt the water for potatoes, pasta or vegetables?,Part 2,pungent seasoning from the berry of the common pepper plant used whole or ground,Pepper,Definition:,Pepper,Varieties:,green picked before maturity; dried/pickled black picked before ripened from green to red white fully ripened, skin removed red recent invention; picked in their red form rose not a true pepper szechuan - mildly hot from the prickly ash tree,oils create the characteristic flavor most intense when cracked fresh flavor released once hull is cracked ground peppers lose flavor quickly,How They Work:,Pepper,add flavor in any type of cuisine add spice elevate the dish add a layer of flavor can add color does not add calories,What They Do:,Pepper,Pepper,Demonstration:,what pepper can do to my chicken and why grind fresh whenever possible?,garden (seed) plants leaves of low-growing shrubs provide flavoring for food do not produce a woody stem like a tree live long enough to develop flowers and seeds,Herbs,Definition:,oils create the characteristic flavor most intense when fresh dried herbs have lost some oils dried herbs may be more concentrated,How They Work:,Herbs,add flavor in any type of cuisine add color add a new dimension do not add calories,What They Do:,Herbs,1 teaspoon dried = 1 tablespoon fresh fresh at the end of cooking, dry towards the beginning dried herbs have a stronger, more concentrated flavor dried herbs lose their pungency most importantly, use herbs!,Fresh vs Dry:,Herbs,do: use a sharp knife use a stainless steel knife always use fresh when possible add them during the last minutes do not: use too much bruise the herbs (some are pounded),Dos & Donts:,Herbs,Herbs,Demonstration:,what mint does to my lamb and and basil to my tomatoes?,Part 3,used to infuse more complex flavor: mixture of herbs herb pastes are quickly applied combined with other seasonings infused vinegars combined with wet spices (garlic, chili, etc.),Mixtures & Pastes:,Herbs,Herbs,Demonstration:,herb pastes a “quick fix”,come from the bark (cinnamon) root (ginger, onion, garlic) buds (cloves, saffron) seeds (yellow mustard, poppy, sesame) berry (black pepper) or the fruit (allspice, paprika) of tropical plants and trees,Spices,Definition:,Spices,oils create the characteristic flavor more intense when roasted/heated develop stronger flavors crushed combination of spices used,How They Work:,Spices,What They Do:,add flavor in any type of cuisine build the base flavor/taste spices infuse flavor into food add a new dimension elevate the flavor of other ingredients,Spices,Mixtures & Pastes:,used to infuse more complex flavor: complex mixture of spices powders (curry, cajun, etc.) rubs pastes of wet spices (thai curry) combined with other seasonings all cuisines have a variety,Spices,Demonstration:,why roast my curry powder and why indian food is full of flavor?,Part 4,Rubs,Definition:,also available commercially combination of spices used to introduce flavor seasoning wet or dry,a preparation to enhance flavor used to g


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