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凯悦酒店 如何摆放食品在托盘上 04 How to set a Tray Order

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凯悦酒店 如何摆放食品在托盘上 04 How to set a Tray Order

,TRAINING ACADEMY,ROOM SERVICE MODULE “How to set a Tray Order” F&B SERVICE 03-04,Introduction (前言),The tray is a representation of Hyatt Regency Dongguans table tops in a typical Restaurant scenario. As such, it is imperative that the presentation is immaculate 托盘是东莞松山湖凯悦酒店餐厅必要的,同样的, 对它的介绍也是必要的,wow,This forms the base for a 这一切源自,Introduction (前言),experience at Hyatt Regency Dongguan. 莅临东莞松山湖凯悦酒店的独特体验,Objective (目标),By the end of this Session, our Objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to set a Tray Order” with Confidence, and according to our Defined Standards. 本次课程的结尾,我们的目标是确保你能按照我们讲授的标准学会”如何摆放食品在托盘上” Any Questions? 有什么问题吗?,1. Select the Tray (选择托盘),What do we need to ensure? 我们如何挑选? Clean and dry 干净并干燥的 In good condition 可以使用的 Polished 没有破损的,2. Select the Tray Cloth (选择托盘布垫),What do we need to ensure? 我们该如何挑选? No Stains 没有污点的 Well pressed 无折痕的 No Tears 没有破损的 No Runs in the stitching 没有补丁的,3. Select the Equipment (选择器材),What do we need to ensure? 我们该如何挑选? Silverware 银器 No Stains 没有污点的 Not tarnished 光亮的 In good condition 可以使用的,3. Select the Equipment (选择器材),Chinaware 瓷器 Clean and dry 干净并干燥的 No Stains 没有污点的 No Cracks or Chips 没有裂纹和破损的,Glassware 玻璃器皿 Clean and dry 干净并干燥的 No Stains 没有污点的 No Cracks or Chips 没有裂纹和破损的 Well polished 光亮的,3. Select the Equipment (选择器材),Linen 布草 No Stains 没有污点的 Well pressed and in the case of napkins it should be well folded 口布平整无折痕 No Tears 没有破损 No Runs in the stitching 没有补丁,3. Select the Equipment (选择器材),3. Select the Equipment (选择器材),Printed stationery 印刷品 No Stains 没有污点 No Tears 没有破损的 Information is updated 最新的信息,3. Select the Equipment (选择器材),Salt and Pepper 盐和胡椒 Clean and dry 干净并干燥的 No Stains 没有污点的 Free flowing 可以倒出的 Well filled 满瓶的,3. Select the Equipment (选择器材),Flower vase 花瓶 Clean and dry 干净并干燥的 No Stains 没有污点的 No Cracks or Chips 没有裂纹和破损的 Well polished 光亮的 Fresh Flower 新鲜的花,4. Place the Tray Cloth on the Tray (托盘上的布垫),What do we need to ensure? 我们的标准是什么? Tray Cloth sits properly on the Tray 托盘布垫完全的覆盖在托盘上,5. Set the Tray (托盘的摆放),What is the Standard Setting required on the Tray? 标准的托盘摆放是什么? Tray Cloth 托盘布垫 Salt and Pepper 盐和胡椒 Flower Vase 花瓶 For position refer to photograph 根据标准摆放,6. Place the Equipment on the Tray (托盘摆放),What Equipment do we place on the Tray? 托盘上要摆放什么? Standard setting and equipment according to the order 根据客人的要求并标准的摆放,7. Place the Tray on the counter (将托盘放在柜台上),Why do we place the Tray on the counter? 为什么要将托盘放在柜台上? In preparation for the order 准备摆放食品 What do we need to ensure? 我们的标准是什么? Tray is sitting fully on counter 将托盘全部放在柜台上 Tray is stable 托盘必须稳定 Counter is clean and dry 柜台是干净并干燥的,8. Double check the Set Up (再次检查餐具的摆放),What do we need to refer to? 我们该如何查阅? Pantry Order Copy 根据客人的点单 What do we need to ensure? 我们的标准是什么? The Set Up is according to the standard specification 按照酒店的标准检查,Checking the Standard (标准检查),Q: What do we need to ensure? 我们的标准是什么? Q: What is the standard setting required on the Tray? 标准的托盘摆放是什么? Q: What equipment do we place on the Tray? 托盘上要摆放些什么? Q: Why do we place the Tray on the counter? 为什么要将托盘放在柜台上? Q: What do we need to refer to? 餐具摆放的标准是什么?,Any Questions?,


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