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http:/www.amazessay.com/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作自信与运动成绩的关系Disclaimer:Any opinions,findings,conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays.Self-confidence is probably the most regularly reported psychological elements considered to have an effect on athletic performance.For instance,as observed by Arkes and Garske(1982),researchers have well-known that the separating elementbetween high and low accomplishment motivation is self-confidence.Athletes who are self-confident and expecting to do well are generally the same athletes who do win.Self-confidence has been operationalized in numerous different ways.These include the constructs of self-efficacy(Bandura,1977,1997),sport confidence(Vealey,1986),perceived capability(Harter,1982;Nicholls,1984),outcome expectancies(Rotter,1954),and movement confidence(Griffin&Keogh,1982).Anacknowledged description is the one proposed by Feltz(1988)who shows that self-confidence should be considered as:“the confidence that one can efficiently perform anexact natural process rather than a global trait that accounts for overall performance optimism.For instance,one may experience a high point of self-confidence in ones driving skill in golf only a low level of self-confidence in putting”.Self-confidence,as operationalized by Feltz,is essentially the same as self-efficacy,a construct defined by Bandura(1977).The theory of self-efficacy,which was originated within the structure of a social cognitive theory,has been one of the most widely used theoretical basic for assessing self-confidence in sport and exercise.Self-efficacy was originally projected as an account of the sort of interference procedures utilized in the discussion of anxiety,and has been employed in sport to explain the intervention of achievement behaviors.Granting to the theory,self-efficacy is determined as the cognitions that symbolize the sentences or beliefs that one can successfully accomplish a specific action to create a certain outcome rather than a global threat that account for overall performance optimism(Bandura,1997).Self-efficacy is not concerned with the skills of an individual,merely with the assessment of what he or she can get along with her/his expertise(Feltz,1992;McAuley,1992).In really simple conditions,self-efficacy represents a variety of situation specific self-confidence(Vealey,1986).For instance,an individual may feel very positive in her/his ability to perform on the volleyball court,but be totally intimidated at the idea of public speech production.Peoples opinion of their personal capabilities has been evinced to be an important determinant of choice of activity,how much effort is expended in those activities,persistence in the face of aversive stimuli,thought forms,and emotional reactions(Bandura,1977,1986,1997).When confronted with stressful stimuli,low-efficacious individuals tend to break up,assign the failure internally,and have greater anxiety or depression(Bandura,1982).Judgment of self-efficacy is based on four major sources of information:Past performance accomplishments,vicarious experiences,persuasion,and physiological states(Bandura,1977).Performance accomplishments are the most reliable and influential sources of efficacy information since they are founded on authentic mastery experiences.This notion is reflected in the hypothesis that mastery attempts that are perceived as a success will facilitate efficacy expectations,whereas attempts perceived as failures will result in lowered efficacy.Once strong feelings of self-efficacy develop through repeated successes,occasional failures will be of little effects.The influence that performance experiences have on self-efficacy depends on the perceived difficulty of the project,the attemptfinished,the quantity of physical leadership received,and the sequential patterns of achievement and disappointment(Bandura,1986).Successes with difficult projects,tasks tried individually,and tasks achieved early in understanding with only unexpecteddisappointment will increase self-efficacy more compared to easy tasks,tasks carried out with external aid,or projects in which repeated failures are seen early in the learning process.Vicarious experiences are sources of efficacy data derived through observing or imagining others engaging in the job to be done.Seeing similar others perform successfully can raise efficacy expectations,especially when the individual perceives similarities with the model in terms of capabilities or personal characteristics(Gould&Weiss,1981;McAuley,1985).Persuasion is widely used by teachers and coaches in order to motivate people to think that they possess capabilities that will enable them to reach their goal(Gould,Hodge,Peterson,&Giannini,1989).Examples are verbal persuasion,self-talk,imagery,and other cognitive strategies.These techniques are effective when the heightened appraisal is within realist


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