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人教版七年级英语上册教案七上Starter Unit2 第一课时

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人教版七年级英语上册教案七上Starter Unit2 第一课时

Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English? The first period (New words)Learning goals: 1. 能争取使用下列词汇(Curriculum words)what, is, this, that, in, English, map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, it, a, an, spell, please 2. 能争取使用下列常用短语(Useful expressions)in English; Whats this/that? Its a/an3. 能认读下列词汇non-curriculum wordsquilt; NBA; P; kgTeaching Procedures Step1 Warming-up 1. Play an ABC song,the students listen and sing along with it.2. The teacher and the students greet each other:T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Ma.Then face to one student, and say “Good morning, Huang Zixuan!”The girl says “Good morning, Miss Ma.”Greet other students like this.Step2 Presentation1. Show a picture of my room and get students to observe the picture. And ask: “What can you see in the picture?” Students can speak in Chinese at first.2. T: Do you know their English names? Show the picture of each thing and help student to learn the new words map cup ruler pen orange jacket key quilt. orange ruler pen jacket quilt key map cupAccording to the phoneme, let the students read the new word by themselves first. If he or she reads wrong, ask other student to correct it. The teacher can help them.3. Play the tape for the whole class to listen and imitate.4. Students read the words by themselves and then keep them in mind. (设计意图:利用图片引出新单词,学生根据所学的音标首先自己认读单词并标记不会读或读不准的单词,然后小组内解疑;在听录音正音。学生根据正确的读音记忆生词。) Step3 Remember words一. Remember the words by looking at pictures.Show the pictures one by one, let the students say and spell the words.II. Remember the words by acting the dialogues.如,what , is ,this , in ,English , it ,a ,an, spell ,pleaseBy acting the dialogue:A: Whats this in English?B: Its a/an A: Spell it, please.B: M-A-PIII. Remember the words by their similar usage. 看句子,找规律。相信你能行!1. Its a book. 2. This is a jacket. 3. That is a pen.4. Its an orange. 5. This is an egg. 6. Thats an apple.学生发现规律: 1. a , an 均为冠词,用法类似但有不同,a用于以辅音开头的单数可数名词前,而an 用于以元音开头的单数可数名词前。2. this 、that 均为指示代词,this 指近物而that 指远物。IV. Remember the words by their Chinese. 什么_ 是 _ 英语_ Step 4 Consolidation of words 1. Let students check the words in pairs: one say Chinese and the other say English and spell it. If someone cant say correctly, ask the teacher or the other students to help.2. Let someone to say in class and spell . (设计意图:学生在操练的过程中巩固单词,体现了学中用,用中学。)Step 5 Read the story and try to translate。T: Boys and girls, please read the story and try to translate it into Chinese.This is Cindys room. A map is on the wall. A jacket and a quilt are on the bed. A pen, a ruler and a cup are on the desk. A key is on the book. Look! Whats this in English? Oh, Its an orange. Please spell it.(设计意图:希望学生通过对短文的理解能够进一步掌握本节课的单词。)Step 5Mind mapEnglishinthisthatpleasespellwhatanaiscuporangerulerkeyjacketquiltmappenStep6 The end-of class test. 一、根据句意和图片写出单词。1.This is a(n)_ _ _.2.Its a(n) _.3.Spell _,please.4.This is a nice_.5. The _ is good.二、用a 或an填空6._ key 7._cup 8._ “H” 9._ “L” 10._CD答案:1.ruler 2.map 3. orange 4.pen 5.jacket 6.a 7.a 8.an 9.an 10.a教学小结:教学亮点: 本节课通过主要同过图片和实物学习生活中常见的一些日常用品,学生对自己生活中的日常用品的英语表达方式很好奇,有很强的求知欲,通过实物和图片认识新单词更直观,更具体,对所学的东西印象深刻,记忆的更牢固。不足:教学中虽然采用了实物和图片进行较学,由于学生接触英语的时间并不长,加之本节课的词汇量也非常多,学生拼读记忆起来会由些困难,时间久了可能会有厌烦感。使用建议:在记忆单词的过程中可以使用游戏或比赛的形式来调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。4


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