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Jiayu NO1. High School _ Cheng Wenhui,Welcome to my class,1. If we can learn English well, we can let foreigners know more about China. 2. If we had been better, we would have won the match.,Similarities: Differences:,1st: something is likely to happen in the future.2nd: something was not true or contrary to what happened in the past.,Indicative mood(陈述语气),Subjunctive mood(虚拟语气),The differences of different sentence mood can be shown through the structures of predicate(谓语结构).,Both are IF conditional clauses (if 条件句).,Definition of Subjunctive Mood,定义: 虚拟语气主要是用来表示说话人所说的话不是客观存在的事实,或者与事实相反;可以用来表示主观假想,愿望,要求,命令,建议等。在形式上,虚拟语气主要是通过谓语动词的特殊结构来表示。 注意: 应用条件和谓语结构。,Indicative or Subjunctive Mood,Sub.,Ind.,Sub.,Ind.,Sub.,Sub.,Reading and discovering,Read the passage carefully and underline the sentences using subjunctive mood.,Liu Xiang won his third Asian 110m hurdles championship!,Liu Xiang won his third Asian 110-meter hurdles championship!Looking back on the 2008 Olympic Games, Liu limped off the track due to injury even before he started running, leaving millions of Chinese astonished and disappointed. Liu apologized in public for his withdrawal, “I didnt know why things turned out this way. I wanted to hang on, but I couldnt. It was unbearable. If I had finished the race, I would have risked my tendon(腱).” Liu did,make the right decision. If he hadn't given up then, he would have got worse injured. After Liu dropped out of the race, Chinas Internet was filled with comments that ranged from sympathy to suspicion. It is hard to imagine how much Liu suffered. Luckily, he didn't lose heart. “I never quit easily,” he said,“ I believe I will come back.” Yes, he made it. If he hadn't been so determined, he wouldn't have succeeded again.,Liu is really a man worth respecting. We should learn how to face hardships in life from him. If you were to meet with difficulties in the future, would you stick to your goal as Liu Xiang does? And if you were Liu Xiang now, what would you do, to retire and live a comfortable life or to struggle for the next championship?,1. If I had finished the race, I would have risked my tendon. 2. If he hadn't given up then, he would have got worse injured. 3. If he hadn't been so determined, he wouldn't have succeeded again.,Case1: If型虚拟条件句,would,should, could, mighthave done,had +done,与过去事实相反的假设,虚拟语气,1. If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world with my best friends. 2. If you were Liu Xiang now, what might you do? 3. If I were a bird, I could fly to touch the sky.,Case1: If型虚拟条件句,would,should,could,mightV.(原),1. did 2. were,与现在事实相反的假设,虚拟语气,1. If I succeeded in passing the test tomorrow, I would be very happy. 2. If you were to meet with difficulties in the future, would you stick to your goal as Liu Xiang does? 3. If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay at home.,虚拟语气,Case1: If型虚拟条件句,would,should,could,might V.(原),与将来相反的假设,1. did 2. were to+ V.原 3. should +V.原,If 虚拟条件句用法小结:,would/should/could/might +do,1.had+done,would/should/could/might + have+done,would/should/could/might +do,1. did2. were,1. did 2. were to do 3. should do,I dont know which to buy. If you were me, which would you buy?,If I were you, I would buy the red one.,Practices,If she hadnt eaten so much candy, she wouldnt have had her teeth pulled out.,She had her teeth pulled out because she ate too much candy.,Tom had a car accident because he drove after getting drunk.,If Tom hadnt driven after getting drunk, he wouldnt have had a car accident.,What would you do if you won the lottery some day?,If I won(were to win/should win) the lottery some day, I would buy a big house for my parents.,虚拟语气,If 型特例1:虚拟混杂条件句,定义:if虚拟条件句中,从句与主句的动作发生的时间不同。,For example: If they had studied hard last year, they could do it easily now.,与过去相反,与现在相反,各自为准,虚拟语气,If型特例2:省略 if 的虚拟倒装条件句,定义:虚拟条件句中,从句中有 were, had 或 should 时,可以省略if ,而把它们放在句首,构成部分倒装从句。,3. If you had not helped me,I should have failed.,2. If he should fail in the experiment this time, he would try again.,1. If I were you, I would not do that.,Were I you, I would not do that.,Should he failed in the experiment this time, he would try again.,Had you not helped me, I should have failed.,虚拟语气,If型特例3:含蓄虚拟条件句,定义:有时假设的条件不通过条件从句表现出来,而是暗含在上下文或without, otherwise, but for等引出的短语中。,3. 我那天很忙。否则,我就和他们一起去那儿了。,2. 要不是你的建议,在上次考试中我就会失败的。,1. 没有你的帮助,我今天完成不了此事。,Without your help, I couldn't finish it today.,But for your advice, I would have failed on the last exam.,I was busy that day. Otherwise I would have gone there with them.,“ 我宁愿自己没有遇见他。要是当年我遇见的人是你,我肯定活得更幸福。”-非诚勿扰女主角笑笑“I wish/would rather I hadn't met him. If I had met you that year, I would have lived a much happier life. - “If You Are the One”,Activity 1: Translation,如果我有一千万,我就能买一栋房子。我有一千万吗?没有。所以我仍然没有房子。如果我有翅膀,我就能飞。我有翅膀吗?没有。所以我也没办法飞。如果把整个太平洋的水倒出,也浇不熄我对你爱情的火。整个太平洋的水全部倒得出吗?不行。所以我并不爱你。 痞子蔡第一次亲密接触,If I _(have) ten million yuan, I _(buy) a house. Do I _(have) ten million yuan? No. Therefore, I still have no house. If I _ (have) wings, I _ (fly). Do I _(have) wings? No. Therefore, I can not fly.If all the water of the Pacific Ocean _(can) be poured out,it _ not extinguish my love for you. Can it be? No. Therefore, I dont love you.,


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