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2019 年 6 月大学英语四级阅读200 篇汇总Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic(脑电图的 )sense we shareit with all the primates(灵长类动物 )and almost all the other mammals and birds: itmay extend back as far as the reptiles(爬行动物 ).There issome evidencethatthe two typesofsleep,dreamingand dreamless,dependon thelifestyle.of theanimal,and thatpredators(食肉动物 )are statisticallymuchmore likely to dream than prey, which are inturn much more likely to experiencedreamlesssleep.Indream sleep,theanimalispowerfullyimmobilized(使固定不动 )andremarkablyunresponsivetoexternalstimuli.Dreamlesssleep is much shallower,andwe haveallwitnessedcatsor dogs cockingtheirearstoa soundwhen apparentlyfastasleep. The fact that deep dream sleep is rare among prey today seems clearly to bea product of natural selection, and it makes sensethat today, when sleep is highlyevolved, the stupid animals are less frequently immobilized by deep sleepthan thesmartones.Butwhy shouldtheysleep deeplyatall?Why shoulda stateof suchdeepimmobilization ever have evolved?Perhaps one useful hint about the original function of sleep is to be found inthe fact that dolphins and whales and aquatic mammals in general seem to sleep verylittle.There is,by and large,no place tohidein the ocean. Could itbe that,ratherthan increasing an animal's vulnerability, Ray Meddis of London University hassuggested this to be the case. It is conceivable that animals that are too stupidto be quite on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilizedby the implacable arm of sleep. The point seems particularly clear for the young ofpredatoryanimals.Thisisan interestingnotion and probablyat leastpartlytrue.练习题:Choose correct answers to the question:1.Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?A.Evolution of Sleep.B.Two Types of Sleep.C.The Original Function of Sleep.D.Animals and Sleep.2.Predators are _.A.able to prey even when they are in deep dream sleepB.more likely to experience dream sleepC.incapable of preying when immobilized by dreamless sleepD.good at preying on stupid animals3.The example of dogs and cats in the second paragraph is intended to _.A. explain which animals are mammalsB. show the differences between mammalsC. illustrate how shallow dreamless sleep isD. reveal how smart they are4.Compare with dreamless sleep, deep dream sleep is _.A. not the result of natural selectionB. less likely to appear to primatesC. more protective to the animalsD. at a higher stage of evolution5.Accordingto some scientists'researchfindings,dolphinsseldom sleep because_.A.of their stupidityB.of their vulnerabilityC.there are possible dangers in the oceanD.aquatic mammals do not need sleep1.A本文三段虽然讨论的内容各有侧重,但是都谈到了睡眠在各种动物中的差异以及发展的历史,具体用词如下: 第 1 段第 1 句中的 ancient,最后一句中的extend back;第 2 段最后一句中的evolved;第 3 段第 1 句中的 original function。 A 比较准确地归纳了本文大意。 B 只是概括了第2 段的内容 ;C 只提及第3 段的论述内容;D 似乎涵盖了三段内容, 但是过于宽泛 , 不够具体。2.B根据第2 段第1 句第4 个分句可知应选B。 A 的内容与该段第2 句相悖 ;C 中dreamless sleep应为 dream sleep 。 D 的内容文中没有涉及。3.C这个例子是为了证明无梦睡眠比较浅,即第2 第 3 句的前半句,所以选C比较合适。所有例子都是为之前或之后的话提供例证,因此 , 作者使用例子的目的可以从该例子之前或之后的一句话找到。本题中,猫和狗的例子是为了说明其前面的一句话, 其他选项与此无关 , 均可排除。4.D根据第 2 段倒数第3 句及末句,可以推断与无梦睡眠相比,深睡不动处于更髙的进化阶段。文中虽有提及无梦睡眠对于被捕食动物来说是一种自然选择,但并不意味着深睡不动不是自然选择,因此 A 不正确 ; 该句也提到 " 笨拙的动物与敏捷的动物相比,更少有深睡不动的时候 " , primates属于 smart ones, 因此更有可能深睡不动,B 与此相悖 ; 文中暗示无梦睡眠使低级动物更警觉,从而起到一定的保护作用,C 正好与这种理解相反,因此也不正确。5. C 最后一段第 2 句解释了第 1 句中所说的 " 海豚等睡眠少 " 的原因, C 比较确切地反映了文章内容。 A、 B、 D三项都与最后一段开头两句表达的意思无关。THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。- 可编辑修改 -


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