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Unit 3 A day out Reading2参考教案Step1 RevisionWe know Linda went to the World Park with the Class 1, Grade 8 students. Then Daniel made a home page. There are a lot of photos on it.After the trip, Linda also made a home page.Step2 Presentation1Look! This is Lindas home page. Is it nice? What can we find on it?What does Linda think of the trip?Did she feel sick all day?So she changed her feeling on the trip. Lets see how he feeling changed. Look at these faces. They show Lindas different feelings. How did Linda feel?2 .These lines show Lindas feelings and different placesAsk and answer in pairs: How did Linda at the school gate?Where did Linda feel sick?Why did Linda feel sick?Linda felt tired after the trip but she still felt happy, because she went to the World Park. Who invited her?Step3 Language points1. Mr. Wu invited her to join in their school trip. After the trip, what should Linda say to thank him? Talk about invite sb to do sth/a place Lindas birthday is coming. So she will invite her friends to come to her party/her home. What would you like to invite your friend to do?Where would you like to invite your friend? Mr. Wu invited Linda to the World Park. Where did they meet? How did they go there?What would you like to invite your friend to do?Where would you like to invite your friend? Mr. Wu invited Linda to the World Park. Where did they meet? How did they go there?2 .What else can we take if we have a trip? How long did the trip take Linda by coach? (Sth/It takes sb some time to do sth)Can you use “it to rewrite the sentence How do you go to school every day? How long does it take you to go to school? What can we know? (It takes.) How did you go to school this morning? How long did it take you to go to school? Now lets talk about Kittys trip first.(a form) How did ? How long did it take to by?( It takes) The trip took Linda two hours to the park. Where were they after two hours?3. They were at the gate of the World Park. We can say they arrived at the World Park. (arrive at a place) Here we use at. Can we use They arrived in the World Park. When we talk about a country or a city, we use arrive in (Nanjing/China) When we talk about a road, a park, a bridge, we use arrive at (Zhongyang Road) So which place is smaller? (the first place) We also have another two phrases to describe the same meaning. get to a place, reach a place (Theres no preposition after reach.) Can you remember how to use them? Lets have a try to fill in the blanks with the phrases above as many as you can. See how many phrases can you use in each black. They arrived at the World Park. Did they feel sick at that time?4.They didnt feel sick any more. (not any more) There are some sentences. Try to complete them using not any more For example: Its cold today. But I wear warm clothes, so I dont feel cold any more. What about others? What dont they do any more? Try to give me more suitable sentences to complete each one. Discuss with your partner.Amy drank water in class. Now she doesnt drink in class any more. What about you? What dont you do in class any more? You do better in class than before. Why dont we do that do that in class? Because we should listen carefully. There are a lot of useful knowledge and interesting things for us to learn in class. Such as English class, right? Lets go back to Lindas home page and see some more interesting pictures.5. What are they? Where are they?Are they famous and interesting? So we call them places of interest(a place of interest). What other places of interest do you know? So we have many places of interest in the world. And they are all interesting places. Many people are interested in them. Are you interested in the pyramids/the Golden Gate Bridge? (Yes, I am interested in ) Do you think they are interesting? ( Yes, they are interesting.) So we are interested in them because they are interesting. What subject are you interested in? Why? What is Eddie interested in? (sleeping and eating)Now do you know the differences between interested and interesting?Now Eddie and Hobo are talking about sports? Complete their dialogue6. We have other adjective groups like interested and interesting.(excited/exciting, bored/boring, amazed/amazing) They also have different meanings. Do you know how to use them? Have a try.Fill in the sentences with the right adjectives.You are so clever. Because you can teach yourselves how to use these words.7. Daniel is also clever. Because he taught himself how to make a home page. teach oneself/learn by oneself Can you rewrite it? Show some pictures. Ask What can she teach herself? What can you teach yourself? What can your friend teach himself/herself?Step4 Practice1. Now lets look at Lindas diary. Help her complete it. We know a lot about her trip. If you want to know


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