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2022年考博英语-江西师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题人们现在感到不满意,不是因为事情比以往更糟,而是因为比以往任何时候都好。以婚姻为例,在加利福尼亚,十对夫妇中有约六对离婚在一些较富裕的社区这个比例还要高一些。必须承认,这些数字反映出许多不满。但人们从未像现在这样渴望和欢迎婚姻。的确,婚姻是如此地引人入胜,连很多正在办离婚的人几乎等不及法律许可,就想再度结婚了。【答案】【参考译文】People are discontented these days, not because things are worse than ever, but because things are better than ever. Take marriage for example. In California there are about six divorces for every ten marriageseven higher in some of the better communities. One must admit that a good deal of discontent is reflected in those statistics. But marriage has never been more popular and desirable than it is now; so appealing in fact, that even those who are in the process of divorce can scarcely wait for the law to allow them to marry again.2. 单选题His license has been _ owing to his drunken driving.问题1选项A.demandedB.chargedC.suspendedD.recognized【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. demanded 要求;需要 B. charged 要价;收费;指控;冲C. suspended 暂停;使暂停使用 D. recognized 承认;意识到【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格部分的语义为“他的驾照被_”,后文提到“因为他酒驾”,根据句意可推断,他因为酒后驾驶,被吊销了驾照。因此,C选项suspended“暂停;使暂停使用”符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】因为酒后驾驶,他的驾照被吊销了。3. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your Chinese version on Answer Sheet. (10%)Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick up speed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in many fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years than in the entire previous history of science. While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that nuclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenancemaking the consequences of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.【答案】和人口爆炸一样,科技革命在十八世纪开始慢慢加速。之后这场正在进行的革命也突然呈指数地加速。例如,在过去十年中发生的重大新发现比以往整个科学史上的发现都要多,这已成为许多科学领域的一个公理。虽然没有任何一项发现产生了像核武器对我们与战争的关系所产生的影响一样,对我们与地球的关系产生了如此大的影响,但总的来说,它们完全改变了我们为维持生存而不断积累的开采地球的能力,这使得无节制开采的后果与无节制的核战争的后果一样难以想象。4. 单选题 Is there any possible _ explanation for his bad health since he seems to have no obvious disease?问题1选项A.psychiatricB.psychologicalC.surgicalD.physical【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. psychiatric 精神病学的 B. psychological 心理的,心理学的C. surgical 外科的,手术上的 D. physical 物理的,身体的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】由原因状语从句since he seems to have no obvious disease(因为他似乎没有什么明显的疾病)可知,没有身体方面的疾病,那么推测,空格处表示“心理方面的原因”。因此,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都不符合句意。【句意】他的健康状况不佳有没有可能的心理原因,因为他似乎没有什么明显的疾病?5. 单选题Patrick has never learned a foreign language, _.问题1选项A.nor does he think he has toB.neither he thinks he has toC.he thinks he has not to, eitherD.he doesnt think he has to【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. nor does he think he has to 他也不认为他有必要 B. neither he thinks he has to 他也不认为他有必要C. he thinks he has not to, either 他认为他也没必要 D. he doesnt think he has to 他认为他没必要【考查点】表否定的用法。【解题思路】由never可知,空格前半句表示否定的含义,所以如果后半部分表示“也一样”应该用nor(也不是);且nor也是否定词,放在句首要部分倒装,故把情态动词或者助动词提前,A项符合。【干扰项排除】B选项neither表示“两者中没有一个”,不符合句意,排除;C选项either一般用于肯定句中;D选项没有连接词and,不能与前面的主句构成一个句子。【句意】帕特里克从来没有学过一门外语,他也不认为他必须学。6. 单选题In the 1920s demand for American farm products fell, as European countries began to recover from World War I and instituted austerity (紧缩) programs to reduce their imports. The result was a sharp drop in farm prices. This period was more disastrous for farmers than earlier times had been, because farmers were no longer self-sufficient. They were paying for machinery, seed, and fertilizer, and they were also buying consumer goods. The prices of the items farmers bought remained constant, while prices they received for their products fell. These developments were made worse by the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and extended throughout the 1930s.In 1929, under President Herbert Hoover, he Federal Farm Board was organized. It established the principle of direct interference with supply and demand, and it represented the first national commitment to provide greater economic stability for farmers.President Hoovers successor attached even more importance to this problem. One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he took office in 1933 was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which was subsequently passed by Congress. This law gave the Secretary of Agriculture the power to reduce production through voluntary agreements with farmers who were paid to take their land out of use. A deliberate scarcity of farm products was planned in an effort to raise prices. This law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on the grounds that general taxes wer


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