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word文体学复习1、 Style: Manners indicating prominent linguistic features, devices or patterns, most (or least) frequently occur in a particular text of a particular variety of language. (有许多种,此为in this book, general, linguistic-oriented), P52、 Stylistics:is a branch of linguistics which studies in a scientific and systematic way concerning the manners/linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels. Literary stylistics: concentrates solely on unique and overall linguistic features of the various genres of literature. 考点The development of stylisticsThe scope of studyThree crucial aspects of speech: Substances sounds and symbols; Form; Situation3、 Stylistic analysis: is generally concerned with the uniqueness of a text (what is peculiar to the use of language in a given text for delivering the message). This naturally involves parisons of the language of the text with that used in conventional types of discourse. Stylisticians may also wish to characterize the style of a given text by systematically paring the language uses in that text with those in another. Thus, we may conclude that stylistic analysis is an activity which is highly parative in nature.Practice 5. Analyze the following text.Policeman: Whats your name, boy?Black psychiatrist: Dr. Poussiant. Im a physician.Policeman: Whats your first name, boy?Black psychiatrist: Alvin. The word boy may be used to address a male inferior. In above conversation, the form is used to address a physician, who is usually accorded high respect in the US and is addressed as Dr. So-and-so (Title + Surname). Insistently using the form boy, the white policeman shows his racist contempt of and prejudice against the black people.4、 Linguistic description:refers to the exploration and classification of linguistic features of a given text.每个category下面的各个分类(1) The Phonology Category:Phonology here is used to refer to the system of speech sounds in a language.(2) The Lexical Category:Lexis is used here to refer to the choice of words.(3) The Syntactic/Grammatical /Category:Syntax is used here to refer to rules for ordering and connecting words into sentences.(4) Semantic Category:Semantics is used here to refer to the meaning of words, expressions, etc. and by what means the meaning is conveyed from the addresser to the addressee.Procedure of linguistic description1) Work systematically through the text and note down points we feel of some stylistic significance respectively under the various headings.2) Quantify the frequency of a linguistic feature. 3) Assess the importance of stylistic features. 4) Make statements about the overall linguistic picture of the text in question, bringing together diverse features to show how they form a coherent, integrated pattern, and making judgments about or interpreting the significance of such patterns in relation to the context of the text as a whole.5、1Text: A text is any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that forms a unified whole. A text is then a semantic unit, a unit not only of form, but also of meaning. A text is realized by a sequence of language units, whether they are sentences or not. Cohesive devices: Implicit connectivityExplicit connectivity1) Transitional words/phrases2) Grammatical deviceEllipsis Substitution Coreference3) Lexical reiteration材料Examine the following conversation, find out whether linguistic units in it are overtly cohesive or not.A: See who that is. B: Im in pyjamas. A: OK.Linguistic units in the conversation are not overtly cohesive. In this text, the relevance of Bs remark to As first remark is conveyed by pragmatic implication. “Im in pyjamas implies an excuse for not plying with As mand (= “No, I cant, because Im in pyjamas.) As second remark implies that he accepts Bs excuse and undertakes to do himself what he originally asked B to do (= OK. Ill go myself and see. Texts are therefore recognized as appropriately coherent in actual use. A full understanding of a text is often impossible without reference to the context in which it occurs.2Context:Context refers to all elements of a municative situation. (One is “linguistic context, referring to the linguistic units preceding and/or following a particular linguistic unit in a text. The other is “extra-linguistic context or “context of situation, referring to the relevant features of the situation in which a text has meaning. )Contextual factors:Field of discourse(语场):the institutional setting, private or public, in which a piece of language occurs, embracing not only the subject matter in hand(正在进展中的主要的事情), but the whole activity of the speaker or participant in a setting, which corresponds to Hallidays “ideational function of language.Tenor(语旨):The participants, their education, social status, the role-relationship between the addresser and the addressee; the degre


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